User | Post |
6:11 am July 1, 2013
| Matt – Mom and Dad Money
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| Member | posts 68 | 
I'm supposed to be hosting the Carnival of Financial Planning B this week, but haven't gotten any notifications of submitted posts or anything. I've never hosted a carnival before, so I'm not sure if there's something I'm supposed to be doing here. Is there someone who I should reach out to? Or some place to go to see submissions? Thanks for the help.
7:11 am July 1, 2013
| FrugalRules
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| Member | posts 161 | 
When I hosted that Carnival the admin sent an email with the html file of the posts to be included. Best I can remember they sent it either the day of the carnival or the day before.
8:39 am July 1, 2013
| Pauline
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| Member | posts 274 | 
I get my submissions 48 hours before the carnival so you should get them soon!
9:43 am July 5, 2013
| Matt – Mom and Dad Money
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| Member | posts 68 | 
Thanks guys. That's exactly how it worked. Very easy. Just for future reference, is that how most other carnivals work as well? Just want to know what to expect. Thanks again.
11:33 pm July 15, 2013
| Tortoise Banker
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| Member | posts 35 | 
Shameless plug… I just started hosting a carnival on my site, and I haven't gotten any submissions yet! Please do so : )…..php?Cid=25