User | Post |
9:33 am January 22, 2013
| martin
| | |
| Member | posts 199 | |
I'm sure that most of you guys are always looking for ways to increase reader loyalty/decrease bounce rate. How have you managed to work on these issues?
I recently tried to install calculators, to see if it helps with reader loyalty. I want to have the most helpful articles possible with tools for my readers.
For example: and…..card-debt/
What have you guys done in this area?
10:22 am January 22, 2013
| Edward Antrobus
| | Fort Collins, CO | |
| Member
| posts 1008 | 
Bounce rate has always seemed like a blank box to me. Often my attempts to reduce it have backfired.. My food bog used to have a bounce rate of around 10% when I worked on reducing my page load times. I did decrease them, but my none rate increased to 25%!
I'm looking for editors, beta-readers, and some demographic research for my upcoming novel, Once Upon a Saturn Moon. If you like reading soft sci-fi thrillers, maybe with a touch of romance thrown in, you can find more information at…..aturn-moon
If You Can Read, You Can Cook – | Think you can't cook? If you can read this sentence, then you can.
SEAM Publishing – | eBook formatting and publishing service
5:50 pm January 22, 2013
| sooverthis
| | Kentucky | |
| Moderator
| posts 1041 | 
My bounce rate is the highest now that it's ever been because my search traffic has increased. That said, it's still really low (like 44%). I have a lot of luck displaying related posts at the bottom of each single post, and the fact that my blog is more personal definitely has an impact.
6:17 pm January 22, 2013
| martin
| | |
| Member | posts 199 | |
Hey Andrea, what plugin do you use for related posts?
6:27 pm January 22, 2013
| sooverthis
| | Kentucky | |
| Moderator
| posts 1041 | 
Right now I'm using Better Related Content, but I think I'm going to switch it out for something coded into my theme; it makes excessive database queries (like most other related posts plugins). It does work well on the front end, though.
8:21 pm January 22, 2013
| Edward Antrobus
| | Fort Collins, CO | |
| Member
| posts 1008 | 
You might want to check into the Efficient Related Posts plugin. It queries the database for related posts when you publish instead of when the page is loaded, so that it doesn't have as much overhead from the front end.
I'm looking for editors, beta-readers, and some demographic research for my upcoming novel, Once Upon a Saturn Moon. If you like reading soft sci-fi thrillers, maybe with a touch of romance thrown in, you can find more information at…..aturn-moon
If You Can Read, You Can Cook – | Think you can't cook? If you can read this sentence, then you can.
SEAM Publishing – | eBook formatting and publishing service
8:30 am January 23, 2013
| | The Intersection of Politics, Economics and Personal Finance. | |
| Moderator
| posts 361 | 
MD, we went with a dedicated page to compile all of our calculators and visualizations (and a few original studies):
A number of those are in our top 10 pages. I don't know how to measure the whole 'reader loyalty' thing, but your suspicion is correct – those pages have higher entry rates and much more direct traffic than other pages on the site.
I'm a fan of interactive and dynamic content – make it happen!
12:02 pm January 25, 2013
| Pauline
| | |
| Member | posts 274 | 
I haven't proof tested strategies, but do have related content at the end of the post (from shareaholics) and make sure to include at least 3-4 links in the post to relevant content. Many bounces come from weird google searches that don't relate to the topic.
12:18 pm January 25, 2013
| Pat S
| | |
| Member | posts 160 | 
When search traffic increases, bounce rate will increase along side. It just goes with the territory. My favorite strategy so far has been the install of the Link Within plugin. It places a very attractive series of 3 related posts at the bottom of your most recent post. I've seen about a 15% improvement in bounce rate since the install.
If you head over to my site, you can see the links at the bottom of each post. It may work for you :)
7:16 pm January 27, 2013
| Nunzio Bruno
| | Springfield, MA | |
| Member | posts 40 | 
Does anyone have any suggestions for plugins that are easily integrated into SquareSpace sites – I feel like I'm in the minority lol
Nunzio Bruno
Financially Digital
Twitter: @Nunzio_Bruno
Always up for some collaboration and an adventure!
Email: nunzio (dot) bruno (at)