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7:54 am June 18, 2012
| jaicatalano
| | New York | |
| Member | posts 846 |
Does anyone have a suggestion on a good wordpress theme for a stock investment blog? I hear Headway is good but I would love to hear some other's thoughts. Thanks.
8:49 am June 18, 2012
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 |
I use Thesis for everything. Here is my link for Thesis. It takes a little time up front to learn, but it is incredibly powerful and great once you get used to it. I have a developer license so I can use it on all of my sites.
4:25 pm June 18, 2012
| jaicatalano
| | New York | |
| Member | posts 846 |
Eric – said:
I use Thesis for everything. Here is my link for Thesis. It takes a little time up front to learn, but it is incredibly powerful and great once you get used to it. I have a developer license so I can use it on all of my sites.
Do you have to pay annually for that license?
8:55 pm June 18, 2012
| Jeff Rose
| | |
| Member | posts 574 |
jaicatalano said:
Do you have to pay annually for that license?
Nope, it's a one time fee. Depending on how many sites you might wan to run on it, I would suggest getting the developer's license. I'm currently running Thesis on at least 6 sites, so it was totally worth it.
Also, I have some blogging friends that have switched from Thesis to Genesis and say they really like it. Never tried it myself so can't give a personal reck'd.
4:47 am June 19, 2012
| Glen Craig
| | |
| Member
| posts 1087 | |
I use Thesis as well.
According to their site they may have Thesis 2.0 coming in August where the price will be going up for new users. I've also heard people liking Genesis as well.
Best thing to do – take a look around and find some sites you like and find out what they use.
5:33 am June 19, 2012
| Hank Coleman
| | North Carolina | |
| Member | posts 363 |
Thesis is definitely great. It is well worth the money especially for the developer's licence if you are putting it on multiple sites like Jeff mentioned.
7:42 am June 19, 2012
| John @ Married with Debt
| | Illinois | |
| Member | posts 239 |
I too am looking for a new theme, and decided that learning Thesis and Genesis is not in my long term plan.
Headway was suggested by Corey to me, and it looks like a solid option.
I also found something called UDesign at ThemeForest that I'm strongly considering buying, because like Headway, it seems to be highly customizable. (Not an affiliate link)…..eme/253220
6:18 pm June 21, 2012
| jaicatalano
| | New York | |
| Member | posts 846 |
Well it's going to be photography based but not as a showcase but as a tips and tricks and inspiration grabbing stuff.
Obviously there will be photos on there but not like what is on my site now.
7:16 am June 22, 2012
| Sunil from The Extra Money Blog
| | |
| Member | posts 362 |
I too use Thesis for my blog, as well as 8 niche sites (the rest of my sites are still on traditional static HTML pages).
It all depends on your objective. Thesis is best for SEO and user interface in my opinion. Optimize press is best for capture/landing pages if that's what you are going for.
If you are still on the fence and would like like to read how Thesis works from an SEO perspective and why it's beneficial, you can check out a recent blog post I did on how Thesis has helped my blog's SEO get to where it is today.
30%+ of my traffic comes from search engines.
The Extra Money Blog– Expedited Wealth Building Through Multiple Streams of Active & Passive Income (Entrepreneurship, Internet Marketing, Personal Finance)
11:22 pm June 28, 2012
| Dividend Ninja
| | Vancouver B.C. | |
| Member | posts 198 |
There is no doubt about it, Thesis and StudioPress (Genesis Framework) are the best and widely used by the top bloggers. WOO Themes and Elegant Themes are good too, WOO is great for photo galleries and commerce. I used ThemeJunkie when I redesigned the Dividend Ninja. I'm happy with ThemeJunkie, but looking back I would have used Thesis or Genesis Framework.
6:05 am July 2, 2012
| jaicatalano
| | New York | |
| Member | posts 846 |
Thanks guys. I think I am going with Thesis because I love there SEO stuff. I actually found out that I can create a child theme and develop the site for my needs. Although the website is based on photography it's not going to be loaded with images.