User | Post |
1:20 pm January 9, 2013
| My Personal Finance Journey
| | |
| Member
| posts 3159 | 
Post edited 2:21 pm – January 9, 2013 by My Personal Finance Journey
Howdy everyone!
I'm starting to put together the hosting schedule for the 12 (monthly) editions of the 2013 Carnival of Passive Investing, now embarking on it's 3rd year of life! Wooohoo! 
All slots are currently open, so if you're interested in meeting some new folks and learning a little bit more about passive investing, just shoot me an email at
The hosting schedule can be found at the link below:
Carnival of Passive Investing Hosting Schedule
2:16 pm January 9, 2013
| Pauline
| | |
| Member | posts 274 | 
I'd be happy to host, I just sent you an email!
2:40 pm January 9, 2013
| FrugalRules
| | |
| Member | posts 161 | 
I'd love to host as well. Email is forthcoming.
2:48 pm January 9, 2013
| Edward Antrobus
| | Fort Collins, CO | |
| Member
| posts 1008 | 
Looking at my traffic for 2012, hosting the Yakezie carnival definately helped me last year. Sending you an email now.
I'm looking for editors, beta-readers, and some demographic research for my upcoming novel, Once Upon a Saturn Moon. If you like reading soft sci-fi thrillers, maybe with a touch of romance thrown in, you can find more information at…..aturn-moon
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SEAM Publishing – | eBook formatting and publishing service
12:53 am January 10, 2013
| The College Investor
| | San Diego, CA | |
| Admin
| posts 1935 | 
1:13 am January 10, 2013
| John B
| | |
| Member | posts 23 | |
6:54 am January 10, 2013
| Khaleef @ KNS Financial
| | Fat Guy, Skinny Wallet | |
| Member
| posts 3149 | 
Post edited 6:54 am – January 10, 2013 by Khaleef @ KNS Financial
Is it safe to assume that you are primarily looking for hosts that write about investing?
12:10 pm January 14, 2013
| My Personal Finance Journey
| | |
| Member
| posts 3159 | 
The hosts don't have to have sites primarily focused on investing, just the ability to discern between what constitutes passive investing and what is not. I'm sure you'd do great Khaleef! :)
Khaleef @ KNS Financial said:
Is it safe to assume that you are primarily looking for hosts that write about investing?
12:11 pm January 14, 2013
| My Personal Finance Journey
| | |
| Member
| posts 3159 | 
We've had a great response so far! Thanks to everyone for volunteering. There are two slots open for 2013, so let me know if anyone is interested! Thanks. :)