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7:52 am December 20, 2011
| Invest It Wisely
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| Member
| posts 2019 |
Post edited 7:53 am – December 20, 2011 by Invest It Wisely
I started a new site, "Financial God". The site is going to be a companion to Invest It Wisely, but edgier, more controversial, and focused more on economics, futureism, and government.
Story about the name: It's not meant to offend any religious readers. Actually, it started out as a joke: I was talking to my girlfriend once about some financial stuff; I think she must have been a bit peeved that day, and she started to make fun of me: "you think you know so much, you must think you're some kind of a financial god or something." and then I decided to register the name. ;)
I let it sit until I had an idea to use this site to post news and topics that I find interesting, with a focus on free-market economics and with a Canadian angle as well.
What do you guys think? I'd love to hear your thoughts both positive and negative. I should hopefully have a logo ready for the site sometime soon.
8:16 am December 20, 2011
| LaTisha @YoungFinances
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| Admin
| posts 1715 |
Just took a look! sounds like an interesting angle
8:43 am December 20, 2011
| The College Investor
| | San Diego, CA | |
| Admin
| posts 1935 |
I saw your site after you left a comment! Should be fun one!
9:12 am December 20, 2011
| retireby40
| | USA | |
| Member
| posts 1381 |
Congratulation! Looks great! I think we all need at least 2 sites.
9:14 am December 20, 2011
| Watson Inc
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| Member | posts 371 |
Haha. I was wondering who was Financial god. I love the idea of you being even more free to be edgy. I hate the thought that you don't feel that liberty with IIW, but I do understand. I like the look of the site so far, and I'm curious what you will choose for your logo. I think this will be a good adventure.
9:58 am December 20, 2011
| Charles @ MoneyGreenLife
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| Member | posts 318 |
Invest It Wisely said:
I started a new site, "Financial God". The site is going to be a companion to Invest It Wisely, but edgier, more controversial, and focused more on economics, futureism, and government.
Story about the name: It's not meant to offend any religious readers. Actually, it started out as a joke: I was talking to my girlfriend once about some financial stuff; I think she must have been a bit peeved that day, and she started to make fun of me: "you think you know so much, you must think you're some kind of a financial god or something." and then I decided to register the name. ;)
I let it sit until I had an idea to use this site to post news and topics that I find interesting, with a focus on free-market economics and with a Canadian angle as well.
What do you guys think? I'd love to hear your thoughts both positive and negative. I should hopefully have a logo ready for the site sometime soon.
I like your new angle, but I'm not too crazy about the name. Personally, it just doesn't sit with me very well, but that's just me. Good luck with the new site, if it becomes as reputable as IIW, you're in business!
5:33 pm December 20, 2011
| Squirrelers
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| Member | posts 986 |
When I saw a comment from that name, I wondered if this was a 2nd site from someone I'd be familiar with. Now I know! :) Best of luck with the new blog, I'll have to spend time there.
5:41 pm December 20, 2011
| krantcents
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| Member | posts 909 |
6:38 pm December 20, 2011
| Invest It Wisely
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| Member
| posts 2019 |
@The College Investor,
Thanks guys!
@Watson Inc,
Thanks Roshawn! I let out the occasional edgy post on IIW as my readers will know ;) but otherwise I try to keep it apolitical. There's some areas that I would like to explore, but IIW doesn't seem like the place as I haven't really gone there before and that's not the type of readership I have. I feel it would be too "noisy" to have everything on IIW, but having additional sites will allow me to split it up a bit better.
@Charles @ MoneyGreenLife,
Thanks for the compliments about IIW, I appreciate that. :) I hear you on the name; I like it in a way since it's also edgy, but it's also the type of name that can be polarizing and I don't want people to think I'm trying to be cocky or anything cause that's really not the kind of person that I am ;) but it has stuck for now. I haven't yet thought of something better.
Yep! :) Thanks for the good wishes.
9:18 pm December 20, 2011
| Super Frugalette
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| Member | posts 484 |
I like the idea…I am not a big fan of "God" in stuff but I could be romanced over if it was some allusion to Greek mythology…like "Dividendus" the Financial God…
3:40 am December 21, 2011
| Derek@LifeAndMyFinances
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| Member
| posts 1298 |
Sounds incredibly interesting, and definitely controversial! Sometimes those are the best blogs though. Good luck with it!
6:40 am December 21, 2011
| TightFistedMiser
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| Member | posts 361 |
Good luck with the site. Maybe if you explain how you came up with the name on your About page or somewhere that would make it more acceptable to any readers that have a problem with the name.
7:03 am December 21, 2011
| Dr Dean
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| Member | posts 241 |
Good luck. How will you keep up material for two sites? I have trouble with keeping one going with what I hope is decent stuff…. Edgy is good, we have enough boring PF sites…
7:20 am December 21, 2011
| moneycone
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| Member | posts 617 |
I like the zen like layout of your site! I've also added you to my reader list and I'll try to get you in on my next round up. (If I forget, please feel free to ping me!)
I have to agree with Dr. Dean, how do you find time to manage two sites! :)
8:52 am December 21, 2011
| Invest It Wisely
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| Member
| posts 2019 |
@Super Frugalette,
Haha I like that idea. I'll have to think of something. ;)
@Derek @ Life And My Finances
I have found that the most interesting posts for me are the ones that are a bit more controversial and go a bit against the commonly-accepted grain. Obviously you don't want to enter tinfoil land, but a certain degree of controversy spices things up… or so I'm hoping. ;)
That is a good idea and I should probably do that, with a small about in the sidebar later.
@Dr Dean
Now you know how I've been spending my vacation. ;)
Thanks moneycone! I've been a pseudo-fulltime blogger for the past two days, so that's how I've been preparing up posts for next month. ;)
2:22 pm December 21, 2011
| Miss T @ Prairie Eco-Thrifter
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| posts 2213 |
Congrats. I was wondering who this was when I got a comment. Good job. I hope it turns out to be a hit and if you want to guest post on my site to start up some traffic feel free to send me a couple when you get a chance.
3:37 pm December 21, 2011
| Khaleef @ KNS Financial
| | Fat Guy, Skinny Wallet | |
| Member
| posts 3149 |
Congratulations on your new site. I feel the same as Super Frugalette regarding the name, but I don't see it as offensive.
I think we need more economic based articles – I wish I had time to write more about it (although, I still want to write my book)!
5:50 pm December 22, 2011
| MaximizingMoney
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| Guest
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I like the name. It instantly makes a statement and is memorable. Plus, it could be taken in different ways, and I like that allusiveness about it. Looks like you've covered some really interesting topics with it so far. I added it to my directory. Good luck with it.
5:52 am December 26, 2011
| maria@moneyprinciple
| | Manchester, UK | |
| Member | posts 679 |
Just had a look – and like what I see. Good luck with it.
7:15 am December 26, 2011
| Invest It Wisely
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| Member
| posts 2019 |
@Miss T
Thanks, I appreciate that!
I will also be looking to write a book next year. Let me know about your adventures in doing so.
Thanks for the compliments! I like that the name brings different reactions to different people. It definitely makes an impact.
Thanks! :)