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11:25 am September 20, 2012
| michael @ financial ramblings
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| Member | posts 196 | 
Post edited 11:26 am – September 20, 2012 by michael @ financial ramblings
They get much more traffic, I'm sure, but very few of their visitors use the Alexa toolbar. Alexa rank reflects traffic from people with the toolbar installed, not traffic per se.
11:30 am September 20, 2012
| Gen Y Finance Journey
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| Member | posts 69 | |
Very true. Still, I find it amusing. It will be an exciting day when my blog gets below my company's website. I'll be able to feel that in some small way, my blog is better than the $10 million business I work for. 
3:25 pm September 20, 2012
| Compound Capitalist
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| Member | posts 46 | 
Gen Y Finance Journey said:
Very true. Still, I find it amusing. It will be an exciting day when my blog gets below my company's website. I'll be able to feel that in some small way, my blog is better than the $10 million business I work for. 
Already got my website lower than the company I work for. That was an awesome day. It's not saying much since I work for a local company, but still :)
5:26 am September 21, 2012
| michael @ financial ramblings
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| Member | posts 196 | 
Day #5: 2,273,400 — down another 310k.
My descent is slowing… I suspect I'm starting to get closer to the "ceiling" (floor?) of sites that have at least some activity. I would imagine that all the sites I've been passing thus far are essentially defunct.
7:02 am September 21, 2012
| Jonnypean
| | Earth | |
| Member | posts 69 | 
My Alexa reached under 200,000.. Yee hooo..
10:23 am September 21, 2012
| Gen Y Finance Journey
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| Member | posts 69 | |
Congrats Jonny! I just switched over to a new domain, so my Alexa rank reset and there's no data yet. Curious to see where it will be when it comes back.
9:15 pm September 21, 2012
| Jonnypean
| | Earth | |
| Member | posts 69 | 
Thanks GenY, don't worry it will reflect soon, it usually takes some times to get indexed.
7:23 am September 22, 2012
| michael @ financial ramblings
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| Member | posts 196 | 
Day #6: Under 2 million… 1,875,831 to be precise.
10:38 am September 22, 2012
| Gen Y Finance Journey
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| Member | posts 69 | |
And the rank is back… at over 17 million. I'm assuming it will do a free fall down to around where I was on my old domain.
12:24 pm September 22, 2012
| michael @ financial ramblings
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| Member | posts 196 | 
Gen Y Finance Journey said:
And the rank is back… at over 17 million. I'm assuming it will do a free fall down to around where I was on my old domain.
I would assume so. I dropped from over 11 million to under 2 million in less than a week.
3:43 pm September 23, 2012
| michael @ financial ramblings
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| Member | posts 196 | 
Day #7: One week after debuting with an Alexa rank of 11,743,192 and I'm at… 1,645,574.
Just graphed it and the decay looks pretty cool. :-)
10:19 am September 24, 2012
| michael @ financial ramblings
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| Member | posts 196 | 
Day #8: Still not leveling off. Down another 200k to 1,441,559.
11:15 am September 24, 2012
| Gen Y Finance Journey
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| Member | posts 69 | |
Mine's already gone down by 10 million since the domain switch. Nearing pre-switch levels!
5:22 pm September 24, 2012
| AverageJoe
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| Member | posts 259 | 
I'm reading this and laughing. I totally remember the days of checking my Alexa every day….then it changed to my Compete rank….then my Technorati, Wisebread and MoneyCrashers….now I look at page views, time on site and bounce rate. I think I'm getting boring!
6:25 pm September 24, 2012
| michael @ financial ramblings
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| Member | posts 196 | 
AverageJoe said:
I'm reading this and laughing. I totally remember the days of checking my Alexa every day….then it changed to my Compete rank….then my Technorati, Wisebread and MoneyCrashers….now I look at page views, time on site and bounce rate. I think I'm getting boring!
Yeah, I figured that since I just started a new site and managed to catch it (my Alexa rank) on the very first day it was available that it would be instructive to others to see how quickly it changed.
4:14 am September 25, 2012
| MoneyBeagle
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| Member
| posts 1466 | 
I check my Alexa rank once a week, but now it's more page views and number of comments more than anything else.
5:12 am September 25, 2012
| michael @ financial ramblings
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| Member | posts 196 | 
Day #9: Another (smaller) decline. Now at 1,388,698. Perhaps things are starting to level off…
10:07 am September 26, 2012
| michael @ financial ramblings
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| Member | posts 196 | 
Day #10: Still inching downward. Now at 1,294,892 — so less than 100k improvement.
I'll probably continue doing this until I see my first non-decrease (or until I get bored with it).
10:23 am September 26, 2012
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| Member | posts 407 | 
Lol, this reminds me of my first days. It's like that first huge drop on the roller coaster. Nice progress Michael. :)
10:26 am September 26, 2012
| Gen Y Finance Journey
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| Member | posts 69 | |
Oh yea, I'm down by another 1.6 million today!