User | Post |
3:27 pm May 9, 2014
| Bre @ The Weight Of Debt
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| Member | posts 16 | 
I am making a conscious effort to network more and share more blogs but after my recent spike in viewers I have come across a TON of really great PF bloggers. I'm sure if you are reading this you are one of them! I usually will share the posts I've enjoyed during the week on my Monday Monologues but the list of posts I've enjoyed are growing at an alarming rate. It isn't just whim shares either. I actually enjoy so much content that so many PF bloggers are putting out every week.
I guess what I'm asking is thoughts on a more appropriate way to share rather than a never ending list of posts? Maybe a post of just sharing posts? I feel like I'm on retweet over load. Do I just have to cut back? So much quality content not enough hours in the day!
12:12 pm May 10, 2014
| Moneysma
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| Member | posts 165 | 
I tend to tweet/google+ most of the posts I really like. For the really good posts I find, I have a "round up" that I post on Sunday mornings. I usually try to keep that to 10 posts max.
In the instances where I have more than 10, I just pass on the post but try to keep mental notes to not keep posting from the same bloggers every week.
1:18 pm May 10, 2014
| Bre @ The Weight Of Debt
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| Member | posts 16 | 
I'm still really terrible with twitter. I am still not sure if I'm actually using it properly or as optimized as I can. I like the idea of just doing a post dedicated to posts from that week. Ten sounds like a good number too. I like that you try to diversify the blogs you share! I think that is what I'll try!
5:10 am May 11, 2014
| Brian@Luke1428
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| Member | posts 69 | 
Bre @ The Weight Of Debt said:
I am making a conscious effort to network more and share more blogs but after my recent spike in viewers I have come across a TON of really great PF bloggers. I'm sure if you are reading this you are one of them! I usually will share the posts I've enjoyed during the week on my Monday Monologues but the list of posts I've enjoyed are growing at an alarming rate. It isn't just whim shares either. I actually enjoy so much content that so many PF bloggers are putting out every week.
I guess what I'm asking is thoughts on a more appropriate way to share rather than a never ending list of posts? Maybe a post of just sharing posts? I feel like I'm on retweet over load. Do I just have to cut back? So much quality content not enough hours in the day!
I think your method of sharing is fine. Use Twitter as much as possible and keep doing the monologues. It's great to find out another blogger highlighted your stuff. By sharing about others you enhance the chance they will share your stuff. I'd simply limit it to 5-10 in your monologue so you don't get overwhelmed. Perhaps you could Favorite some of the posts on Twitter to remind yourself which ones you really like and want to highlight.
3:05 pm May 13, 2014
| LaTisha @YoungFinances
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| Admin
| posts 1715 | 
I typically share posts that I like via Twitter. I stopped doing link roundups because of the same reason.
8:59 am May 17, 2014
| colormefrugal
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| Member | posts 99 | 
I try to limit my round ups to 5 posts. I favorite and retweet other posts that I like. If you plan on sharing a lot of other posts on a regular basis I think having a dedicated link roundup post is a nice way to do it.
6:47 am May 25, 2014
| debt debs
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| Member | posts 32 | 
While I appreciate the roundups, because they highlight some blogs and blog posts I may not have seen, I've decided not to do round-ups because many already do, and I don't want to saturate / repeat posts of others (not saying those of you who do should stop, not saying I will not start doing this in the future).
I try to tweet and add my own editorial comment to promote the post. (I have a post coming up on this topic with some technical tips).
I also Pin my favourite posts in an appropriate board that I have set up (I have various Pin boards on different topics – Blogging, Investing, Favourites etc.)
Definitely a lot of work getting around to many blogs and I don't have all the answers but still learning 
9:27 am May 29, 2014
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 | 
You might find Buffer useful. It helps spread out Tweets for the best exposure.
10:34 am May 29, 2014
| Bre @ The Weight Of Debt
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| Member | posts 16 | 
Eric – Narrow Bridge Finance said:
You might find Buffer useful. It helps spread out Tweets for the best exposure.
Oh! That sounds wonderful! I will definitely check that out! I am the worst with Twitter! Any tools to help make it easier is awesome!
5:06 am May 31, 2014
| colormefrugal
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| Member | posts 99 | 
I never had very good luck with Buffer when I tried to use it. Even though you can designate when you want tweets to go out, they were always going out at the wrong times or extra tweets were going out, etc.