User | Post |
5:01 am August 28, 2013
| Club Thrifty
| | |
| Member | posts 251 | 
Hey everybody! For those of you who own more than one domain/website, do you typically use a separate hosting plan for each website/domain or do you simply use an add-on domain to the hosting plan you already have? What are the benefits and drawbacks of each? Thanks for your input!
11:22 am August 28, 2013
| This That And The MBA
| | |
| Member | posts 240 | 
add on domain if you are going after another niche…if you are going to be linking back and forth between them you may want another hosting account with a separate ip…ie you dont want ot keep passing link juice back and forth on the same shared hosting ip..might get introuble for trying to sculpt page rank…pbn definitely separate…
4:43 pm August 28, 2013
| Anton Ivanov
| | San Diego, CA | |
| Member | posts 129 | 
I have 3 add-on domains and never had any issues. Performance isn't really an issue if you don't have dedicated hosting because there are probably dozens of other domains already on your server.
6:16 pm August 28, 2013
| debtroundup
| | Raleigh | |
| Member | posts 190 | 
I have about 20 add-on domains under my hosting plan. It is the easiest way to do it. Also, linking between your sites is Ok, even if on the same IP address. I have done it for years and never had any issues. I also don't link my sites that are not in the same niche. No need to pay extra for another hosting account.
6:27 pm August 28, 2013
| This That And The MBA
| | |
| Member | posts 240 | 
google it…depends on what you are looking for…making a network to boost your rankings you do not want shared…especialy shared with your own accounts where you are going to be link building with…
multiple blogs its fine…where you are not doing link building….
google black hat seo
6:29 pm August 28, 2013
| Club Thrifty
| | |
| Member | posts 251 | 
Thanks guys. My 2 biggest concerns are passing link juice back and forth and them both crashing at the same time.
6:32 pm August 28, 2013
| This That And The MBA
| | |
| Member | posts 240 | 
dont worry bout the crashing…there are many other sites on the shared hosting not just your 2 or 10…
passing page rank as we all know against google rules..
just know your end intentions…if you are building a network of sites to potentially pass page rank….just cover do not want to leave a google foot print to get smacked..
if you want to build a few sites…thats fine…i wouldnt worry bout it…the same shared hosting is fine..