User | Post |
10:40 pm June 3, 2014
| resman
| | |
| Member | posts 4 | |
Post edited 10:40 pm – June 3, 2014 by resman
I have been jumping from one FI site to the next since I have started blogging and it is tiring.
Well i came up with this to solve this problem ….
What do you think ? If you want to be added please do let me know :)
1:11 pm June 5, 2014
| Ben Luthi
| | |
| Member | posts 49 | 
Looks like an awesome tool! Thanks for doing that. I'd love to be added :)
5:50 pm June 5, 2014
| debt debs
| | |
| Member | posts 32 | 
Looks good to me. I like that you can see all of the latest posts for each blog. I have over 200 blogs on my blog reader. How are you going to sort them, if the list grows really big?
Would love to see my blog on there!
Thank you!
6:02 pm June 6, 2014
| colormefrugal
| | |
| Member | posts 99 | 
Love it! I'd love to be added if you would not mind :-)
6:50 pm June 6, 2014
| debtroundup
| | Raleigh | |
| Member | posts 190 | 
Thank you for adding Debt Roundup and Eyes on the Dollar! I appreciate the support and for making the tool.
6:44 pm June 8, 2014
| OneCentAtatime
| | Florida, USA | |
| Member
| posts 1778 | 
good one, now you need to set some parameters to make it leaner. 
11:05 am June 14, 2014
| Money Counselor
| | |
| Member | posts 233 | 
Clever! and simple too. I'd appreciate being added, and thanks for the offer!
4:56 pm June 17, 2014
| AverageJoe
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| Member | posts 259 | 
That's great! Could you add Stacking Benjamins and TheFreeFinancialAdvisor? Cool tool.