User | Post |
10:15 am February 16, 2012
| seedebtrun
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| Member | posts 327 |
It would be nice to have a few more blogs included in our Spring Straggler Yakezie promotion team.
The current members are listed below:
Basically, as a member of the team.. You would:
- Add the other team members to your blogroll
- Subscribe to their RSS feed and follow them on Twitter
- Comment on their posts at least once per week
- Retweet their posts, or mention them in your "weekly favorites" posts, if you are into that sort of thing.
Reply to this thread if interested :-)
11:09 am February 26, 2012
| TacklingOurDebt
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| Member | posts 121 |
I wanted to bump up this post as I know new people have joined in the past 2 weeks and if they would like to join our small team that would be excellent.
Please reply to this post if you are interested, or PM one of us through the forum.
2:52 pm February 26, 2012
| evolvingPF
| | Durham, NC | |
| Member | posts 50 |
I would like to join the group! Thanks Sicorra for pointing me here.
One hiccup is that I don't use Twitter (yet). I signed up for a handle (evolvingPF) but I just haven't figured out the proper way to use it and added it to my daily routine. So I will be a bit late getting that rolling but I'll get there eventually. Of course I will visit, comment, link, etc. in the meantime. Let me know if that's a problem.
4:21 pm February 26, 2012
| TacklingOurDebt
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| Member | posts 121 |
Good to hear from you Emily! I will send you a PM on here to introduce you to our group. Don't worry about twitter. But if you need help with Twitter, let me know.
6:04 pm February 26, 2012
| FKOnline
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| Member | posts 24 |
If it isn't too late, I would love to join as well.
6:15 pm February 26, 2012
| WorkSaveLive
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| Member | posts 187 |
I'm definitely interested in joining. I sent SeeDebtRun a PM last week and never heard anything back. Please let me know what I need to do!
6:24 pm February 26, 2012
| TacklingOurDebt
| | |
| Member | posts 121 |
That is awesome! I will send you both PM's on here with the details. Let us know if you have any questions.
6:40 am February 27, 2012
| seedebtrun
| | |
| Member | posts 327 |
Sorry for not getting back to you WorkSaveLive.. I didn't see the Personal Message Until now..
I need to find a way to get notifications in my email when I get a PM from this forum.
Welcome to the straggler team!
6:54 am February 27, 2012
| Kari @ Small Budget Big Dreams
| | Metro NYC | |
| Member | posts 10 |
Hi everybody, I just joined last night (Thanks Sicorra) and I'm looking forward to getting to know everybody. I'm already reading several of the blogs here, but can't wait to read all the rest. Go "Stragglers"!
7:43 am February 27, 2012
| The Single Saver
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| Member | posts 689 |
Count me in. I always miss the normal teams and have had great luck with the straggler teams in the past. :)
8:03 am February 27, 2012
| dmateer25
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| Member | posts 136 | |
I would be interested in joining too!
8:06 am February 27, 2012
| OneCentAtatime
| | Florida, USA | |
| Member
| posts 1778 |
Count me in as well for my challenger site FPR
9:04 am February 27, 2012
| TacklingOurDebt
| | |
| Member | posts 121 |
Thanks Everyone for joining!
We now have 13 bloggers in our group.
My understanding is most groups have 10, so I suggest we close our group at 13.
I will PM you with a list of all the blogs as I couldn't leave 13 links on this one message.
9:33 am February 27, 2012
| dmateer25
| | |
| Member | posts 136 | |
TacklingOurDebt said:
Thanks Everyone for joining!
We now have 13 bloggers in our group.
My understanding is most groups have 10, so I suggest we close our group at 13.
I will PM you with a list of all the blogs as I couldn't leave 13 links on this one message.
Great! I have subscribed to everyone's feeds. I look forward to getting to know all of you!
10:07 am February 27, 2012
| Nick
| | |
| Member | posts 247 |
Oohhh a procrastinator list. I'd be happy to join although I'm currently in an informal "team." If you wouldn't mind me splitting my loyalty (while making sure I comply with each of your requirements, of course), I'm in. Let me know. I'd love to expland my online networking.
10:16 am February 27, 2012
| Nick
| | |
| Member | posts 247 |
ooops – just read the post above mine, haha. Happy you got your group together! Best of luck kicking butt in the challenge!
11:41 am February 27, 2012
| seedebtrun
| | |
| Member | posts 327 |
Thanks for handling the PMing, TacklingOurDebt!!
Can you paste the full list of sites out here, so that I can make sure I have everyone in my RSS Reader, Twitter list, and Blogroll?
11:45 am February 27, 2012
| seedebtrun
| | |
| Member | posts 327 |
Never mind..
I see the private message..
Thanks again!
11:50 am February 27, 2012
| The Single Saver
| | |
| Member | posts 689 |
Post edited 11:54 am – February 27, 2012 by The Single Saver
Where is the private message? Is there a way to access PMs on Yakezie? I am suddenly feeling very stupid for not knowing this and wondering if I have a year's worth of PMs that I have never known existed!
12:05 pm February 27, 2012
| seedebtrun
| | |
| Member | posts 327 |
The Single Saver said:
Where is the private message? Is there a way to access PMs on Yakezie? I am suddenly feeling very stupid for not knowing this and wondering if I have a year's worth of PMs that I have never known existed!
In the upper right hand corner of any page in the forum, you will see a red box with an envelope next to it.
The number in the red box is the number of private messages that you have.