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My First "Real" Video Blog – Your Feedback Needed!


5:28 am
September 10, 2012

Dominique Brown

Washington, DC


posts 510



Welcome back from FinCon. I'm sorry I couldn't make it out this year (I had to find out the sex of my child). However, I will be there next year to meet everyone.


I need your help! Can you please give me your feedback on the following video blog? This is my first "real" video blog. I ditched the suit/tie guy (typically finance guy) and embraced my personality.  Your feedback .. good or bad would be welcome.

One comment I received… "Talk too fast.. slow down a bit" and "Turn the volume up.. your voice is too low"

Let me know what you think.

8:39 am
September 10, 2012

LaTisha @YoungFinances


posts 1715

I thought it was great! I liked your energy and the professional look.

I would say definitely slow down a bit. I thought the volume was fine. Great job!


Young Adult Finances

Most Popular Post: I Have a Confession, I Don't Have a Budget

8:42 am
September 10, 2012

Dominique Brown

Washington, DC


posts 510

LaTisha @YoungFinances said:

I thought it was great! I liked your energy and the professional look.

I would say definitely slow down a bit. I thought the volume was fine. Great job!

Thank you for the comment! I appreciate it.

9:25 am
September 11, 2012

Frugal Portland

Portland, OR


posts 126

I think, also, with these, try to keep them under a minute. But you look like a pro, and I love the weights at the beginning!


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9:29 am
September 11, 2012

Dominique Brown

Washington, DC


posts 510

Frugal Portland said:

I think, also, with these, try to keep them under a minute. But you look like a pro, and I love the weights at the beginning!

Under 1 minute.. oh my.. Now would be a challenge for me! I will definitely try to have a few of those videos. You might have provided me an idea.. "1 minute quick financial tip" Wednesdays or something like that.

8:31 am
September 12, 2012



haha love it Dominique! 


I agree with some of the other users though, you could easily cut that video down into 2, even 3 videos! That's a lot more arm curls!! haha. 

A nice conclusion at the end going over what you've covered could be a good touch too. 


You'll find a lot more views coming your way with shorter videos, trust me.


Never the less, a great start!Smile

9:55 am
September 12, 2012

Dominique Brown

Washington, DC


posts 510

Ferratum said:

haha love it Dominique! 


I agree with some of the other users though, you could easily cut that video down into 2, even 3 videos! That's a lot more arm curls!! haha. 

A nice conclusion at the end going over what you've covered could be a good touch too. 


You'll find a lot more views coming your way with shorter videos, trust me.


Never the less, a great start!Smile

I took your idea.. I've already broke the videos down into smaller step by step segements for the user. I just finished the "How to order a free credit report" video.. it's 2:23 seconds :-).


My goal is to get to the 2 minute mark for all my videos.

8:20 pm
September 12, 2012

Jeff Rose


posts 574

Watching it for a 3rd time I now figured out what was missing.


Production quality: check.

Good audio: check. 

Great personality: check. 

Awesome intro: check. 


So what's missing?  Your story or at least a personal story. 


I think many of us learned (and relearned) at Fincon that it's the power of the story that moves, motivates and inspires people (our readers/viewers).   I think these videos are good for basic education, but they don't have that "relate factor."  


Trust me, this is something I'm very guilty of with my blog (SEO posts) and a lot of my videos (SEO videos).   My challenge to you (and myself) is how can we share tips like this but also wrap a story around it so that people can truly relate.


When Frugal Portland says to keep it under a minute, I think a person that can relate to the video would argue that a minute is too short.  They want to hear more about how to get out of that situation and could care less how long it is.  Hope that makes sense! 

Sorry, dude.  I'm usually not this heavy but it finally clicked with me.  Laugh

2:18 am
September 13, 2012

Dominique Brown

Washington, DC


posts 510

Jeff Rose said:

Watching it for a 3rd time I now figured out what was missing.


Production quality: check.

Good audio: check. 

Great personality: check. 

Awesome intro: check. 


So what's missing?  Your story or at least a personal story. 


I think many of us learned (and relearned) at Fincon that it's the power of the story that moves, motivates and inspires people (our readers/viewers).   I think these videos are good for basic education, but they don't have that "relate factor."  


