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Post About Ads on New Blogs


11:37 am
February 2, 2012

Modest Money


posts 256

Post edited 11:10 pm – April 11, 2012 by Financial Samurai

I just published a post about the decision to place ads on a brand new blog.


Would love to hear what fellow yakezie members think about that decision.  It seems that people are pretty firm on their opinion of this.  Is there really such thing as a time period when you should avoid including any ads?  If so, why?

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11:46 am
February 2, 2012



posts 1456

I dont think you necessarily need to avoid ads, but please tell me what a new blogger like yourself is gaining from having them on there?  It's up to you how you value your time, but I dont see there being any monetary returns by posting ads up right now. 


Now on the other hand, if you wanted a placeholder for ads so that you can monetize when you have the necessary traffic, then by all means I am for it.  Though I dont know why you would post anything other than Adsense, but that's just my opinion. 

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11:49 am
February 2, 2012

Modest Money


posts 256

I don't expect to gain any money by posting ads early.  I just don't want to be deceptive by luring people in with an ad-free version and then suddenly selling out.  I'd rather be a sell-out from the start :)  And who knows maybe the monetized posts from the early days might get traffic over time and still lead to commission down the road.  As for adsense, I think that is the easy way out as you can just leave up random ads that might not even suit your audience.

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11:54 am
February 2, 2012



posts 271

To me, it doesnt' matter. If your content is good, and I was a reader from the start, I'll be a reader still no matter how many ads are on the blog; I expect that as a blog continues to grow, they'll put ads up. That's fine with me. I was blogging for a year before I even considered putting advertising on WLGYL. I wouldn't say there's any benefit to putting ads up this early, but at the same time, there's no detriment to it either; I usually read blogs off of a feed anyway which usuallly don't have ads showing up.

Daisy @ When Life Gives You Lemons, Add Vodka
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11:56 am
February 2, 2012



posts 1456

I agree with what you are saying about having ads early on so the expectation is there.


As for the ads currently in place, you have a budgeting tool, and a credit card on there.  None of your posts so far (ok ok, i understand you are new with fewer posts) are related to either one.  Adsense is SE targeted, while not perfect I wouldnt call them as random as what you have up right now. 


Just wanted to throw that out there. Consider this an opinion of a peer, since I see we are both 31 lol.

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12:03 pm
February 2, 2012

Modest Money


posts 256

Thanks for the feedback.  Feel free to leave your opinion in a comment on the post too :)


I just tried to make a point of picking ads where it is something that helps the end user.  I just see so many finance blogs with ads for things that don't help the visitors such as payday loans and uk loan companies when they are clearly focusing on the US market. 


I do plan on covering credit card and money management topics as I progress.  Plus putting the ads up early allowed my designer to plan around them.

Check out my finance blog: Modest Money 

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12:15 pm
February 2, 2012



posts 727

I'd run ads from the start.  That way, your visitors aren't shocked when you add them 6 months down the road.   Just don't go overboard.

12:56 pm
February 2, 2012


New York


posts 846

As long as you don't kill them with ads you should be fine. And no pop ups… I hate those.

1:30 pm
February 2, 2012

Larry @ The Skilled Investor


posts 53

For almost two decades, the Internet ethos has been "content is free." So then how can content providers eat? Well, they do not eat very well in any case, but ads can buy lunch with modest traffic. Use ads from the start and don't worry. Don't overwhelm the site with them, but don't give away the paltry revenue on the few clicks you might get early on.

Since a lot of content on the Internet does not identify publication dates and content never dies without a webmaster putting it out of its misery, there is a horde of speculative SEO advice that keeps getting recycled. Some of this SEO advice might have had a sliver of truth at one point in time, but now the context is long since lost. I doubt if Google cares when a blogger puts up the first ad, but they do seem to care if you overwhelm the content with too many ads above the fold. (Note that this too many ads above the fold topic is also a current SEO discussion that itself will never die.)

