Post edited 7:43 am – January 20, 2011 by Sustainable PF
- add pictures to your posts when appropriate
- I disagree w/ BLB, but he knows more than I do. Some full text some excerpt are ok. When I went full excerpt I saw a decrease in clicks as there was little on the page to "hook" the reader into liking the content – just a blurb.
- slow down. You don't need to post 2 times a day with full articles. You mentioned pouring hours into the work – spread it out some. Readers may not even have a chance to read one article and another is posted same day.
- noticed the URL in CAPS as well (same with your feed heading)
- the area I think you should focus on is your niche which is what it's like to be a "broke professional". Discuss your history in education, finding employment, paying off loans, trying to live in a big city etc etc etc. Try to write articles that will cater to this crowd, and in articles not specifically about Broke Professionals try to gear these pieces toward how whatever you're writing about will help a Broke Professional. Remember, there are TONS of sites discussing investing, frugality, ways to save money etc etc but you need your own little place in the blogosphere which will attract a core of readers. Build your brand. Your image in the top right says "over educated and under paid, explore your journey to broke" – i'd grab onto this niche and run with it.
- I've noticed a lot of highlighting in bold and use of headings. These things are great if they are used appropriately (especially to help SEO, apparently) but I personally find that too much bold text/sentences makes an article hard to read. You want to highlight the MOST important points/words. Remember, most people are used to reading text from a book, newspaper or mainstream website. Deviating too far from the "normal" format can throw people off.
- you might want to add a twitter subscribe symbol and an option for people to subscribe via email. Not everyone is into RSS Readers.
Just my noobie opinions.