Trust me, this is something I'm very guilty of with my blog (SEO posts) and a lot of my videos (SEO videos).   My challenge to you (and myself) is how can we share tips like this but also wrap a story around it so that people can truly relate.


When Frugal Portland says to keep it under a minute, I think a person that can relate to the video would argue that a minute is too short.  They want to hear more about how to get out of that situation and could care less how long it is.  Hope that makes sense! 

Sorry, dude.  I'm usually not this heavy but it finally clicked with me.  Laugh

Jeff.. I definitely appreciate the comment. No need to apologize. I'll try to add a personal touch to the how-to's. After all my wife was a victim of identity theft and I had to battle to get her credit together. It's very easy for me to through a personal story in. It will cost the viewer about 1-2 minutes of time, but I'll figure a way to fit it in.

4:53 am
September 13, 2012

20s Finances


posts 1147

First, I loved the video! It's certainly not perfect, but it caught my attention from the beginning until the end. It is also much better than the other ones you have done in the past. Absolutely love the background and how you moved to different locations at different points.


With that said, I do think it was a little fast and it was hard to follow the main organization. I THINK (and I'm not a video expert) that I like to watch video's with clear bullet points or steps… I know you had steps, but honestly, I can't remember what they were after the first one because it was so fast. Keep it up – you'll soon be a youtube star…



20's Finances Passive Income to Retire

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5:21 am
September 13, 2012

Dominique Brown

Washington, DC


posts 510

20s Finances said:

First, I loved the video! It's certainly not perfect, but it caught my attention from the beginning until the end. It is also much better than the other ones you have done in the past. Absolutely love the background and how you moved to different locations at different points.


With that said, I do think it was a little fast and it was hard to follow the main organization. I THINK (and I'm not a video expert) that I like to watch video's with clear bullet points or steps… I know you had steps, but honestly, I can't remember what they were after the first one because it was so fast. Keep it up – you'll soon be a youtube star…


Thanks for the feedback. I'll focus on the speaking too fast thing going forward.

8:26 am
September 13, 2012

Frugal Portland

Portland, OR


posts 126

Dominique Brown said:

Jeff Rose said:

Watching it for a 3rd time I now figured out what was missing.


Production quality: check.

Good audio: check. 

Great personality: check. 

Awesome intro: check. 


So what's missing?  Your story or at least a personal story. 


I think many of us learned (and relearned) at Fincon that it's the power of the story that moves, motivates and inspires people (our readers/viewers).   I think these videos are good for basic education, but they don't have that "relate factor."  


Trust me, this is something I'm very guilty of with my blog (SEO posts) and a lot of my videos (SEO videos).   My challenge to you (and myself) is how can we share tips like this but also wrap a story around it so that people can truly relate.


When Frugal Portland says to keep it under a minute, I think a person that can relate to the video would argue that a minute is too short.  They want to hear more about how to get out of that situation and could care less how long it is.  Hope that makes sense! 

Sorry, dude.  I'm usually not this heavy but it finally clicked with me.  Laugh

Jeff.. I definitely appreciate the comment. No need to apologize. I'll try to add a personal touch to the how-to's. After all my wife was a victim of identity theft and I had to battle to get her credit together. It's very easy for me to through a personal story in. It will cost the viewer about 1-2 minutes of time, but I'll figure a way to fit it in.

Yes, I think Jeff's right — if there were more "you" in the video, then I wouldn't be looking at the clock!


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8:29 am
September 13, 2012

Jeff Rose


posts 574

Dominique Brown said:

Jeff.. I definitely appreciate the comment. No need to apologize. I'll try to add a personal touch to the how-to's. After all my wife was a victim of identity theft and I had to battle to get her credit together. It's very easy for me to through a personal story in. It will cost the viewer about 1-2 minutes of time, but I'll figure a way to fit it in.

Perfect!   That's what people want to hear and how they can relate to you. 


