User | Post |
8:29 pm February 12, 2012
| This That And The MBA
| | |
| Member | posts 240 | 
Ok fellow Yakezie members? I want an honest opinion of my website. Don't worry about hurting my feelings because I know all of your are sharing with me out of love. Love for one another will bring us all to the top. So if you wouldnt mind dropping by my site and leaving me suggestions on what I can improve. I want to make sure I get everything right before I start making some PR blitz's and SEO Optimization. I really havent focused on that too heavily yet, for one I am trying to learn what the heck it means and how to apply it to my wordpress blog. So if any one has any good sites out there on dumbing it down it would be grrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeattly appreciated.
Let me thank you in advance for your honest feedback. 
8:43 pm February 12, 2012
| Marissa
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| Member | posts 385 | 
I like it. I wonder if you can make the first post show up fully then excerpts for the rest.
9:00 pm February 12, 2012
| This That And The MBA
| | |
| Member | posts 240 | 
Thanks Marissa. I will take a look at that. This whole programming thing caught me off guard at first. Took more time than I thought to learn. I appreciate all the pages I visit now alot more.
8:34 am February 13, 2012
| Super Frugalette
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| Member | posts 484 | 
I like the concept and the layout.
9:06 am February 13, 2012
| This That And The MBA
| | |
| Member | posts 240 | 
Thanks I appreciate your comments!
9:15 am February 13, 2012
| TacklingOurDebt
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| Member | posts 121 | 
9:44 am February 13, 2012
| MoneyforCollegeProject
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| Member | posts 147 | 
I think it looks solid. Nice and clean.
11:31 am February 13, 2012
| AmericanDebtProject
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| Member | posts 199 | 
I think it looks nice and clean, but I would love to see thumbnail photos for all of the posts. It took me a while to figure it out for my own site, but it's totally worth it. Makes it much more magazine-like.
11:35 am February 13, 2012
| This That And The MBA
| | |
| Member | posts 240 | 
Is there a site that you like to go to find pictures? or do you just hit up google images. 
12:11 pm February 13, 2012
| Funancials
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| Member | posts 345 | 
Overall the site looks great. Obviously the pages will become more useful as you build up your content. Only things I noticed that may need correcting is a gramatical error in your About page just before the Woody Allen quote.
Secondly, any visitor can view your site stats through sitemeter. Not sure if you did this on purpose?
Again, for a new blog – everything looks great. I look forward to reading more.
12:33 pm February 13, 2012
| This That And The MBA
| | |
| Member | posts 240 | 
Thank you guys. I really do appreciate all the feedback.
Thanks thanks thanks!
12:41 pm February 13, 2012
| Modest Money
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| Member | posts 256 | 
Looks like a decent start. I'm quite impressed with what new bloggers manage to start with.
I think at least 1 image in each post helps to liven up a blog. Don't just go stealing images from google images though. flickr is a good place to start, but be sure to use the advanced search and filter it to only show the ones that are 'Creative Commons'. You still should put a small link back to the photographer's profile or website below the image or at the end of your post.
And as mentioned above, you should make your sitemeter stats private. Better yet, you might want to use google analytics instead.
12:50 pm February 13, 2012
| jaicatalano
| | New York | |
| Member | posts 846 | 
Personally I agree with what a lot of the others have said to you but I personally need to see images. I need something to reinforce the idea or drive the idea home. Check out Sam's very small but very relevant and extremely thought out photos on his blog at For me his content hits him a homerun each time but his little photo hits him a home run with people on base. Something to think about.