User | Post |
8:55 pm February 10, 2013
| My University Money
| | |
| Member | posts 129 | 
Ok, so our book is only on bookshelves in our home city, but we haven't even officially launched it online yet, and we have already sold close to a hundred copies!
More Money for Beer and Textbooks is a financial guide for Canadian post-secondary students. It looks at:
- How Much Post-Secondary Education Will Cost
- Student Housing Options
- Applying for and Repaying Student Loans
- Partying without an Empty-Bank-Account Hangover
- Getting Great Part-Time and Summer Jobs
- Preparing Student Tax Returns
- What a Student Budget Should Look Like
- Saving Money on Textbooks
- Responsibly Using Credit Cards
- Transportation Options
- Student Travel and Much More!
Basically, how to go to school without leaving with a ball and chain of crippling debt around your ankle.
You can check it out on Amazon here. We think the final product looks pretty cool and should appeal to young people. Other than to brag a little, the reason I decided to fill you all in on events is to ask if anyone was interested in reviewing the book for us on their site? Alternatively (I know that sometimes the book reviews can pile up) we would be interested in providing a guest post for your site if that is an opportunity you would like to extend to us. Obviously the book is written to a pretty niche audience in terms of exclusively Canadian content, so if there are any bloggers with a sizable Canadian audience out there who want a free copy (plus one to giveaway) let us know and we'll mail you one ASAP. We already got a pretty spectacular review from Rob Carrick of the Globe and Mail, so we're hoping to parlay that into some more media attention!
Thanks in advance for your collective time and consideration.
12:06 am February 11, 2013
| maria@moneyprinciple
| | Manchester, UK | |
| Member | posts 679 | 
4:59 am February 11, 2013
| 20s Finances
| | |
| Admin
| posts 1147 | 
Nice – a huge congrats! I hope to write a book one day… I don't know how you guys do it. ;)
5:30 am February 11, 2013
| My University Money
| | |
| Member | posts 129 | 
5:31 am February 11, 2013
| My University Money
| | |
| Member | posts 129 | 
5:58 am February 11, 2013
| Khaleef @ KNS Financial
| | Fat Guy, Skinny Wallet | |
| Member
| posts 3149 | 
Congratulations! That is a huge accomplishment.
10:27 am February 11, 2013
| This That And The MBA
| | |
| Member | posts 240 | 
Wow that is awesome …..Congratulations on the accomplishment. Great success so far in the book sales as well. Not to shabby for just releasing in your hometown!!!
8:05 pm February 11, 2013
| My University Money
| | |
| Member | posts 129 | 
8:42 pm February 11, 2013
| Squirrelers
| | |
| Member | posts 986 | 