Bottom line. If you have something to say, say it. If you want to buy lunch for your efforts, use ads from the outset. If you don't need lunch money, then avoid wasting time on setting up the ads. However, if you don't use ads, many visitors could assume that your site is ancient or brand new, because the only sites I ever see without ads look either ancient or brand new. (Wikipedia or some otherwise funded institution or business excepted.)

Readers do not care if you have ads, because ~99% habitually ignore them anyway. Most Internet users went "ad blind" years ago. See the Jakob Neilsen study at:…..tting.html

86% could not find the US population statistic that was in big red letters in the upper right corner of a webpage, because they expected an ad and ignored that part of the web page.

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1:38 pm
February 2, 2012

Poor Student

Mount Forest, Ontario


posts 72

Take my advice with a grain of salt because I also have a very new blog, but I put the ads almost as soon as I could. To me I might make a buck or two while gaining traffic over the next couple years. They do not bother people at the side of the page, where nothing would be otherwise.

2:00 pm
February 2, 2012

John @ Married with Debt



posts 239

This is something I've been thinking about lately. I feel that PF sites actually look a bit more professional if they have ads. I don't know why, and I'm not claiming this is a rational thought, but it's how I feel.

A site with no ads appears to be a "new" site or somehow unworthy of advertisement. Also, a site with no ads appears to be more of a journal or online diary. PF sites operate more like businesses, and less like blogs. Most of us don't just post random thoughts or updates on what we ate for lunch.

I put some up because down the road I plan to monetize that real estate and I don't want it to be sudden.  

Helping married couples pay off debt and build the life they want…together.

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2:32 pm
February 2, 2012

Andi B.



posts 272

jaicatalano said:

As long as you don't kill them with ads you should be fine. And no pop ups… I hate those.

And those stupid rollover ads. They kill me!

Andi B.

Make the life you want.

Enjoy good food.

Enjoy good friends.

2:49 pm
February 2, 2012

Modest Money


posts 256

Well I'm glad everyone seems to have similar views on the subject.  I agree with John how the lack of ads actually does make a blog seem more amateur.  So I think I'll stick with the ads I do have and try not to overdo it with any future monetization.  I do have a post scheduled for tomorrow that has coupons with affiliate links.  I figure since they still help visitors, they shouldn't be too frowned upon.

Check out my finance blog: Modest Money 

Alexa ranking from 22M to under 70k in 3 months


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6:33 pm
February 2, 2012



I went and left a little comment.


I think your ads are pretty unobtrusive.

7:46 pm
February 2, 2012

LaTisha @YoungFinances


posts 1715

Looks interesting! Headed over now


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9:05 pm
February 2, 2012

Cents To Save


posts 435

jaicatalano said:

As long as you don't kill them with ads you should be fine. And no pop ups… I hate those.

I hate the pop-ups too! where "Saving Money is Enjoyable"! (Yakezie Member Site)

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10:09 am
February 3, 2012



posts 199

These sidebars are made for ads… (sung to the tune of "These boots are made for walking") Cool

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8:49 am
February 4, 2012

Smart Wealth



posts 304

Cents To Save said:

I hate the pop-ups too!

same here, I will always avoid ads with a pop-up

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4:47 pm
February 4, 2012



posts 345

The point of ads is to make money. They aren't there to look pretty. So if you aren't hosting ads to make money then why? It doesn't make sense. 

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4:40 am
February 5, 2012

Penny Pinching Professional


posts 69

I put Adsense up almost immediately as a place holder for future ads and also as a way to start gauging whether it would be possible to make money off of the site.  I had no expectations of making anything now, but after a year I may decide that my blog is no longer worth my time unless it's bringing in income, and I didn't want to start from scratch with advertising then.  I got an email from someone a couple weeks ago wanting to advertise on my blog, and I considered it but they wanted to do a banner across the top, pay for clicks only, and the topic was something I didn't think would get a lot of interest.  Right after that I got accepted by the BlogHer ad network, so I'm waiting on that to go through.  From what I've heard, BlogHer doesn't bring in a huge amount and they have a lot of restrictions, but I knew about them from other (non PF) blogs I read that use it and I like that they include links to other posts in the network and could help me get readers in addition to money.  I also like that they pay for views rather than clicks.

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