User | Post |
2:16 pm May 1, 2012
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| Member | posts 407 |
Welp, so much for all the pre-planning, post-queing and preparation. I decided to launch today! I have 1 or 2 posts in the queue, haven't done much SEO research, and have almost no clue what I am doing in Wordpress!!
Come join the fun, feel free to comment, and if you happen to like it, feel free to pass it along
I started with one blog post and a really basic setup using the Weaver II theme (Thanks Andrea ). I am learning as I go, and am excited, nervous, and relieved all at the same time.
Expect major changes along the way as I learn Wordpress and get a feel for my writing style. I started with a Budgeting Basics post which will be part of a series detailing how I approach budgeting, starting with principles and getting into the nitty gritty over the next month or so.
We have a few surprises in store (yes "WE"; I have convinced my wife to occasionally post ), and hope you all can join in on the fun.
Thanks for all the inspiration, excited to learn more and more from you all as I build this fun blog.
2:24 pm May 1, 2012
| sooverthis
| | Kentucky | |
| Moderator
| posts 1041 |
Congratulations, Jake! Looking forward to watching the site grow and develop. If you have any questions, you know where to find me. :)
2:40 pm May 1, 2012
| AverageJoe
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| Member | posts 259 |
"…have almost no clue what I'm doing in Wordpress!!"
Congratulations, from the rest of us who ALSO still have no clue what we're doing either. It'll be fun following your site.
2:56 pm May 1, 2012
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| Member | posts 407 |
@ Andrea: Thank you! I bookmarked "Curiosity Killed the Blog" and was on that all night figuring this stuff out. Thanks for an awesome resource!
@Joe: Haha, thanks! I was a bit overwhelmed yesterday, but am feeling a little better. The more I learn, the more I am like, "aaagghhhh, my blog looks horrible!!!" I know it takes time, but I want my blog to be perfect NOW!
6:46 pm May 1, 2012
| Call Me What You Want Even Cheap
| | Toronto, Canada | |
| Member | posts 121 |
I like your idea of writing a series on budgeting. It is still hard for some to wrap their minds around budgeting. Making it simple and easy for people to understand the importance of it can really change some lives. I look forward to reading your series.
6:50 pm May 1, 2012
| Money Counselor
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| Member | posts 233 |
Congratulations Jake. I was where you are with respect to WordPress, SEO, etc. just a few short months ago. Now I'm probably about 10 minutes ahead of you (slow learner ).
Hey, I'm proud to say I'm your first Twitter follower. Now your first tweet can be a 'thank you' mention of me.
Good luck!
7:11 pm May 1, 2012
| Aloysa
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| Member | posts 910 | |
Good move! I am glad you started with just one post. Why wait, right? :)
Creator of:
10:29 pm May 1, 2012
| maria@moneyprinciple
| | Manchester, UK | |
| Member | posts 679 |
This is the spirit: one measure brave, one measure talented and two measures reckless. Explosive combination when it comes to inspired websites. All the best with yours and I'll pop over to have a look.
1:32 am May 2, 2012
| jonrhodesuk
| | UK | |
| Member | posts 277 |
Congratulations! Sometimes you can be so embroiled with being proffessional and making everything perfect that you never actually get started. You have started, so this will force you to act. As Richard Branson said in one of his books, sometimes you just have to say, 'screw it, let's do it'! I'll take alook at it right now.
4:47 am May 2, 2012
| Hank Coleman
| | North Carolina | |
| Member | posts 363 |
Congrats on your decision to take the leap and launch.
4:50 am May 2, 2012
| Finance Yoga
| | Kentucky | |
| Member | posts 86 |
Congrats, sounds like an awesome idea. My wife is starting to get curious of the whole blogging thing and I am introducing her to it through infobarrel until she gets the hang of it. Good luck!
6:36 am May 2, 2012
| Finance
| | Toronto, Canada | |
| Member | posts 120 |
Congrats and welcome to one of the most competitive blogging niche topics – personal finance.
Thankfully there's a great community such as Yakezie, so don't be shy to reach out if you're stuck.
Good Luck!
7:03 am May 2, 2012
| Ted Jenkin @ YourSmartMoneyMoves
| | Gen X & Y Finance | |
| Member | posts 212 |
Good Luck and welcome to a GREAT community!
7:18 am May 2, 2012
| krantcents
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| Member | posts 909 |
Congratulations and best of luck
7:31 am May 2, 2012
| OneCentAtatime
| | Florida, USA | |
| Member
| posts 1778 |
I so want to see a Yakezie badge on your site…if you don't mind putting that…
And did you officially join the challenge? Love to read your announcement.
9:56 am May 2, 2012
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| Member | posts 407 |
@ Even Cheap: Thanks! I decided to start with this series for that exact reason; to make a simple, effective tool for people to implement and change their financial life for the better (hopefully)
@ Kurt: I got notice that you starteed following me on Twitter. I panicked for a moment, because I forgot that I even had a twitter account, and thought someone had claimed my email some how. Thanks for the follow, I should be tweeting soon!
@ Aloysa: Thanks for the encouragement :) Honestly, the real reason I started was because I submitted a guest post to Thousandaire and realized that if he actually chose to post it, I would have nowhere to direct people. So I dove head first into launching the blog. I definitely have some work to do :)
@ Maria: Thanks. This was definitely a bit reckless (by my standards), but it's been fun, and am learning very quickly. Hoping to keep inspired and entertain as well :)
@ Jon: Very true. I am definitely a planner, trying to anticipate every angle and detail, to the point where I forget to act. Knowing that my blog is live definitely motivated me to get up and write this morning!
@ Hank: Thanks!
@ Yoga: It will be exciting to see what my wife comes up with. She's definitely the thrift-master of the two of us, so she'll have a ton of good ideas on how to spend wisely.
@ Fox: PF is definitely a place with little elbow room. But it's ok, because we're all the hugging type, and don't mind a crowded room . Tangent: You know, I've always wondered why PF was so crowded, but I realized, it's because most everyone who can fog a mirror has to deal with money daily. So, though there are many people talking about how to manage your checkbook (do people still say "checkbook"?), I think there are an infinite number of ways to handle money that work, which means there's room for all of us
@ X&Y: Thanks for the welcome!
@ Krantcents: Thank you for the well wishes!
@ OCAAT: I have not officially joined the challenge yet. Let me go read all the details, and see if I'm ready :). You may see my official challenge acceptance post coming soon….
10:24 am May 2, 2012
| bogofdebt
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| Member | posts 116 |
Congrats! I think it was worth the wait. I'm looking forward to reading more in the future. Go ahead and join the challenge. It's done nothing but helped me grow.
12:46 pm May 2, 2012
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| Member | posts 407 |
@ Bog: Thanks! I would totally join, but can't seem to install the proper Alexa HTML code on my homepage. I have read like 12 articles on this, but can't seem to validate the code
I'll join once I figure it out
5:09 pm May 2, 2012
| Daisy
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| Member | posts 271 |
Congrats on launching your site! I'll hop on over to see it right now :)
5:14 pm May 2, 2012
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| Member | posts 407 |
Thanks Daisy. Feel free to jump in and stay a while. Definitely more to come :)