User | Post |
9:31 pm August 14, 2014
| OneCentAtatime
| | Florida, USA | |
| Member
| posts 1778 | 
Fellow Yakezies. I just published my story of mortgage loan shopping, and need your critiques, comments and love, if you feel this is worth it.
I am thinking about adding stories of others towards the end. So, feel free to send links to your posts as well, if you have one. Either mail me or post here.
Apologies for being unsolicited boost seeker
8:32 am August 17, 2014
| Elle
| | Raleigh, NC | |
| Member | posts 199 | 
Got it scheduled for both Twitter and Facebook today and tomorrow!
3:29 pm August 17, 2014
| OneCentAtatime
| | Florida, USA | |
| Member
| posts 1778 | 
Post edited 3:33 pm – August 17, 2014 by OneCentAtatime
Thank you so much! Appreciate it a lot! Returned favor, you don't have a CPC ad on your site?
5:26 pm August 17, 2014
| Elle
| | Raleigh, NC | |
| Member | posts 199 | 
I usually do, but I'm in the process of updating my site, so things are a bit messy this past week. Hopefully things will be finished by Wednesday or Thursday.
I'm trying to get things ready before Couple Money's 5th anniversary giveaway next month.
8:19 pm August 17, 2014
| debt debs
| | |
| Member | posts 32 | 
Elle said:
Got it scheduled for both Twitter and Facebook today and tomorrow!
Pardon my inexperience, how do you schedule a tweet?
1:07 pm August 18, 2014
| Elle
| | Raleigh, NC | |
| Member | posts 199 | 
Pardon my inexperience, how do you schedule a tweet?
You can use a services like Hootsuite or Buffer (my favorites) to schedule posts to Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. I tend to read posts from around the web at set times and don't want to flood followers with a tons of tweets so I spread them out.
As far as picking out when to tweet, I use Tweriod occasionally to see when my followers are most likely to be online as use that as my 'schedule'.
My goal is to share great content with readers looking for personal finance tips and info.
One thing that I'm trying to get better with is including hashtags to get the word out to people already interested in the topics.
5:06 pm August 18, 2014
| debt debs
| | |
| Member | posts 32 | 
Elle said:
Pardon my inexperience, how do you schedule a tweet?
You can use a services like Hootsuite or Buffer (my favorites) to schedule posts to Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. I tend to read posts from around the web at set times and don't want to flood followers with a tons of tweets so I spread them out.
As far as picking out when to tweet, I use Tweriod occasionally to see when my followers are most likely to be online as use that as my 'schedule'.
My goal is to share great content with readers looking for personal finance tips and info.
One thing that I'm trying to get better with is including hashtags to get the word out to people already interested in the topics.
Thank you Elle. I will look into this. Right now I'm just using Vanilla Twitter LOL I tried some other tool once (can't remember the name) but I didn't like it because they wanted you to pay to upgrade to PRO to avoid having advertising like features in your tweets. Yucch! Thanks again!