User | Post |
7:18 am July 26, 2011
| Invest It Wisely
| | |
| Member
| posts 2019 |
Haven't dropped by in a few days, and noticed that PRs for some sites (including mine) are down. :(
Guess the PRs are still in flux…
8:23 am July 26, 2011
| Forest Parks
| | Cairo, Egypt | |
| Admin
| posts 1337 |
Yeah I dropped back to 3, oh well!
9:02 am July 26, 2011
| Sustainable PF
| | |
| Member
| posts 2759 |
9:40 am July 26, 2011
| Derek@LifeAndMyFinances
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| Member
| posts 1298 |
I noticed that too! I don't know why some dropped and some didn't, but I'm still the same… I'll cross my fingers that nothing happens in the next few days.
9:42 am July 26, 2011
| Khaleef @ KNS Financial
| | Fat Guy, Skinny Wallet | |
| Member
| posts 3149 |
Yeah, I went back down to a 2 with KNS Financial, but FGSW stayed a 3.
9:52 am July 26, 2011
| Budgeting in the Fun Stuff
| | |
| Member
| posts 3048 |
BFS went back down to 3 from a temp 4 but my other two stayed at 3's from the 0's they were, so I am trying not to pout too much…
10:00 am July 26, 2011
| Sustainable PF
| | |
| Member
| posts 2759 |
I'm at a point where I expect a drop for our site every time I see one of these threads.
10:10 am July 26, 2011
| Suba @ Wealth Informatics
| | |
| Moderator
| posts 1876 |
Wealth Informatics went back to 2 from 4 but Broke Professionals stayed at 3 (from 0), so not happy about it, but I will take what I have.
10:51 am July 26, 2011
| Miss T @ Prairie Eco-Thrifter
| | |
| Member
| posts 2213 |
Strange you all are having so many issues with this. I have maintained the status quo. I was a 3 and stayed a 3. Hopefully Google gets their act together soon.
10:58 am July 26, 2011
| Jonnypean
| | Earth | |
| Member | posts 69 |
Very upset with big G's result
1:17 pm July 26, 2011
| Jeff @ Sustainable Life Blog
| | |
| Member | posts 964 |
Thanks for the notice on this – I stayed the same, but sorry for those of you that drops. It's the "invisible hand" that's shaping the market.
1:23 pm July 26, 2011
| Beating The Index
| | Montreal, Canada | |
| Member | posts 180 |
Post edited 1:24 pm – July 26, 2011 by Beating The Index
Mine dropped from 4 to 2, could it those pay day loan links that I posted?
Oh well, it was still worth the money but maybe I should not renew next year….
1:38 pm July 26, 2011
| Suba @ Wealth Informatics
| | |
| Moderator
| posts 1876 |
Nope thats not it Beatingtheindex. I dont gave a single text link in WI I still dropped. I do have links in BP and that has a higher PR. Only google knows the reason :)
3:04 pm July 26, 2011
| The Financial Blogger
| | |
| Member | posts 429 |
interesting… don't remember all my previous PR, but it seems that I wasn't affected:
The financial blogger: 4 (from 5)
Div guy blog: 5 (from4)
Green Panda: 4
intelligent speculator: 4 4
I hope they play with their panda update at the same time!
3:12 pm July 26, 2011
| retireby40
| | USA | |
| Member
| posts 1381 |
We're still at 3 so far. It seems the sites that went from PR0 all kept their new PR.
Also, MozRank got updated! We went from 4.39 to 5.24. Yay!
5:00 pm July 26, 2011
| The College Investor
| | San Diego, CA | |
| Admin
| posts 1935 |
My PR dropped to 1….oh well. Moz went up to 4.44 though!
5:08 pm July 26, 2011
| everydaytips
| | Detroit Area | |
| Member | posts 455 |
I plummeted from a 4 back down to a 1. I am only 25 percent as good as I was a couple weeks ago! :)
6:50 pm July 26, 2011
| FamilyMoneyValues
| | |
| Member | posts 812 |
Mine stayed the same… far anyway.
7:30 pm July 26, 2011
| Brave New Life
| | |
| Member | posts 41 |
I expect more of the same. On the other hand, how much did traffic drop? My experience is that traffic is less impacted, and that's what matters.
9:01 pm July 26, 2011
| The College Investor
| | San Diego, CA | |
| Admin
| posts 1935 |
Brave New Life said:
I expect more of the same. On the other hand, how much did traffic drop? My experience is that traffic is less impacted, and that's what matters.
What's odd is that my traffic is at all time highs – over 7,000 unique visitors over the last 30 days!