User | Post |
3:46 pm February 16, 2012
| Jen @ Master the Art of Saving
| | Vancouver, WA | |
| Member | posts 269 | 
I'm working on getting my new personal finance blog ready to launch, which includes getting a month's worth of content ready to go. I'm needing some great posts for some round-ups. Each round-up will only showcase 5 of the best in that category. Please mention in which category your post best fits. Thanks, and I look forward to checking out your posts. 
Credit & Debt
Extra Income
Business & Career
4:09 pm February 16, 2012
| WorkSaveLive
| | |
| Member | posts 187 | 
Hi, Jen!
I'm just starting the Yakezie challenge and would loved to be considered.
This post was the start to my budgeting series…so it could fit into that category:…..-the-game/
Thanks for the opportunity!
4:12 pm February 16, 2012
| Modest Money
| | |
| Member | posts 256 | 
Congrats on the upcoming blog Jen! I'll try to send you a post to feature via e-mail. Good luck on the new project. I'm here if you have any questions or need any help.
5:13 pm February 16, 2012
| AverageJoe
| | |
| Member | posts 259 | 
Congrats on the new blog!
I hope you'll like our post on budgets for busy couples: http://www.thefreefinancialadv…..iscussion/
5:46 pm February 16, 2012
| bax
| | Middle of Lunch | |
| Member | posts 34 | 
Jen, I'm going to be honest here, pretty much everything on my site is incredible, and offers a lot for your readers. HA!
Sorry, here's the one I would link to if I were you:…..g-lessons/
It would be travel and or career. It's about recovery from mistakes.
8:13 pm February 16, 2012
| Poor Student
| | Mount Forest, Ontario | |
| Member | posts 72 | 
I wish I had built more content before I launched my site, but I was excited to get it up.
This is a favourite of mine about credit cards:…..dit-cards/
And an article about an easy way to make a little extra cash:…..y-shopper/
10:04 pm February 16, 2012
| Edward Antrobus
| | Fort Collins, CO | |
| Member
| posts 1008 | 
Jen, When do you plan on doing the taxes and the savings roundups? I have one for each category that I'm very happy about, but they aren't scheduled till next week.
For savings: Read These 9 Tips About Couponing Before Your Next Shopping Trip:…..pping-trip <-up February 20
For taxes: Tax Reform Needs to State with the W-4… <-up February 22.
I'm looking for editors, beta-readers, and some demographic research for my upcoming novel, Once Upon a Saturn Moon. If you like reading soft sci-fi thrillers, maybe with a touch of romance thrown in, you can find more information at…..aturn-moon
If You Can Read, You Can Cook – | Think you can't cook? If you can read this sentence, then you can.
SEAM Publishing – | eBook formatting and publishing service
11:48 am February 17, 2012
| Jen @ Master the Art of Saving
| | Vancouver, WA | |
| Member | posts 269 | 
AHHHHHHHHH! I just spent 15 minutes replying to you all it didn't post. Sorry, here's a shorter version (the longer one was more personal and a hundred times better).
Thanks to everybody, I can't wait to check them out. 
New blog hoping to launch March 1st, will wait to check out your posts next week (Edward).
Still got lots of room left even if I'm able to use all your guys' posts. Please spread the word because I'm hoping to start off by sharing work from fellow Yakezians.
12:38 pm February 17, 2012
| Dollar D
| | |
| Member | posts 27 | 
Here's one you could use for investing:…..ce-part-1/
If I can submit two, here's a second one :)…..y-house-1/
1:02 pm February 17, 2012
| CultOfMoney
| | |
| Member | posts 51 | 
Jen, best of luck with the new blog launch, and thanks for the opportunity to spread some link love.
