As you might have gathered from Dominique @ YourFinancesSimplified in his earlier post, I'm happy he chose our brand-spankin' new podcast to reveal his true identity. Thanks, man!
I'd also like to thank Dr. Dean, Len Penzo, Carrie Smith, Buck (Buckinspire) and Shannyn (FrugalPreneur) for helping out on this episode.
About the show: if you're looking for a hard-hitting show about financial planning….better to stick with Flexo's Consumerism Commentary podcast. If you want a short burst of inspiration go to the Buckinspire podcast and if you're an entrepreneur try the FrugalPreneur podcast. I'm sure there are many others that I'm forgetting that are really good at what they do. Ours isn't any of these things. I didn't want to compete with podcasts I already loved.
Instead, if you want a podcast that's a light-hearted walk wandering through the world of financial planning, the Worst of the Free Financial Advisor podcast (live from my parent's basement) might be your show.
We're hoping that many of you will join us in the next few months on the show. I'll be posting here for guests regularly.
If you have a topic that you think would fit our show, please drop me an email or PM.
We're really excited it's finally live. I had no idea what a pain in the neck creating this would be…..