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7:44 am January 17, 2012
| Craig @ PFDiscussion
| | |
| Member | posts 44 |
Hello everyone,
My blog is pretty new. I am trying to post new articles almost everyday. Anyway, when I checked my blog (around 20 days ago) on Alexa ranking it was 5,200,150 odd. (can't remember properly). Today when I again checked it, it's come down to 1,679,116 which means, my blog's ranking has gone up. Great !!!
But just asking….. is it normal for any newly launched site/blogs? (pardon me if I sound stupid asking this question)….. or I am doing something that my blog's ranking is going up? I think I am too excited ; need to calm down a bit? Please let me know if blog is going right way or just this is normal and natural process for any blog /site?
7:54 am January 17, 2012
| Eric J. Nisall
| | Coral Springs, FL | |
| Member | posts 377 |
It is definitely quite common for a new blog to make massive moves early on, and quite easy too but just putting a site up won't do it. It is all because you are actively making the blog expand by posting, and attracting visitors which is what moves the Alexa rankings in a positive direction. So, if you keep posting, and keep putting out content that more people will want to read you will continue to see improvements, but beware: as you get higher, the jumps become smaller and it becomes more difficult to make large moves up the rankings. That is normal because as you get better rankings, the competition it stiffer, as that is where the more heavily trafficked sites reside. You should be excited, but also keep it in perspective and you will be less likely to suffer any disappointments when things start to level off a bit (I know I did)
8:13 am January 17, 2012
| Buck Inspire
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| Member
| posts 1546 |
Congrats! It is very exciting. But Eric has a great point. You can get addicted to watching your ranking drop. Focus on your writing, visiting other blogs, learning, and improving. Eventually the massive drops will level off and if your mind isn't set straight, you could be hit with a letdown. Keep it up, ask questions, and have fun!
8:21 am January 17, 2012
| Craig @ PFDiscussion
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| Member | posts 44 |
Thanks Eric & Buck Inspire for your lovely and thoughtful feedback. Yes, I realized that too. I thought how come the blog moves so quickly. .. but as Eric pointed, the more I go up, I will meet with strong and in fact stronger sites who will be hard to budge.. Yes, I will concentrate on posting new articles almost everyday and increase readers' base.. as of now, I will try to get used to see my ranking go down a bit.. I know this will happen soon….. …Anyway once many thanks to both of you….
5:11 pm January 17, 2012
| Invest It Wisely
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| Member
| posts 2019 |
Percentage gains mean more than absolute gains. At some point moving a few thousand is a big gain. It is very normal, and congrats. You will see a lot more progress as you go on. :)
5:15 pm January 17, 2012
| Pat S
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| Member | posts 160 |
Take it slow and focus on quality… the metrics will come! The biggest risk is burning out!
6:38 pm January 17, 2012
| Funancials
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| Member | posts 345 |
pfdiscussion said:
Hello everyone,
My blog is pretty new. I am trying to post new articles almost everyday. Anyway, when I checked my blog (around 20 days ago) on Alexa ranking it was 5,200,150 odd. (can't remember properly). Today when I again checked it, it's come down to 1,679,116 which means, my blog's ranking has gone up. Great !!!
But just asking….. is it normal for any newly launched site/blogs? (pardon me if I sound stupid asking this question)….. or I am doing something that my blog's ranking is going up? I think I am too excited ; need to calm down a bit? Please let me know if blog is going right way or just this is normal and natural process for any blog /site?
I don't think you can ever be too enthusiastic or too excited, but like Eric said – this kind of drop is quite common. Your Alexa should steadily drop until you get around 150-200k. Whatever you do, don't post everyday. Remember – Quality over quantity.
7:52 pm January 17, 2012
| Super Frugalette
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| Member | posts 484 |
I agree with what everyone else says. I had to slow down my blogging time and my alexa started to creep up. If you just stay active it will go down and stay down.
8:12 pm January 17, 2012
| smartfamilyfinance
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| Member | posts 103 |
Congrats! It's great to hear that you are moving down in Alexa so quickly.
8:42 pm January 17, 2012
| ThadP @
| | Austin area, Texas | |
| Member | posts 184 |
Buck Inspire said:
Congrats! It is very exciting. But Eric has a great point. You can get addicted to watching your ranking drop. Focus on your writing, visiting other blogs, learning, and improving. Eventually the massive drops will level off and if your mind isn't set straight, you could be hit with a letdown. Keep it up, ask questions, and have fun!
