User | Post |
2:01 pm September 27, 2013
| evolvingPF
| | Durham, NC | |
| Member | posts 50 | 
Hi everyone,
I'm preparing a post on emergency funds but instead of writing about all the different theories about what size they should be I'd rather just link to your wonderful posts! If you've written a post about how to determine the size of an emergency fund – and more importantly, why it should be that size – I'd love to review and possibly link to it in my post. Is the emergency fund motivated by risk of unemployment, repairs, deductibles, unexpected expenses…?
3:46 am September 28, 2013
| maria@moneyprinciple
| | Manchester, UK | |
| Member | posts 679 | 
just sent some links.
6:43 am September 28, 2013
| keerthikasingaravel
| | |
| Member | posts 21 | 
Hope this post is of use to you.…..ency-fund/
8:14 am September 28, 2013
| The Frugal Toad
| | |
| Member | posts 587 | 
Hi Emily,
Here is the link to a post I wrote about the importance of an emergency fund, how much you should have, and other sources of funds in an emergency.
7:45 pm September 28, 2013
| Edward Antrobus
| | Fort Collins, CO | |
| Member
| posts 1008 | 
As usual, I had a slightly different take on the topic. I wrote a post taking aim at the amount Dave Ramsey recommends for the first "baby step" of a $1000 emergency fund: Is $1000 a Large Enough Emergency Fund?
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10:27 am September 29, 2013
| Budgeting in the Fun Stuff
| | |
| Member
| posts 3048 | 
Here is the initial post about emergency funds that I wrote right after I started blogging. 
6:06 pm September 29, 2013
| Matt – Mom and Dad Money
| | |
| Member | posts 68 | 
7:23 pm September 29, 2013
| OneCentAtatime
| | Florida, USA | |
| Member
| posts 1778 | 
8:26 am September 30, 2013
| Glen Craig
| | |
| Member
| posts 1087 | |
8:51 am September 30, 2013
| Squirrelers
| | |
| Member | posts 986 | 
I have written about The Case for a Bigger Emergency Fund. Hope this helps!
8:54 am September 30, 2013
| Michelle (Making Sense of Cents)
| | |
| Member | posts 400 | 
Post edited 8:55 am – September 30, 2013 by Michelle (Making Sense of Cents)
I made a post on this as well :)
Emergency Funds
5:51 am October 1, 2013
| Khaleef @ KNS Financial
| | Fat Guy, Skinny Wallet | |
| Member
| posts 3149 | 
6:18 am October 4, 2013
| MonicaOnMoney
| | |
| Member | posts 67 | 
Hi! I wrote about having an emergency fund with 6 months of expenses:…..ency-fund/
Monica On Money
1:12 pm October 4, 2013
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 | 
11:23 am October 8, 2013
| evolvingPF
| | Durham, NC | |
| Member | posts 50 | 
Thanks everyone for pointing me to your posts! My post that will point to a bunch of them is going up tomorrow, so if you have any last-minute ones you want me to consider I can look them over today.
1:16 pm October 9, 2013
| evolvingPF
| | Durham, NC | |
| Member | posts 50 | 
My post on EF size went up today. Thanks to everyone who suggested their articles. I read an enjoyed them all and ended up linking to about 10 in the post. I learned a lot preparing for and writing this one.