User | Post |
7:21 am March 3, 2015
| btjones
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| Member | posts 4 | 
I'm new here and ready for the challenge, My alexa ranking hasn't actually registered yet, hence the "almost" in the title, but I am excited to finally find a community of like minded bloggers. The only question I really have is, is it worth signing up for alexa, it seems that I will get to see my site data faster, but all of the information it shows I can get for free from google analytics, except for the seemingly arbitrary "ranking" number. Any insight into this and tips on my site structure, content etc. would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance and thanks for building and contributing to this seemingly, awesome community.
I'm on a journey to create economical, cost-effective passive income streams that will replace my income with as little investment as possible. Follow me at
9:55 am March 12, 2015
| AaronN
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| Member | posts 7 | |
Nice blog you got there, same theme as mine actually haha. I kinda like how you set it up though…
1:06 pm March 12, 2015
| btjones
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| Member | posts 4 | 
Thank you! Yes, it's pretty fantastic to be free. I like yours as well and followed you on twitter! These forums seem to be pretty desolate…I was hoping for more of a community here.
I'm on a journey to create economical, cost-effective passive income streams that will replace my income with as little investment as possible. Follow me at
1:22 pm March 12, 2015
| AaronN
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| Member | posts 7 | |
Yeah the theme is excellent, I love it. It used to be very alive here a few years ago, but we still got key players here. I was gone a while too around the time but trying to get back into it :)
1:59 pm March 12, 2015
| btjones
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| Member | posts 4 | 
More power to you, thanks for the comment btw, I will make my way around to your site in a few hours and give back.
I'm on a journey to create economical, cost-effective passive income streams that will replace my income with as little investment as possible. Follow me at
3:52 pm March 12, 2015
| krantcents
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| Member | posts 909 | 
6:28 am March 30, 2015
| The Frugal Toad
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| Member | posts 587 | 
Welcome to the challenge BT!
8:45 am March 30, 2015
| Derek@LifeAndMyFinances
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| Member
| posts 1298 | 
Welcome to the challenge btj! Always good to see new challengers around here.
7:24 pm March 31, 2015
| Moneysma
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| Member | posts 165 | 
Welcome to the challenge. If you put in the work, you will see the results! Also, take advantage of networking with others.
2:24 pm April 11, 2015
| colormefrugal
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| Member | posts 99 | 
Welcome to the challenge BT!