User | Post |
1:35 pm March 20, 2013
| ConsumerFu
| | |
| Member | posts 48 | 
| is joining the challenge! Our Alexa ranking is a paltry 2,236,097. We launched a few months ago and have been writing using an article/forum format and recently added a blog to make it easier to interact. We currently have two staff writers – CheapSKate and CollegeMom.
I've been lurking behind the scenes a little bit, leaving some comments and sharing tweets. I guess it was my version of shut up and listen! I tend to learn more that way. :)
We are looking forward to becoming more involved in this great community. Thanks to those who keep it running.
CollegeMom at ConsumerFu
1:42 pm March 20, 2013
| Greg @ ThriftGenuity
| | |
| Member | posts 61 | 
10:18 pm April 4, 2013
| aspiringblogger
| | Texas | |
| Member | posts 3 | 
Ok, I think I added my information correctly! I'm moving down in Alexa ranking (the good way), so things are looking good so far! Thanks for everyone's support!
8:12 am April 5, 2013
| jaicatalano
| | New York | |
| Member | posts 846 | 
I am entering the challenge again. I already created my yakezie post. My Alexa rank is 3,297,138.
I look forward to adding my voice more directly this time around.
8:50 am April 5, 2013
| maria@moneyprinciple
| | Manchester, UK | |
| Member | posts 679 | 
Welcome back, Jai – yeah, you know that 3 million to 100K is a matter of about five weeks :).
Enjoy the ride and I am looking forward to reading.
11:22 am April 7, 2013
| Kay Lynn Akers
| | San Diego | |
| Member | posts 904 | 
jaicatalano said:
I am entering the challenge again. I already created my yakezie post. My Alexa rank is 3,297,138.
I look forward to adding my voice more directly this time around.
Welcome back Jai! I'm in the challenge with my "new" blog. I'm finding it much harder to fit in now that I don't have a PF focus. It'll be good to have you back for the Lifestyle vertical.
4:05 pm May 24, 2013
| Joshua L Rodriguez
| | |
| Member | posts 37 | 
Hello there…I just noticed I wasn't on the list. Would you mind adding me … I'm a Challenger and I've moved up over 100,000 positions in less than 2 weeks!!!
Joshua Rodriguez, owner and founder of CNA Finance and personal finance journalist!
4:39 pm June 11, 2013
| Anton Ivanov
| | San Diego, CA | |
| Member | posts 129 | 
I'm pleased to announce that Dreams Cash True is joining the Yakezie Challenge! Dreams Cash True has been around for about a month and a half. Our currently Alexa rank is 660,675 and I am setting a personal goal of breaking 150,000 by the end of the year in addition to Yakezie's 200,000 requirement.
Thank you all who have already provided me with support and encouragement and I am looking forward to getting to know the rest of you.
6:39 pm June 11, 2013
| The College Investor
| | San Diego, CA | |
| Admin
| posts 1935 | 
Welcome Anton! I look forward to you making it!
7:01 pm June 11, 2013
| OneCentAtatime
| | Florida, USA | |
| Member
| posts 1778 | 
All the best Anton for the rank improvement. Interact more to know us more.
9:18 pm June 11, 2013
| Untemplater
| | |
| Member | posts 400 | 
Welcome and best of luck to all the new Challengers!
8:06 pm June 13, 2013
| flick23
| | |
| New Member | posts 1 | 
Here goes nothing. Joining the challenge – I'm at My current rank is 4,324,768. Looking forward to meeting all you other Yakezie members!
11:35 pm June 13, 2013
| David @my2centopinion
| | |
| Member | posts 12 | 
Good Luck Flick23, we're rooting for you.
8:50 pm June 17, 2013
| Untemplater
| | |
| Member | posts 400 | 
flick23 said:
Here goes nothing. Joining the challenge – I'm at My current rank is 4,324,768. Looking forward to meeting all you other Yakezie members!
Welcome to Yakezie and best of luck with the challenge.
4:24 pm June 26, 2013
| kmaroni
| | |
| Member | posts 20 | 
Excited to be a part of this challenge and boost the blogging efforts! We dropped over 13 million on Alexa to at least enter the ball park of where we need to go! (We were above 15 million, so we're headed in the right direction). Already received great support from Yakezie Members and can't wait to play our role in helping out.
2:16 pm July 2, 2013
| Mr. Utopia
| | |
| Member | posts 55 | 
Hi Everyone,
I am a newbie blogger and I just got my site up and running recently at Personal Finance Utopia. There's not much content there yet and my current Alexa ranking is "No Data"! However, I don't want to waste any time and figured I'd start the Yakezie Challenge right off the bat. I've actually known about the Yakezie Network for a while even though I'm just starting out with my own blog venture. Why not network with and learn from more experienced, established bloggers, right?
The only items I have left to do are to install the badge and make the announcement, but I wanted to ensure that making this post was the only other necessary step to officially starting the challenge. Can someone please confirm? Is there anything else that I need to do?
Thanks and I look forward to joining you guys!
2:19 pm July 2, 2013
| ayoungpro
| | Lehi, UT | |
| Member | posts 184 | 
Welcome Mr. Utopia! Follow the advice here and form relationships with other members and you will go far!
6:52 pm July 2, 2013
| Anton Ivanov
| | San Diego, CA | |
| Member | posts 129 | 
Welcome to the newest members!
7:30 pm July 3, 2013
| Mr. Utopia
| | |
| Member | posts 55 | 
Post edited 7:37 pm – July 3, 2013 by Mr. Utopia
Ok, I made my announcement post here. I believe all I have left is to:
*post 2-4 times per week for the next 6 months
*selflessly promote others
*crack 200,000 on Alexa
Piece of cake!!
Question, though, what happens at the end of 6 months? Is there someone monitoring? Do I just give a status update and, if I've adhered to the criteria, I'm automatically in (for whenever the next class "graduates")? What if I haven't quite cracked the top 200,000 on Alexa but I'm close – does that mean I have to wait until I actually do attain that target and/or wait until the next semi-annual acceptance? Btw, what is the greek name of the next upcoming class?
7:29 pm July 14, 2013
| Tortoise Banker
| | |
| Member | posts 35 | 
I've joined as a challenger too! Already made my announcement on a different thread, but figured I'd toss my name in the hat! International Alexa rank is 3,088,000 and will hopefully be half that very soon! 