Hi all,
I'm blogging at http://www.moneytimeblog.com and I used to blog as Mr. Cheap on moneysmartsblog.com
I've been wondering what a reasonable monetization is for pageviews. Primarily I just want a metric to evaluate whether I'm doing a good job of monetizing or if I need to step it up.
Back when I was blogging before 07/08, we were getting about 1 cent per pageview, using adsense and banner sales. A friend who works at Google said he wasn't able to allowed to say anything about this, but directed me to this page (http://www.quora.com/How-many-…..ad-revenue), which gave me the impression that a quarter to a half a cent per pageview would be a reasonable estimate (for adsense at least).
In Financial Samurai's recent post, http://yakezie.com/206528/featured/why-bloggers-still-dont-get-much-respect/ he referred to bloggers "easily make anywhere from 3 – 10 cents a pageview".
Do other bloggers agree that this is a reasonable amount?
Thanks for any thoughts,