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9:52 am October 9, 2013
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| Member | posts 407 | 
Post edited 9:55 am – October 9, 2013 by
I got a crazy comment today on my "How I Blew Through $100k" post. It was just raw and real, and I think serves as a good reminder that we are not just writing for a small audience with similar interests, but a VERY diverse group of people with real issues. We have the opportunity to actually help people and affect their lives in HUGE ways.
Let me know what you think:
iHeartBudgets Comment <– Click Here
1:39 pm October 9, 2013
| maria@moneyprinciple
| | Manchester, UK | |
| Member | posts 679 | 
Wow! If I were you I'll celebrate.
2:41 am October 10, 2013
| keerthikasingaravel
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| Member | posts 21 | 
I too am surprised about how far some of my articles have gone,the number of times they have been shared,read and commented upon.Those dealing with laws and securing property rights especially are places where I come across some gut wrenching personal problems.I decided to make my writings public in the hopes that others would find what I write useful but never did I imagine I would receive comments that raise such visceral feelings in me.
7:22 am October 10, 2013
| This That And The MBA
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| Member | posts 240 | 
wow great article… i didnt see it the first time it was posted…i always wanted an s-10 extreme when i was younger as well…. great post man…great post…glad to see the good that came out of it was ur wife…
9:03 am October 10, 2013
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| Member | posts 407 | 
Thanks ya'll. Yeah, I don't know if he's even able to get my response (stated that he's homeless with no cell phone), but I really feel for him. Life is crazy tough, and it sounds like he just went through the perfect storm of terrible things. Hoping he can be encouraged and make some positive changes, not just in his actions, but emotionally.
4:54 pm October 10, 2013
| bryce
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| Member | posts 40 | 
That comment on your blog is another example of the need for financial planning to be taught in high school, if not before. I find it interesting that the Treasury Department commissioned the University of Missouri-St. Louis to develop a four-lesson curriculum supplement for middle school math classes. It is called Money Math: Lessons for Life, and is free for teachers to use. Too bad that most people don't know about it. The link points you to a page where the lesson plans are available in PDF form.
I have shown it to our son's middle school math teachers and they say their curriculum is already set. I asked about them using it in the future and they said they'll have to look at it. Here's hoping they actually do.
10:19 pm October 10, 2013
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| Member | posts 407 | 
It was sad to see the mistakes made, and financial education is SORELY lacking from our education system, that is for sure. He also has some terrible "friends" around him that I hope he will stay away from after this incident. It really is a shame, as my brother went through the same thing :(