User | Post |
10:31 am January 4, 2013
| wealthnote
| | |
| Member | posts 28 | 
I recently received an affiliate payment for $100 and I wanted to invest the money back into my blog. Up till this point the only money I have spent on the blog is for the hosting and domain name. I really want to take the blog to the next level and I wanted to figure out how I could best spend this little bit of money on my blog. I have researched several options:
- Buying Traffic : From what I can tell this option just doesn't work. The traffic is useless and no one visiting your site will actually read anything or interact with your site.
- Buying New Plugins : I like this idea but I'm not really sure what new functionality I would like to add to my site.
- Run a contest : I also like this idea because I would be able to get some new followers on Twitter or fans on Facebook using I worry about the quality of visitors it would attract. I don't want a bunch of people just looking to win something and never come back after the contest.
- Buy some content : I could offer the money to a professional to provide a great article. I love awesome content.
- Start a complimenting blog : I could start another blog that compliments my current one, but I rather just work on making this one project a success.
Anyways those are a few of my ideas, but I am still not really sure what I want to do. What would you do if you wanted to invest a little money in your blog? Where can I get the most for my money? Thanks in advance for all your help…I look forward to your insights.
10:43 am January 4, 2013
| jonrhodesuk
| | UK | |
| Member | posts 277 | 
Personally I would buy myself a nice meal with the money as a reward, then write a few guest blog posts for some top blogs to promote your blog for free! 
11:23 am January 4, 2013
| Pauline
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| Member | posts 274 | 
A contest is a nice idea, and if people also have an option to subscribe to your RSS feed, chances are many will stick around afterwards.
I currently reinvest the money I make on improving the design of my site (logo, premium theme…) which should increase both user experience, and improve the speed of the website, and its rankings.
11:38 am January 4, 2013
| FrugalRules
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| Member | posts 161 | 
I would echo Pauline's thoughts. People always love a giveaway and getting an increase in some of your social numbers will generally look good to any potential advertisers. Beyond that I am reinvesting it into upgrading my site with an eye to a complete overhaul of my site.
12:16 pm January 4, 2013
| WorkSaveLive
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| Member | posts 187 | 
Interesting…I can't remember where I reinvested my first dollars. I think it was on a giveaway (or a few), so I'd encourage that along with John and Pauline.
What really helped me was giving away a new book by fairly popular writers. I started by giving Jon Acuff's "Quitter" away and he retweeted the giveaway, giving me tons of hits and quite a few people that entered. I then did Money Saving Mom's Budget book and she promoted it as well.
Getting some extra recognition will go a long way in increasing your twitter followers or FB fans. For the full $100 though I may be tempted to check out Long-Tail Pro if I were you. Although paying the extra $12/month for the Platinum is a good follow-up to that.
Good luck!
6:12 pm January 4, 2013
| Fig (Figuring Money Out)
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| Member | posts 76 | |
Agreed, giveaways are awesome. It's really a way to invest in your blog AND give to someone else!
7:15 pm January 6, 2013
| Lena Gott
| | United States | |
| Member | posts 252 | 
My first instinct would be to say invest it in some content. But if you have that covered, then I'd go for a giveaway. I'm with Pauline, though – I like to invest in improving my site's functionality and appearance. My theme is next on the to-do list!
11:00 pm January 6, 2013
| retireby40
| | USA | |
| Member
| posts 1381 | 
I would invest in a good theme like Thesis or Genesis.
3:58 am January 7, 2013
| Derek@LifeAndMyFinances
| | |
| Member
| posts 1298 | 
I wouldn't spend it all at once! Even a $25 gift card promotion could promote some traffic – so you could make that $100 stretch for 4 months if you wanted. Don't worry about buying traffic with ads – the traffic won't stick anyway. You want to attract real eyeballs that are interested in your content. That's the traffic that keeps coming back for more.
5:51 am January 7, 2013
| MoneyIsTheRoot
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| Member
| posts 1456 | 
A contest is usually the best bet…use rafflecopter…but only spend like $25… anything more will only provide minimally higher returns.
9:30 am January 7, 2013
| Doctor Stock
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| Member | posts 293 | 
I echo the contest… but realize that those too are relatively short lived. The idea of separating it into 4 $25 prizes is great… sustainability is key.
1:18 pm January 7, 2013
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 | 
My first big investments were a premium theme (Thesis) and logo design (99 Designs)
8:22 pm January 7, 2013
| wealthnote
| | |
| Member | posts 28 | 
Ok so I am going with the giveaway option.
As part of my Yakezie challenge and giving back to the community I would like to offer any Yakezie members the chance to gain a few more followers or Facebook likes. Rafflecopter allows me to give away entries in exchange for Facebook likes and Twitter followers. I will make a new thread once I have everything organized and the details worked out.
One thing I am working on…how do you promote a contest. I have a few sweepstakes directories I plan on submitting to, but what about a more personal finance type of audience? How can I bring them to the contest?
8:39 pm January 7, 2013
| Edward Antrobus
| | Fort Collins, CO | |
| Member
| posts 1008 | 
Well, if you are including others in your giveaway, it will be in their best interest to promote the giveaway once it's up. Another option that seems to work pretty well from what I've seen is having one of the entries of the giveaway for tweeting a message about the giveaway. Then each person who enters is also promoting it, creating ever widening circles.
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