Buck, I just signed on with Yakezie yesterday, and saw the benefits almost immediately…in terms of page views. But tonight it occurred to me that I was looking more at the stats than at what I need to be working on … the writing. Thanks for the good suggestion about focusing on the writing.
3:43 am January 18, 2012
| jaicatalano
| | New York | |
| Member | posts 846 |
Yes in less than month I went from 5million to 388k. Just read everything. Comment and participate from the heart.
Congrats BTW
3:46 am January 18, 2012
| jaicatalano
| | New York | |
| Member | posts 846 |
Eric J. Nisall said:
It is definitely quite common for a new blog to make massive moves early on, and quite easy too but just putting a site up won't do it. It is all because you are actively making the blog expand by posting, and attracting visitors which is what moves the Alexa rankings in a positive direction. So, if you keep posting, and keep putting out content that more people will want to read you will continue to see improvements, but beware: as you get higher, the jumps become smaller and it becomes more difficult to make large moves up the rankings. That is normal because as you get better rankings, the competition it stiffer, as that is where the more heavily trafficked sites reside. You should be excited, but also keep it in perspective and you will be less likely to suffer any disappointments when things start to level off a bit (I know I did)
Thanks Eric… You are so right.
6:35 am January 18, 2012
| Eric J. Nisall
| | Coral Springs, FL | |
| Member | posts 377 |
I'm just doing for you new guys and gals what the others did for me when I first joined. I was in the same exact place many of you are right now, and without the help and guidance of so many who were here when I came aboard, I wouldn't be anywhere near where I am today (which isn't saying terribly much but still…)
The one thing above all I would suggest doing is searching the boards for any topics you have questions about if if you still can't find an answer, ask.
6:39 am January 18, 2012
| Hank Coleman
| | North Carolina | |
| Member | posts 363 |
Congrats and keep up the hard work. Don't lose steam.
8:26 am January 18, 2012
| Craig @ PFDiscussion
| | |
| Member | posts 44 |
Thank you all for your wonderful words of appreciation. Yes, this network is doing a good job to new blogger like us. Thanks..
PS: I am following all you people in twitter. Hope you find my twitter account worth following too.
2:08 pm January 18, 2012
| ThadP @
| | Austin area, Texas | |
| Member | posts 184 |
Eric J. Nisall said:
It is definitely quite common for a new blog to make massive moves early on, and quite easy too but just putting a site up won't do it. It is all because you are actively making the blog expand by posting, and attracting visitors which is what moves the Alexa rankings in a positive direction. So, if you keep posting, and keep putting out content that more people will want to read you will continue to see improvements, but beware: as you get higher, the jumps become smaller and it becomes more difficult to make large moves up the rankings. That is normal because as you get better rankings, the competition it stiffer, as that is where the more heavily trafficked sites reside. You should be excited, but also keep it in perspective and you will be less likely to suffer any disappointments when things start to level off a bit (I know I did)
How often does the Alexa ranking change? I jumped on day one by 2 million, but even after the most page views ever yesterday, it hasn't moved at all.
What moves it? Unique visitors? Or pageviews?
2:40 pm January 18, 2012
| Eric J. Nisall
| | Coral Springs, FL | |
| Member | posts 377 |
Here's a link to the exact answers to your questions.
5:25 pm January 18, 2012
| Charles @ MoneyGreenLife
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| Member | posts 318 |
yeah don't get too excited. just work on content and developing relationship with others and your readers within your community. rankings will naturally follow!
7:04 am January 19, 2012
| Craig @ PFDiscussion
| | |
| Member | posts 44 |
Charles @ MoneyGreenLife said:
yeah don't get too excited. just work on content and developing relationship with others and your readers within your community. rankings will naturally follow!
Yes Charles.. I am working on my content and networking with fellow bloggers. I understand that it will be very tough to pull thru in ranking. As long as I have good content and SEO work on the blog, I may see the light.. I would like to go slow.. Thanks for the feedback friend.
7:12 pm January 20, 2012
| Miss T @ Prairie Eco-Thrifter
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| Member
| posts 2213 |
Charles @ MoneyGreenLife said:
yeah don't get too excited. just work on content and developing relationship with others and your readers within your community. rankings will naturally follow!
Ditto to that. Congrats on the growth already.