User | Post |
11:28 am February 6, 2012
| Briana @ How's Married Life?
| | Los Angeles | |
| Member | posts 120 |
Hey guys,
Looks like Google has updated PR once again. While many probably stayed the same, myself and some other bloggers got a bump up! So what does this mean for our blog? Does going from 3 to 4 mean more advertisers? Does going from 4 to 5 mean higher rates? How can we continue to grow and fight being reduced for the next update? Essentially, what does a higher PR do for our blogs and how we conduct it?
Would love to hear anyone's thoughts/insight.
11:47 am February 6, 2012
| Eric J. Nisall
| | Coral Springs, FL | |
| Member | posts 377 |
I wouldn't know, I didn't get invited to that party ha ha
Seriously, I would tend to think a rising PR combines with rising mozRank and decreasing Alexa rank would lead to better ad opportunities and higher rates. I'm sure it will also result in lots more spam looking for backlinks to crap sites too.
12:23 pm February 6, 2012
| Jason@LiveRealNow
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| Member | posts 727 |
When your PR goes up, raise your ad rates. :)
12:35 pm February 6, 2012
| Sandy @ yesiamcheap
| | New York, NY | |
| Member | posts 802 |
Post edited 4:37 pm – February 6, 2012 by Sandy @ yesiamcheap
The PR Bump is a nice thing, but honestly, it's on the back end of my list of things for the blog.
I realize that we're all talking FINCON12, but FINCON11 was just 3 months ago. I'm still implementing everything that I learned from that conference.
Things like focusing on my readers, redesigning the blog for it to be easier on the eyes, writing authentic stories wrapped around my lessons, sharing the love with other bloggers but not being too focused on other bloggers, making sure that my Facebook and G+ always has fresh content in addition to Twitter, giving back by running a giveaway, improving my ranking by interlinking, etc., seeking out partnership and the HOST of other things that I learned has improved my blog in ways that are better than a lone PR update can show.
I built it, hope they come.
1:42 pm February 6, 2012
| Dividend Ninja
| | Vancouver B.C. | |
| Member | posts 198 |
Hey Briana, I'm glad you pointed this out! I also checked mine and see that the Dividend Ninja went from 2 to 3, so that is good news!
What this means guys, for those who are unfamiliar, is that Google will place your search results ahead of a site with a lower PR. A ranking of 3 is considered average, and a Ranking of 4 to 5 is excellent. The higher your PR, the higher the rates you can charge for advertising (though check with Crystal on that), and the more people will visit your site. A Google PR is in my opinion far more important than anything else on the web. Go to the Wisebread or MoneyCrashers Top Personal Finance Blogs, and you will see all the top sites have high PR ;)
Sandy, a solid PR rank is far more important than any other cosmetic or structural changes you can make on your site! You should not put that on your back burner, nor underestimate its importance. A good PR comes from good content, quality (not quantity) of backlinks etc.
1:56 pm February 6, 2012
| Sandy @ yesiamcheap
| | New York, NY | |
| Member | posts 802 |
Dividend Ninja said:
Sandy, a solid PR rank is far more important than any other cosmetic or structural changes you can make on your site! You should not put that on your back burner, nor underestimate its importance. A good PR comes from good content, quality (not quantity) of backlinks etc.
Oh, I know that it's important. It's just not my focus. You can get heartburn thinking/worrying about PR and mozRank. I decided that if it moves up, great. If it doesn't, meh…of course I'll be charging more now for ads too. ;)
2:12 pm February 6, 2012
| Budgeting in the Fun Stuff
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| Member
| posts 3048 |
I know PR affects lots of stuff like post rankings in searches, but I have decided to look at it all differently now. PR to me is just how I determine my ad rates. I quit caring about search engine rankings and decided to go back to blogging just for the fun of it. It helped tremendously. My PR even went up from a PR3 to a 4 once I made the change. My posts are way more personal again and I have more readers and subscribers than ever before. So for me, PR is for ad rates, but I judge my site's success on the number of commenters, visitors, and subscribers it receives. It may be nuts but it has made me way happier.
2:15 pm February 6, 2012
| Jeff @ Sustainable Life Blog
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| Member | posts 964 |
Great points crystal – I agree. WHile the PR bump was nice, I have more fun with the readers/comments than anything else.
2:33 pm February 6, 2012
| Aloysa
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| Member | posts 910 | |
I agree with Crystal! She said it all!
Creator of:
2:50 pm February 6, 2012
| Squirrelers
| | |
| Member | posts 986 |
Budgeting in the Fun Stuff said:
I know PR affects lots of stuff like post rankings in searches, but I have decided to look at it all differently now. PR to me is just how I determine my ad rates. I quit caring about search engine rankings and decided to go back to blogging just for the fun of it. It helped tremendously. My PR even went up from a PR3 to a 4 once I made the change. My posts are way more personal again and I have more readers and subscribers than ever before. So for me, PR is for ad rates, but I judge my site's success on the number of commenters, visitors, and subscribers it receives. It may be nuts but it has made me way happier.
