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7:23 am August 14, 2011
| Freddie @ Invest With Passion
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| Member | posts 204 |
Greetings Yakezie,.
It seems each time I pose a question to the group I get wonderful responses that help me increase my blogs look and functionality, so now that I want to improve my EARNINGS I thought I would come back to the well.
I am looking for ways to get my CTR (Click Through Rate) up on my blog. Here is one of the post pages:
The things I am considering are color scheme, relocation of the nav ad under the menu bar, and maybe even removing one of the ad blocks, but I am hoping someone has some suggestions.
Where any of you able to successfully improve your CTR? What did you do and what would you suggest for me?
7:56 am August 14, 2011
| Tony Chou @ Investorz' Blog
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| Member | posts 643 |
12:15 pm August 14, 2011
| LaTisha @YoungFinances
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| Admin
| posts 1715 |
From what I understand the 350x200 block is the best performing and then the 728x90. Also you will immediately improve the click through rate if you remove an ad block or two. Some times less is more.
1:08 pm August 14, 2011
| MyJourneytoMillions
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| Member
| posts 1012 |
I don't if it was coincidence my traffic and shot up exponentially when I set my current layout (take a look)
1:54 pm August 14, 2011
| My Personal Finance Journey
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| Member
| posts 3159 |
Just took a look at your post. You've got the big square ad box within the post, which is as I'm told is the best performing size and location. So, I'd just sit back and wait.
The only thing you might think about doing is blending the color of the ad link titles with the links in your posts.
5:48 pm August 14, 2011
| Wojo
| | SW Florida | |
| Member | posts 57 |
I agree. The current location of the ad is by far the best performing spot on my site (I use a similar location, but right-justified). CTRs are about 3-4 times higher than anywhere else on the site, and sometimes as much as 10-20 times higher than something in the sidebar, which I've found is just about the worst location. So as far as location goes, I think that's as good as you're going to get, short of showing pop-up ads (just kidding, please don't).
I would play with the color and fonts and see what performs better, but I think any changes there will be marginal compared to the placement.
6:07 am August 15, 2011
| Freddie @ Invest With Passion
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| Member | posts 204 |
Thanks for the comments. I figured playing with the colors was really my only outlet. I will give a few of a shot in the coming weeks. This site gets such great cpc that I would love to increase the number of clicks to really maximize it. I could earn some serious cash if I can get that one done.
Test test test, guess that is my future!
Thank you, everyone!
8:41 am August 15, 2011
| Henry @ TotallyMoney
| | London | |
| Member | posts 95 | |
I have had some good results by blending the adsense ads into my theme.
Testing is the way to go, because what works on one blog might not work on another.