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7:18 am
December 12, 2012

Budget & the Beach


posts 15

It's been a long time since I've used forums so bear with me. I joined the challenge a few weeks ago and I'm just getting to this now. I hope this is OK to post here. If not feel free to direct me to the right location. :) Enough of that! 

My site is called Budget & the Beach. I've been a personal finance blogger since May. I enjoy it so much that I'm starting to take it more seriously and monetize it. 

I'm a freelance video editor living in LA, and my blog centers around my journey to become more financially stable, and perhaps share some insights and tips along the way. I hope you'll stop by! 


Budget & the Beach

The story of an independent girl's search for the good life at the beach while pursuing financial freedom in the sometimes rocky waters of the freelance world.

7:54 am
December 12, 2012

My Personal Finance Journey


posts 3159

Welcome! I like your site design! :)

Jacob @ My Personal Finance Journey

Visit me at My Personal Finance Journey

Email me

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10:09 am
December 12, 2012

Budget & the Beach


posts 15

Thank you! 

Budget & the Beach

The story of an independent girl's search for the good life at the beach while pursuing financial freedom in the sometimes rocky waters of the freelance world.

2:16 pm
December 12, 2012



posts 385

Hey! Welcome!


PF Blog:  Finance Triggers

Lifestyle/Fashion Chic Darling

Reach me: Marissa @

5:06 pm
December 12, 2012

Lance at Money Life and More


posts 160

Good luck and let me know if I can help in any way. Welcome!

Visit my Blog: Money Life and More

Follow me on Twitter

Like my page on Facebook

5:13 pm
December 12, 2012

Budget & the Beach


posts 15

Hey I know you two! :) Thanks! I'll try to organize my thoughts before I start firing away questions! 

Budget & the Beach

The story of an independent girl's search for the good life at the beach while pursuing financial freedom in the sometimes rocky waters of the freelance world.

5:48 pm
December 12, 2012



posts 274

Welcome Tonya! :)

                                                        Pauline @ Reach Financial Independence

Yakezie Member Site: 

Reach Financial Independence 

Email:  tdmpauline *at* gmail *dot* com

I am also on Twitter and Facebook

9:07 pm
December 12, 2012



posts 187

Welcome to the challenge! I've noticed you around my site a bit lately; just keep connecting with bloggers and the challenge will go great. I could be wrong but I think you were on my initial spring team when I entered the challenge. Did you get a new logo design?


…I also could be totally wrong and thinking of somebody else. lol.


Anyway, as the others have said: please feel free to ask any questions or shoot me an email if you need any help.

Website: WorkSaveLive
Follow me on Twitter @WorkSaveLive
Facebook: WorkSaveLive

8:13 am
December 13, 2012

Budget & the Beach


posts 15

Hey Jason-

Nope, wasn't me! I just signed up a couple of weeks ago. :)

Budget & the Beach

The story of an independent girl's search for the good life at the beach while pursuing financial freedom in the sometimes rocky waters of the freelance world.

11:08 am
December 13, 2012

Khaleef @ KNS Financial

Fat Guy, Skinny Wallet


posts 3149

Welcome to the challenge. Feel free to contact me if you need anything.

Khaleef "Fat Guy" Crumbley

My Battle to Lose 100lbs and Pay off $100k in Debt:…..innywallet

Personal Finance From A Biblical Perspective:

3:35 pm
December 13, 2012


posts 407

Welcome to the challenge. i know I've seen you around the #pfworkout crowd, am I right? You'll love it here :)

3:42 pm
December 13, 2012

Budget & the Beach


posts 15

Yup that's me! That reminds me, I need to record my workout today! 

Budget & the Beach

The story of an independent girl's search for the good life at the beach while pursuing financial freedom in the sometimes rocky waters of the freelance world.

3:42 pm
December 13, 2012

Budget & the Beach


posts 15

Yup that's me! That reminds me, I need to record my workout today! 

Budget & the Beach

The story of an independent girl's search for the good life at the beach while pursuing financial freedom in the sometimes rocky waters of the freelance world.

11:46 am
December 14, 2012

Khaleef @ KNS Financial

Fat Guy, Skinny Wallet


posts 3149 said:

Welcome to the challenge. i know I've seen you around the #pfworkout crowd, am I right? You'll love it here :)

Ugh…I completely forgot about the #pfworkout!!! I need to start following that hashtag.

Khaleef "Fat Guy" Crumbley

My Battle to Lose 100lbs and Pay off $100k in Debt:…..innywallet

Personal Finance From A Biblical Perspective:

2:11 pm
December 14, 2012



posts 327

Welcome, Tonya!  You'll fit in with this crowd just fine.  :)  -M

See Debt Run

Follow our journey back to financial sanity

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9:04 am
December 15, 2012

Budget & the Beach


posts 15

Khaleef @ KNS Financial said: said:

Welcome to the challenge. i know I've seen you around the #pfworkout crowd, am I right? You'll love it here :)

Ugh…I completely forgot about the #pfworkout!!! I need to start following that hashtag.

I know I keep forgetting too! 

Budget & the Beach

The story of an independent girl's search for the good life at the beach while pursuing financial freedom in the sometimes rocky waters of the freelance world.

11:15 am
December 15, 2012



posts 126

Welcome to the Challenge!

Follow Street Smart Finance

Blog []

Follow on Twitter [ @ssmartfinance ]

12:06 pm
December 18, 2012

Ted Jenkin @ YourSmartMoneyMoves

Gen X & Y Finance


posts 212

Welcome to the challenge! I have met TONS of GREAT people and sites here!

About Me – Ted Jenkin

Wall Street Journal Expert – View My Articles

Breathe Easier® About Your Financial Future – Your Smart Money Moves (Read the blog)

Follow on Twitter – @oXYGenFinancial

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