User | Post |
4:59 am June 15, 2013
| Moneysma
| | |
| Member | posts 165 | 
Hey everyone,
I was looking through my archives the other day and found some "diamonds in the rough" so to say back from when I first started to blog. What's the best route if I want to ad content to these old posts? Re-write them entirely? Just update them and share socially?
7:43 am June 15, 2013
| maria@moneyprinciple
| | Manchester, UK | |
| Member | posts 679 | 
Re-write! They are always better when re-written and very different – you and the world have changed and hopefully at least one has improved :).
8:21 am June 16, 2013
| ConsumerFu
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| Member | posts 48 | 
I agree with Maria. I wouldn't delete the old post necessarily. Some old posts give you a nice way to reference growth and change.
11:58 am June 16, 2013
| Barbara Friedberg
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| Member
| posts 1302 | 
Occasionally I will revise an old post and then repost it currently. This only works if there is no date in the permalink. AFter you have a large stable of articles, it's a shame to let them languish in the past. Here's one I recently updated, http://barbarafriedbergpersona…..f-success/. It's one of my all time most popular articles.
I've also stopped dating articles.
1:45 pm June 16, 2013
| Jeff Rose
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| Member | posts 574 | 
I frequently re-pulish old posts after updating with new content and making it relevant to current trends. Note that I only do this if the URL structure is desired (I had some old posts that contained numbers or the year in it). If I wanted to update the URL structure, I would then write and publish a new post and then 301 direct the old post to the new one.
4:50 pm June 16, 2013
| Moneysma
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| Member | posts 165 | 
Great info everyone..thanks for your comments. I'll go ahead and re-write them.
11:49 pm June 16, 2013
| Untemplater
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| Member | posts 400 | 
You can also just make an old post "sticky" to bring to the top of your homepage temporarily. If you publish a brand new post just remember to make it sticky as well or it won't show up first.
8:04 am June 18, 2013
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 | 
I do this pretty regularly now as I have an archive of 900+ posts. Some of them from 2007 are not great, but are on great topics. I save them as a draft and re-post with the new date. That way it keeps the URL and organic traffic but gives the readers (old and new) more value. I also put a note at the bottom "originally published XXX, updated XXX)
2:50 pm June 18, 2013
| martin
| | |
| Member | posts 199 | |
To be honest, Google looks at every single post. I went through my archives and deleted so many articles.
A few more things you can do:
Add reader comments to the content.
Delete the post.
Re-publish with updated thoughts.
Re-publish with reader comments.
Write a new article where you mention the old ones.
4:18 pm June 18, 2013
| Khaleef @ KNS Financial
| | Fat Guy, Skinny Wallet | |
| Member
| posts 3149 | 
I will normally just update the existing post and republish (the date is not a part of my URL structure).
9:50 pm June 19, 2013
| The Frugal Toad
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| Member | posts 587 | 
Khaleef @ KNS Financial said:
I will normally just update the existing post and republish (the date is not a part of my URL structure).
Just curious what the potential outcomes of updating and republishing might be. Did you see increase in traffic or a change in the posts PR?
8:14 pm June 21, 2013
| Moneysma
| | |
| Member | posts 165 | 
Eric – said:
I do this pretty regularly now as I have an archive of 900+ posts. Some of them from 2007 are not great, but are on great topics. I save them as a draft and re-post with the new date. That way it keeps the URL and organic traffic but gives the readers (old and new) more value. I also put a note at the bottom "originally published XXX, updated XXX)
So if I understand, you go into a post that you previously published, edit to to draft form, update the info in the post and then simply re-post for the current date?
8:34 pm June 21, 2013
| Melissa (Mom's Plans)
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| Member | posts 908 | 
Barb Friedberg said:
I've also stopped dating articles.
How did you stop dating the articles? Can someone let me know how to do that? Thanks!
7:53 am June 24, 2013
| Barbara Friedberg
| | |
| Member
| posts 1302 | 
I don't remember exactly where, but in the dashboard, there is a settings item which allows you to opt in or out of certain structural formats for each post. This way if I miss post one week, there's no date to show I posted 2 instead of 3 articles one week.