I've been giving this a lot of thought, and I think I want to host a carnival. Right now, I'm thinking every other month on the last Saturday of the month, but before we get into a series, I need to start by making the first one a success.
Since I write a pet blog as well as a pf blog (titled the Dog Ate My Wallet), I want my carnival to be something I can feature on both of my sites- the point where pets and personal finance meet. Whether it's about financial lessons from your feral cat (Jana), getting a new puppy (Derek), or just about how you pay the vet bills, I want your blog posts about pets and personal finances.
Please email the link to your pet and finances post to 100wordson@gmail.com with the subject being Pet/PF Carnival (so that I don't lose any of them.) The carnival will go live on Saturday, January 28, so you've still got time to write something if you want to participate but don't yet have a post you like.
Comments or questions, feel free to post them here or email me.
Thank you for your consideration