User | Post |
7:48 am October 8, 2013
| getrichwithme
| | Manchester UK | |
| Member | posts 47 | 
I've been blogging now for nearly two months.
My Alexa rank has dropped from 18,500,000 to 324,000 (which is pleasing)
However on the traffic side of things – my main source of traffic is still from people following or replying to posts I've made on other peoples website.
I get VERY little search engine traffic, despite using Yoast SEO plugin and getting a green light on every post I make.
Does anyone have any tips on how i might be able to increase my search engine traffic – or is it just a case of business as usual and wait for google to start liking me ?
9:08 am October 8, 2013
| Eve of Reduction
| | Buffalo, NY | |
| Member | posts 46 | 
I just posted about a similar issue. One thing I'm doing is creating titles that are more popular than cheeky. So, things more like "How Much Can you get for Scrap Metal? instead of Cash Realities of Scrap Metal.
I also learned that inside your post, you should create an H1 that more or less repeats your title.
Cristin Frank
Founder of Eve of Reduction - Where Reducers are Producers - Reduction Rebels, let's save money by being clever, resourceful and creative. Before we open our wallets, we open our minds.
Author of Living Simple, Free & Happy: How to Simplify, Declutter Your Home, and Reduce Stress, Debt & Waste
Like us on Facebook and Pinterest
Twitter: @cristinfrank
4:26 pm October 8, 2013
| debtroundup
| | Raleigh | |
| Member | posts 190 | 
Adding an H1 tag inside your post content is not advised. Your title on your page should already be an H1. You don't want to repeat it. You should add H2 tags with your keywords inside of them and then H3 and so on. Multiple H1 tags are just not necessary.
7:56 pm October 10, 2013
| Eve of Reduction
| | Buffalo, NY | |
| Member | posts 46 | 
Thanks for clarifying the H1 point.
Cristin Frank
Founder of Eve of Reduction - Where Reducers are Producers - Reduction Rebels, let's save money by being clever, resourceful and creative. Before we open our wallets, we open our minds.
Author of Living Simple, Free & Happy: How to Simplify, Declutter Your Home, and Reduce Stress, Debt & Waste
Like us on Facebook and Pinterest
Twitter: @cristinfrank
2:36 pm October 11, 2013
| frugaling
| | |
| Member | posts 139 | 
Here's my recommendation:
Yoast is a terrific tool – keep using it. But search engine traffic is not magical – it's scientific. Google will rank you higher once it feels like you have significant influence on the market for whatever keyword you're using. For instance, if you're looking to make the first page on Google when people search for "coupons," there's no chance you'll make it (for at least a few months with crazy traffic gains).
Try to keep building and writing. Focus on great content and share your content here, through social networking, and through friends. Keep pushing it and Google will start to notice – their algorithms do all the work.
If you want a super fast traffic boost, try A popular post on Reddit can net you thousands of visitors (I had about 6,000 in one day).
Keep writing, keep making green light articles, and keep sharing.
I started getting more Google traffic sometime after four months…
Hope this helps,
3:06 pm October 11, 2013
| retireby40
| | USA | |
| Member
| posts 1381 | 
Just keep working at it.
I think they also give older sites more weight. So if your site is 2 months old, you probably won't beat older sites with similar keywords.
6:20 pm October 11, 2013
| Anton Ivanov
| | San Diego, CA | |
| Member | posts 129 | 
And don't forget about link-building. No matter how great your on-page SEO is, if you don't have a strong link profile for your domain AND for each individual page, you just won't rank.
If you want more advice, shoot me an email at anton.ivanov "at" – I offer blogger mentoring and online marketing consultations.