User | Post |
8:18 pm August 30, 2013
| Edward Antrobus
| | Fort Collins, CO | |
| Member
| posts 1008 | 
Edward Antrobus said:
Pauline said:
I am two points over too haha. I read that G may discontinue pagerank like they did reader and other things in the past months, so Moz may have done a big algorithm change before they announce that there will not be PR updates anymore. Mozrank should be the natural next metric for advertisers.
That's an interesting thought. If PR does go the way of the dodo, MozRank would be the natural choice. Now, I've never heard anything about the good folks at SEOMoz being too upset about private advertising. Would that mean it would be open season for that?
Nah, G still owns the internet. Private Advertising manipulates search results (in G's eyes), and they don't care what metric the advertiser is looking at, they care if you 'dofollow' a link that you were paid for.
Yes, but so far, they haven't tried messing with their search results to punish, just hanging out PR penalties. If they discontinue PR, they lose their sick.
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9:21 pm August 30, 2013
| femmefrugality
| | |
| Member | posts 105 | 
The mozRank for my blogspot page jumped up, but my new self-hosted is at 0. :( (Self-hosted is new since the last G.. PR….was that Feb?) Got all the traffic from the blogspot address redirecting to the new one. This is an intersting rumor. I don't know to hope if it's true or not. Seems like a lot of people in the PF world may benefit from mozRank metrics holding more value. But are the higher numbers as hard to attain as they are in G.. PR?
11:53 pm August 30, 2013
| maria@moneyprinciple
| | Manchester, UK | |
| Member | posts 679 | 
Post edited 1:13 am – August 31, 2013 by maria@moneyprinciple
femmefrugality said:
The mozRank for my blogspot page jumped up, but my new self-hosted is at 0. :( (Self-hosted is new since the last G.. PR….was that Feb?) Got all the traffic from the blogspot address redirecting to the new one. This is an intersting rumor. I don't know to hope if it's true or not. Seems like a lot of people in the PF world may benefit from mozRank metrics holding more value. But are the higher numbers as hard to attain as they are in G.. PR?
Interesting question! My thoughts on it are as follows:
Both PR and mozRank are measures of the 'centrality' of a site in a very large network. I have used loads of network analysis for other purposes but it is basically the same – how important you are in a network depends on several measures of centrality (degree and network centrality are the mian ones). Centrality is always a derivative if your 'in-degree' (nodes connecting to you) and 'out-degree' (nodes you connect to). There are different ways to be central – you can be connected to a great number of 'regular' nodes or bridge different large clusters (these are extreme).
Not much that is new here but had to re-cap so that I could point out the following:
- Every time someone 'lost' their PR they didn't loose anything (their position in the network was not changed); it is just Google shose not to disclose what this position is; since PR was used by advertisers and other bloggers (site owners) to decide on the authority and importance of a site this had consequences (you are more likely to approach a site that is PR5 for guest posting, if you know your interest and most of us do).
- mozRank is easi(er) to increase at the lower levels; it gets really hard at about the previous level 5 (now about 7). Which is, I believe, the way it should be – there is 'low cost' entry (yes my new sites are on 0.00 as well and I suppose the number will appear about mid-way when it makes sense as soething to distinguish active sites from the rest) and then when a certain level of centrality is achieved it gets much harder. To increase your mozR you will have to connect to really highly ranking sites (9 – 9.99) and we all know how easy this one is (I was recently quoted as an academic in THE newspaper of the land and at the suggestion to link to my personal blog the journalist expalined that editors don't like that; now this would have been a link to 8 something…:)).
I am a great mozR fan – at least they play fair and don't do the 'monopolistic' thing where they hide your postition to punish you because they don't like something you've done (interesting, but this is a very 'comand economy' approach to things and has always annoyed the socks off me). With mozR, by completely organic means the internet will split into the 'mediocre' and the 'outstanding' – if your blog/site is not outstanding it is highly unlikely it will grow beyond a certain level. Quality will be what truly counts!
Sso I would be happy were this change to occur.
I may be wrong on this but that is my reading for the time being (a reverence to me being British); I'll welcome a discussion on the matter.
7:25 am August 31, 2013
| krantcents
| | |
| Member | posts 909 | 
Today, I noticed my MozRank jumped from 5.32 to 7.18! I noticed quite a few others have a similar jump which makes it look like a hiccup. I wonder if it will stick or go away in a few days?
4:24 am September 1, 2013
| maria@moneyprinciple
| | Manchester, UK | |
| Member | posts 679 | 
It's been around for three-four days now, Krant. It looks like a chamge to me.
7:30 pm September 2, 2013
| BeatingBroke
| | North Dakota, USA | |
| Member | posts 860 | 
I'm wondering if it isn't some change in their algorithm. So far, from what I can tell, the change is pretty uniform and everything seems to have jumped. Maybe they changed the scale? Or maybe they took something else into account?
7:34 am September 4, 2013
| MoneyBeagle
| | |
| Member
| posts 1466 | 
I did a check on a few other personal finance sites and the jump seems to be uniform. I'm guessing they either changed their scale or there was some change that was pretty uniform.
Either way, I don't think it matters. Seems very few of anybody pays much attention to anything other than PR. We can say it matters and point out ways it should matter, but in the end, PR is what matters.
11:54 pm September 10, 2013
| maria@moneyprinciple
| | Manchester, UK | |
| Member | posts 679 | 
And things seem to be back to normal; though my MozRank is much higher than when all this jumping about started it is back to mid-5s….
How are you doing, guys?
4:32 am September 11, 2013
| FrugalRules
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| Member | posts 161 | 
Mine looks like it returned to earth as well, though still a bit higher than it was before. It also looks like I got a nice little DA boost though.