Well said, Crystal. I'm taking an approach like that, with other stats being more of a success indicator. Not that I have a problem with my blog having a PR3, of course.
3:11 pm February 6, 2012
| Jason@LiveRealNow
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| Member | posts 727 |
Dividend Ninja said:
What this means guys, for those who are unfamiliar, is that Google will place your search results ahead of a site with a lower PR. A ranking of 3 is considered average, and a Ranking of 4 to 5 is excellent. The higher your PR, the higher the rates you can charge for advertising (though check with Crystal on that), and the more people will visit your site. A Google PR is in my opinion far more important than anything else on the web. Go to the Wisebread or MoneyCrashers Top Personal Finance Blogs, and you will see all the top sites have high PR ;)
The main value of Pagerank is to make your outgoing links more valuable for ranking other pages, which is why a high pagerank gets you more ad revenue.
3:30 pm February 6, 2012
| Jeremy @ Personal Finance Whiz
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| Member | posts 174 |
Dividend Ninja said:
What this means guys, for those who are unfamiliar, is that Google will place your search results ahead of a site with a lower PR.
While sites with higher PR carry more authority in general, it doesn't mean they automatically rank higher. A lot of things factor into your rankings. Just as one example, PFW is sitting at #1 for a term with a fair amount of traffic. Here are the 4 sites right below me:
- – PR 8
- – PR 8
- – PR 7
- – PR 6
3:32 pm February 6, 2012
| Dividend Ninja
| | Vancouver B.C. | |
| Member | posts 198 |
Hey guys, I wasn't suggesting that good content wasn't important ;) Far from it.. In fact if you didn't have good content then you wouldn't have a good PR. Its not an exclusive thing – these two things work together (good content = PR). Google made that quite clear after the infamous Panda Update.
Of course success comes from the enjoyment of blogging, comments, and readers and those that we come to know as friends. Who would argue with that?
All I'm saying is don't take the PR for granted, its worth gold in this business ;) unless you are just blogging for fun of course.
3:40 pm February 6, 2012
| Dividend Ninja
| | Vancouver B.C. | |
| Member | posts 198 |
Jeremy @ Personal Finance Whiz said:
Dividend Ninja said:
What this means guys, for those who are unfamiliar, is that Google will place your search results ahead of a site with a lower PR.
While sites with higher PR carry more authority in general, it doesn't mean they automatically rank higher. A lot of things factor into your rankings. Just as one example, PFW is sitting at #1 for a term with a fair amount of traffic. Here are the 4 sites right below me:
- – PR 8
- – PR 8
- – PR 7
- – PR 6
Jeremy, traffic doesnot equate with PR. You are correct :)
What I said was a higher PR means Google weights your site higher in the search results. PR is a pretty elusive thing, we really don't know how Google measures it, but you can be sure of one thing. You have a good PR you will get more hits on your index page ;)
I'm not trying to debate things here, or prove thigns right or wrong. That's not my point… I'm just trying to offer 7 years of expereince in the web industry – and help others out with what I know.
3:50 pm February 6, 2012
| Funancials
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| Member | posts 345 |
Briana – congrats on your bump up. I'm hanging on tight with my 4.
As the ninja stated above, PR is gold.
4:07 pm February 6, 2012
| jana
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| Member | posts 160 |
I was not included in this PR update so I'm still hanging on to my lowly PR2. It's a bit disheartening to not get the update, especially when you know that advertisers value higher PRs. However, I'm using this as an opportunity to focus on earning money in ways that do not involve advertisers as well as focus on continuing to provide content that engages readers and (hopefully) entertains them. I'm trying to look at it like Crystal does. 'Cause she's a wise lady!
At this point, I'm pretty OK with my content; I just wish Google would agree with me!
4:27 pm February 6, 2012
| Dividend Ninja
| | Vancouver B.C. | |
| Member | posts 198 |
Jana, don't be disheartened! It took me over 12 months to go from a PR2 to a PR3 (and it might even bounce back to a 2) – just keep up with the good work and it will come ;) and as Crystal also said its not the one and only thing…
8:22 pm February 6, 2012
| Daisy
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| Member | posts 271 |
Mine's stayed at 3. I don't know how to increase a page rank, but it's definitely something I'm starting to pay more attention to as my blog grows
9:20 pm February 6, 2012
| OneCentAtatime
| | Florida, USA | |
| Member
| posts 1778 |
As per google blog, PR has 5% significance in search ranking. They did mention it not very long ago.
Advertisers already moved away from PR to DA and PA. A few small SEO firms who still didn't upgrade them selves run after PR and put money on high PR.
I may be wrong but this is my inference after intensely following google blog, SEOMoz blog and Warrior forum for past 2 weeks.
I know this is a big statement, but world is changing fast.
9:45 pm February 6, 2012
| Dominique Brown
| | Washington, DC | |
| Member | posts 510 |
I always figured PR = charge more for ads and that's all.