When I first started, I was on blogger. After a year I switch to Word Press with a free theme and 3 years later I am on a new theme.
I can share my experience with anyone if interested. I took a really long time to look at theme framework. In the end, I went with Theme Junkie as a friend (DividendNinja) highlighted it was easy to work with. I am a programmer although not in the web industry so I had some learnings to do but I ended up customizing the basic theme I started from.
To get what you want, you will probably require customization and need to spend some money.
I strongly recommend you outline what you want. I wanted
- Featured section to pin any posts I want
- Simple Heading with a location for ads
- Easy integration of advertisement where I want them (I have no plugins managing my ads)
- I wanted social sharing easily integrated (I added linked in myself)
- I wanted social follow easily integrated (I customize that – I wanted to free sidebar location from aweber form as it takes space and doesn't perform at all. popup and in page do much better)
- I have not focused on what the theme provides for SEO though. There are many plugins out there …
After switching theme, I was able to remove a lot of plugins for a better performance of the site.
Mobile Responsive was not need I had. Mobile is really phone and tablets and most of my traffic is from tablets and the site works fine. I look at responsive themes and I simply did not like them. It doesn't do much for monetization either …
Anyways, I thought I would share since many were discussing themes on a few threads.
I am happy to have feedback if you have any 