User | Post |
11:55 am October 22, 2012
| michael @ financial ramblings
| | |
| Member | posts 196 | 
Okay… So I spent some time nerding out in Excel and I found a power curve that fits the decay in my Alexa rank really, really well.
Rank = 9,000,000 x (days^-0.807)
In other words… 9 million times (the number of days raised to the power of -0.807).
The resulting R^2 value is 0.989 — told you it was a good fit!
Extrapolating (and assuming the same relationship holds) I should break 400k on day 48, 300k on day 68, and 200k on day 112. I'm currently on day 36.
Isn't math fun?
2:13 pm October 24, 2012
| Gen Y Finance Journey
| | |
| Member | posts 69 | |
Hah, I love it! My rank's decline as slowed a lot the past week or so, which I blame on the fact that I haven't been as active on this site and on Twitter. I've got to up my networking!
10:19 am October 26, 2012
| Gen Y Finance Journey
| | |
| Member | posts 69 | |
I'm under 1M today! That took too long, I need to work harder!
10:13 am November 1, 2012
| michael @ financial ramblings
| | |
| Member | posts 196 | 
Below 400k today, 46th day after receiving my first ranking.
10:15 am November 1, 2012
| Gen Y Finance Journey
| | |
| Member | posts 69 | |
Congrats! I'm still up in the 800k's, but it just keeps dropping.
12:19 pm November 1, 2012
| michael @ financial ramblings
| | |
| Member | posts 196 | 
Yeah, it's actually declined every single day since I first recv'd a ranking. Some more than others, but always down. I'm sort of surprised as I expected to have at least a few random fluctuations. I'll post another graph sometime later — may when I hit 200k.
Also, for the record, the decay is running a bit ahead of that predicted by the equation I posted above. Based on that projection, I should still be around 410k but I'm closer to 390k.
Again: Isn't math fun? ;-)
5:05 am November 2, 2012
| mathewbruce
| | |
| New Member | posts 2 | |
Be consistent way to go. In my point of view I feel Alexa is outdated, but I still try to achieve better results.
2:59 pm November 22, 2012
| michael @ financial ramblings
| | |
| Member | posts 196 | 
Today I'm tahnkful for… My Alexa rank dropping below 300k for the first time ever. 299,872 to be exact.
8:59 am November 23, 2012
| WellKeptWallet
| | |
| Member | posts 207 | 
That is awesome! Congrats!!!
2:18 pm December 8, 2012
| michael @ financial ramblings
| | |
| Member | posts 196 | 
Dropped below 250k for the first time yesterday.
5:44 pm December 8, 2012
| Pauline
| | |
| Member | posts 274 | 
michael @ financial ramblings said:
Dropped below 250k for the first time yesterday.
Congratulations Michael! You should break 200K way before day 112!
11:11 am December 15, 2012
| Shilpan
| | |
| Member | posts 126 | 
You are doing extremely well! Congrats!
6:46 pm December 17, 2012
| michael @ financial ramblings
| | |
| Member | posts 196 | 
Today, which is day 92 since receiving my first Alexa rank, my rank failed to improve. I went backwards from 227,392 to 227,627. A small and inconsequential change to be sure, but… I was very curious about where I'd run into resistance — and now I know. Between 225k-230k.
Regardless, I'm still ahead of that pace that I projected back in mid- to late-October. And yes, as I've admitted in the past, I'm a stats geek. :-)
11:01 pm December 17, 2012
| maria@moneyprinciple
| | Manchester, UK | |
| Member | posts 679 | 
Yep! I remember how frustrating this can be – and naturally the lower your rank the more likely it is. You are doing well though so keep going; also you may need to ease off the stats fof a bit – fun as this may be (and a way to get some sort of evidence you are doing well) getting fixated on stats too much eventually works against your blog. I suppose it has something to do with 'short term sacrifice for long term gain' which we forget.
6:45 am December 19, 2012
| OneCentAtatime
| | Florida, USA | |
| Member
| posts 1778 | 
A word of caution Michael, seeing stats is a purest form of time waste. Also responsible for later burn out. Channel your energy in productive blog work and make sure you put time aside for your personal life, else we'll soon see you looking for a sell out..
All the best for your rank anyway.
6:15 am December 20, 2012
| Cents To Save
| | |
| Member | posts 435 | 
Congrats to you! I am working on bringing my rank into better numbers too.
11:38 am December 22, 2012
| Lisa @ Thriftability
| | Southern California, USA | |
| Member | posts 46 | 
I had my Alexa down to 227k in early 2012. Had to put my blog on hold due to a neck injury, wedding, honeymoon, moving. I'm back now… came in right at 1,700,000 on 11/25/12 — although my PR did bump up a notch to PR3. I have been working hard at site re-vamps, SEO, social networking, regular posting, carnival hosting and submissions: is now hovering at 468,000.
Not bad work, but I'm re-entering the Yakezie Challenge, and would appreciate any link love, opportunities, comments (I will reciprocate!) and happy thoughts I can get.
Thanks all (for still being here when when I returned!)