User | Post |
3:13 pm April 10, 2014
| frugaling
| | |
| Member | posts 139 | 
Hey Yakezians!
I'm writing to share the latest interview I conducted with Grayson Bell of Debt Roundup.
Also, I wanted to announce that I'm looking to interview some of you! Please contact me. I've interviewed 5 of the top bloggers in our personal finance sector, but I want more!!!
I can't wait to profile a few of you. :) Each time I interview and share the results, I'm shocked about how much I learn.
Hope to interview you soon!
7:56 pm April 10, 2014
| debtroundup
| | Raleigh | |
| Member | posts 190 | 
Thanks again Sam for interviewing me!
12:15 am April 11, 2014
| moneystepper
| | |
| Member | posts 182 | 
Hey Sam,
Cool series – just read through all the interviews posted to date – very interesting stuff!
I would love to be interviewed if you have space and I qualify… :)
12:39 am April 11, 2014
| professorsavings
| | |
| Member | posts 7 | 
HI Sam,
Let me know if you need more people to interview.
good night
Rayfil Wong
2:20 pm April 13, 2014
| maria@moneyprinciple
| | Manchester, UK | |
| Member | posts 679 | 
Sam, I sent you a message through your blog.
6:00 pm April 13, 2014
| Robert @ The Prop Trading Futures
| | Italy | |
| Member | posts 10 | 
Hi Sam,
I love your interviews.
Even if I would not be your typical guest, I would enjoy to be your guest.
If interested let me know.
7:28 am April 14, 2014
| LaTisha @YoungFinances
| | |
| Admin
| posts 1715 | 
This is really neat! Just left you a message.
5:29 am April 15, 2014
| frugaling
| | |
| Member | posts 139 | 
Terrific! Thanks everyone for contacting me through the form.
I have a bunch of people signed up!
If you still want to join the interview series: contact me here to signup.
11:10 am May 2, 2014
| LaTisha @YoungFinances
| | |
| Admin
| posts 1715 | 
Thanks for the interview! It's live here:…..-finances/