In your saving category, my post on mortgagte refinancing I thought was good:…..-have-now/
6:01 pm February 17, 2012
| Glen Craig
| | |
| Member
| posts 1087 | |
Let's check if we have some articles that fit those categories…
Saving: <a href="">How to Save Money on Auto Insurance – Easy Ways to Save Money</a>
Budgeting: <a href=""> Review – Manage Your Money Online Free</a>
Credit & Debt: <a href="">The Best 0% Balance Transfer Credit Cards</a>
Extra Income: <a href="">Are You Making These Mistakes With Your Side Business?</a>
Investing: <a href="">Cost Basis Reporting – How it Affects Your Taxes</a>
Taxes: <a href="">IRS No Longer Mailing Out Tax Forms, Where to Get Tax Forms, and Options to File Free</a>
If you can fit any in then awesome! If they don't work for you then thanks for the consideration anyway.
6:41 pm February 17, 2012
| OneCentAtatime
| | Florida, USA | |
| Member
| posts 1778 | 
See if these fit your bill
Saving : <a href="">Living Well on Less Than $10,000 a Year</a>
Credit & Debt : <a href="">80 Ways to Lose Money</a>
Investing : <a href="">Become Rich By Saving 1 Hour Of Daily Wage</a>
Business & Career : <a href="">How To Negotiate Your Salary At Current Job</a>
Travel : <a href="">Best travel tips ever, Walk</a>
Taxes : <a href="">All about 2012 Tax Return</a>
7:24 pm February 17, 2012
| Jen @ Master the Art of Saving
| | Vancouver, WA | |
| Member | posts 269 | 
Thanks guys, you rock! Also, great idea with including a few across the catergories—definitely improves the chances of at least 1 being included. 
10:55 pm February 18, 2012
| Jen @ Master the Art of Saving
| | Vancouver, WA | |
| Member | posts 269 | 
WorkSaveLive said:
Hi, Jen!
I'm just starting the Yakezie challenge and would loved to be considered.
This post was the start to my budgeting series…so it could fit into that category:…..-the-game/
Thanks for the opportunity!
I checked out your post, then I started checking around at your other work. I'm gonna go with your Office Space post and stick in the 'business & career' round-up. I can't believe you didn't mention that one, it's great. 
11:13 pm February 18, 2012
| Jen @ Master the Art of Saving
| | Vancouver, WA | |
| Member | posts 269 | 
AverageJoe said:
Congrats on the new blog!
I hope you'll like our post on budgets for busy couples: http://www.thefreefinancialadv…..iscussion/
Great, I'm putting this in budgeting round-up. Thanks again.
3:50 am February 19, 2012
| WorkSaveLive
| | |
| Member | posts 187 | 
Jen @ Master the Art of Saving said:
I checked out your post, then I started checking around at your other work. I'm gonna go with your Office Space post and stick in the 'business & career' round-up. I can't believe you didn't mention that one, it's great. 
Thanks for checking it out, Jen! I totally forgot about that post (I have that problem sometimes).
I'm glad you were able to find something you could use!
7:05 am February 19, 2012
| My Personal Finance Journey
| | |
| Member
| posts 3159 | 
Sounds like a good idea! Here's a post I wrote a week ago or so about way so save money if you cannot afford health insurance - http://www.mypersonalfinancejo…..annot.html
7:42 am February 19, 2012
| jonrhodesuk
| | UK | |
| Member | posts 277 | 
Hi Jen, great idea to get your blog off the ground. Here are a few of my best posts you might like to consider…
How To Get A Money Making Mindset
How To Build A Popular Website Or Blog
Get Paid To Lose Weight!
8:56 pm February 20, 2012
| This That And The MBA
| | |
| Member | posts 240 | 
Jen if you are still looking here are a few recent ones on my site:
Business and career- being on a board of directors looks great on the resume and can definitely boost your career.…..isnt-cool/
Extra income: rental property…..-property/
If anyone else wants to give a shameless plug i will forever be in debt to you!…
Thanks for the posting and following my site. I really do appreciate it from all of you that catch my site and to the ones that don't what are you waiting for.
Great day all!
7:43 am February 21, 2012
| GoodCentsSavings
| | Wilmington, NC | |
| Member | posts 24 | |
Great idea! I will send you an email with some links to posts I think might fit. Thanks & best of luck with the new blog!