I definitely need to do a better job at this, too.   Right now I'm just good at making personal finance funny.  Or at least try to…..Wink

8:30 am
September 13, 2012

Financial Conflict Coach



posts 30

Dominique Brown said:

I'll try to add a personal touch to the how-to's. After all my wife was a victim of identity theft and I had to battle to get her credit together. It's very easy for me to through a personal story in. It will cost the viewer about 1-2 minutes of time, but I'll figure a way to fit it in.

Great video, Dominique! The jump cuts reminded me a lot of the Phillip DeFranco videos I watch on YouTube.

Adding a personal touch shouldn't take 1-2 minutes, though. It only takes a few seconds. Just add it to the beginning or middle of a sentence:

"if you need to fix a mistake on your credit report, JUST LIKE MY WIFE AND I HAD TO DO WHEN HER IDENTITY WAS STOLEN, then here's what you do…"

That personalizes the story with just a few words. If you want to tell the whole story, then you can make a specific video of it later.


When I'm on the air, I do this ALL THE TIME. Take any story…whether it's international or national…and add a local or personal spin.

LOCALIZE and PERSONALIZE – but do it in 15-20 seconds.

Financial Conflict Coach

Twitter: @MoneyConflicts


Effective Strategies To Manage & Resolve Money Disputes, Negotiate Better And Improve Communication About Finances

8:32 am
September 13, 2012

Dominique Brown

Washington, DC


posts 510

Financial Conflict Coach said:

Dominique Brown said:

I'll try to add a personal touch to the how-to's. After all my wife was a victim of identity theft and I had to battle to get her credit together. It's very easy for me to through a personal story in. It will cost the viewer about 1-2 minutes of time, but I'll figure a way to fit it in.

Great video, Dominique! The jump cuts reminded me a lot of the Phillip DeFranco videos I watch on YouTube.

Adding a personal touch shouldn't take 1-2 minutes, though. It only takes a few seconds. Just add it to the beginning or middle of a sentence:

"if you need to fix a mistake on your credit report, JUST LIKE MY WIFE AND I HAD TO DO WHEN HER IDENTITY WAS STOLEN, then here's what you do…"

That personalizes the story with just a few words. If you want to tell the whole story, then you can make a specific video of it later.


When I'm on the air, I do this ALL THE TIME. Take any story…whether it's international or national…and add a local or personal spin.

LOCALIZE and PERSONALIZE – but do it in 15-20 seconds.

Thanks Dave!!!

8:33 am
September 13, 2012

Dominique Brown

Washington, DC


posts 510

Hmm.. I recorded 2 videos after I posted this question. I might go back an re-record them and add some personal flair. Yup.. I'll re-record them and include the tips here.

8:55 am
September 13, 2012

20s Finances


posts 1147

Post edited 8:55 am – September 13, 2012 by 20s Finances

I also forgot to add that I am going to give video blogging a shot soon and you are helping me a lot. Thanks for all your efforts!



20's Finances Passive Income to Retire

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20sfinances *at* gmail *dot* com

1:42 pm
September 13, 2012

Dominique Brown

Washington, DC


posts 510

20s Finances said:

I also forgot to add that I am going to give video blogging a shot soon and you are helping me a lot. Thanks for all your efforts!

No problem :-)

3:10 pm
September 13, 2012

Lena Gott

United States


posts 252

Great video, Dominique!  I liked your energy, too.  Your speaking style is a lot like my brother's.  And he talks fast, too.  :) I can tell you did this without prompts.  For the target audience, I would recommend speaking more slowly.  Overall, excellent!  Cool 

~ Lena ~

Please link up your best post each week to Budget-Friendly Mondays! Inaugural edition is accepting submissions through December 12th. After that, each subsequent link up will open on Sundays at 6 p.m. and close Thursdays at 9 p.m. EST.


Challenger Site: WhatMommyDoes

My Other Baby: Taxes and Stuff  

Twitter: @WhatMommyDoes and @Lena Gott 

5:45 am
September 16, 2012

Dominique Brown

Washington, DC


posts 510

Lena Gott said:

Great video, Dominique!  I liked your energy, too.  Your speaking style is a lot like my brother's.  And he talks fast, too.  :) I can tell you did this without prompts.  For the target audience, I would recommend speaking more slowly.  Overall, excellent!  Cool 

Thank you for the comment.. I will slow it down next time :-)

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