User | Post |
11:24 am January 26, 2012
| Dr. Jason Cabler
| | Hendersonville/Nashville, TN | |
| Member | posts 68 |
Post edited 7:14 pm – January 26, 2012 by Dr. Jason Cabler
Hey everybody, I'm ready to start accepting guest posts at Celebrating Financial Freedom! Just go here to find out what the requirements are. I'm looking forward to working with and getting to know more of you through this process so we can make each other stronger. Just contact me by email with your ideas or a post you may already have prepared and maybe we can work together.
8:03 am January 30, 2012
| Dr. Jason Cabler
| | Hendersonville/Nashville, TN | |
| Member | posts 68 |
Ok, so I asked for guest posts a couple of weeks ago and I see that over 40 people have viewed this post and many have clicked the link, but no one has contacted me about actually doing a post.
So what's going on? Did my Guest Post page just completely turn you off or are you just feverishly getting a post ready before you contact me?
I'm kind of puzzled as to why and would love to get some feedback here so I can change anything that may be a barrier to anyone wanting to guest post. So, be honest but don't be mean, my fragile ego may not be able to take it, ha!
8:17 am January 30, 2012
| MyJourneytoMillions
| | |
| Member
| posts 1012 |
I can't go to your site as it is blocked at my office (odd)…but it may have to do with a lack of interaction in the yakezie group/forums. With only 15 posts (2 of them being here) people may assume you need material as opposed to wanting to help someone get exposure. Just a thought though, I could be completely off.
8:28 am January 30, 2012
| Dr. Jason Cabler
| | Hendersonville/Nashville, TN | |
| Member | posts 68 |
Well, I'm not desperate for material at this point. I'm actually ahead of the game on material and have guest posted for others twice this month. I also have a guest post almost done that I will be shopping around soon.
I just realized that I've only had one guest post on my site and I'd like to branch out more and get more active in the community. I've had several people contact me about guest posting over the last few months (non-Yakezie) but none of them could even write a readable email.
So, Just looking to promote others a little bit as we should be doing in Yakezie. I just got focused more on guest posting for others and forgot that I need to solicit guest posts as well to spread the wealth.
Thanks for the input!
8:42 am January 30, 2012
| 20s Finances
| | |
| Admin
| posts 1147 |
I think Evan may have a point, but it may also just be a timing issue. Some weeks are busier for some than others. For me personally, I know there are also writing spurts. Some weeks I can crank out 4-5 guest posts in my free time and other weeks zero. Right now, I'm just not feeling it. Plus, I have been busy with a few other projects I've been working on and guest posting takes a back seat for now. It's nothing against your or your site.
9:09 am January 30, 2012
| Dr. Jason Cabler
| | Hendersonville/Nashville, TN | |
| Member | posts 68 |
Yes, I can definitely see that it could be a timing issue. I'm sure everybody's day jobs are now in high gear now that the holidays have gotten way behind us, and everybody has put their nose to the grindstone starting on their blogging goals for the year.
Thanks for the comments.
Anyone else have any input or offer of a guest post?
11:33 am January 30, 2012
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 |
I would focus more on guest posting on other sites while your site is new and try to solicit more guest posts as you are involved the the Yakezie for a longer period of time. It helps build goodwill and grow your site traffic and recognition.
12:25 pm January 30, 2012
| Dr. Jason Cabler
| | Hendersonville/Nashville, TN | |
| Member | posts 68 |
Thanks Eric. I have been focusing more on that and hope to do more soon. Thanks for the advice!
2:09 pm January 30, 2012
| MyJourneytoMillions
| | |
| Member
| posts 1012 |
Again,I can't go to your site but it might just because your site is too small right now (I could be way off as I can't see your comments/feedburner/alexa?PR etc.).
I know if I am going to put a guest post out there I need to know where I am going to get the most bang for my time. Again, I don't know if you fall into this but if you have a PR0, with 10 readers a day then you aren't actually doing me any favors by allowing me to guest post…in fact I am probably doing you the favor by promoting the site. That being said it is likely this is a sliding scale for everyone. For example the only place I have seen Sam guest post was at Consumerism Commentary – he went for the bigger site.
Does that make sense?
2:37 pm January 30, 2012
| Dr. Jason Cabler
| | Hendersonville/Nashville, TN | |
| Member | posts 68 |
Yes, thanks. My goal is definitely to post to a larger site than mine. My Alexa is right at 300,000 and dropping rapidly. I believe my PR is 1. Maybe I haven't gotten big enough to be worth the time for most to post yet. However, I'm sure there are some challengers out there that could benefit from a guest post with me. We'll see.