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6:26 pm November 8, 2011
| Dominique Brown
| | Washington, DC | |
| Member | posts 510 |
Budgeting in the Fun Stuff said:
Thanks! I will blow them off, grow a thicker skin eventually, and keep on keeping on as usual.
Like a boss!
1:05 pm November 9, 2011
| Cash Flow Mantra
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| Member | posts 66 |
Well, I for one appreciate the posts and use them as motivation. You still have to do what is comfortable for you, but I would miss them.
1:47 pm November 9, 2011
| Budgeting in the Fun Stuff
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| Member
| posts 3048 |
Kidgas said:
Well, I for one appreciate the posts and use them as motivation. You still have to do what is comfortable for you, but I would miss them.
No worries. I'll keep them going. Thank you for the words of encouragement!
10:22 pm November 9, 2011
| My Personal Finance Journey
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| Member
| posts 3159 |
I love the monthly updates and read almost every one of them! It's amazing to see your progress.
If someone thinks you're bragging, just direct them to Pat Flynn's monthly updates for a little education, where he mentioned he made $15,000 in Blue Host affiliate commissions in the month of October alone - http://www.smartpassiveincome……ober-2011/
But yes, "haters are gonna hate" haha
4:27 am November 10, 2011
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| Member | posts 38 |
Personally, I LOVE the updates.
5:02 am November 10, 2011
| The Penny Hoarder
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| Member | posts 137 |
I know it's already been said, but I too really like your updates! Very inspiring. I seriously went to your blog the other day just to find your latest update… (needed the pick-me-up that day – lol).
8:37 am November 10, 2011
| Budgeting in the Fun Stuff
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| Member
| posts 3048 |
@Jacob, Pat Flynn makes me feel silly, lol. He really has built up a major passive income lifestyle while I spend 10 hours a week day building up my business. I felt a little dumb for a second when I thought about that, but at the same time, I suck with affiliate marketing. So I guess we all find our niches. And I tune in to check out his updates every month, hahaha.
@FMF, thank you! And thank you for getting me started with blogging in the first place! FMF, My Open Wallet, and GRS inspired me to start.
@Kyle, being used as a pick me up is seriously the best compliment! Thanks!
2:37 pm November 12, 2011
| Barbara Friedberg
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| Member
| posts 1302 |
I've been a fan since day one. Keep up the updates. The haters mean you have arrived. Ignore them!!!!
3:02 pm November 12, 2011
| My Personal Finance Journey
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| Member
| posts 3159 |
Definitely agree with what you said below. I've found that blogging is by no means "easy income!" Takes a lot of time, but is also very fullfilling and fun!
Budgeting in the Fun Stuff said:
@Jacob, Pat Flynn makes me feel silly, lol. He really has built up a major passive income lifestyle while I spend 10 hours a week day building up my business. I felt a little dumb for a second when I thought about that, but at the same time, I suck with affiliate marketing. So I guess we all find our niches. And I tune in to check out his updates every month, hahaha.
@FMF, thank you! And thank you for getting me started with blogging in the first place! FMF, My Open Wallet, and GRS inspired me to start.
@Kyle, being used as a pick me up is seriously the best compliment! Thanks!
5:57 pm November 12, 2011
| Kay Lynn Akers
| | San Diego | |
| Member | posts 904 |
I love the updates and am so happy for your success!
1:04 pm November 13, 2011
| The Financial Blogger
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| Member | posts 429 |
Budgeting in the Fun Stuff said:
Suba @ Wealth Informatics said:
I find it inspiring and think it is total awesome. I look forward to it so that I can also dream about it and that gives me a good kick on my back to start fleshing out my own goals… But you have to do what is good for you. If that means cutting down the transparency then that is what you should do.
Sorry you had to go through this. I don't see where negativity and hate stand in this whole business, as it won't help anyone, much less gain for the haters. But as Jason said, haters are gonna hate…
Thanks. I think I am leaning towards just posting my blog revenue and leaving the ad business out of it…maybe only posting my ad business stats on HIMMB…I don't know. I love being transparent but definitely don't want to chase people off with it or get more competition because of it. I am on the fence right now…
Hey Crystal,
You should definitely continue to post your updates. It has become a great source of motivation for me as you quickly get in front of me in term of income (and I'm very impressed by that!).
In regards to negativity, I've skimmed the comment section of your latest income announcement (on both sites HIMMB and BITFS) and didn't see any negative comments. Did you get it by email?
And for the competition, I left a comment on your HIMMB about that (if it is concerning me ;-) ). If not, let just say that it's impossible to be successful by doing something and never have competitors. When I first started to explain how I buy blogs, I was the only one doing this. Now, I can count easily 10 serious buyers in the PF industry.
Competition is actually very good for any markets. It helps creating or increasing the market and keep providers on edge (so they are always offering their best). This competition will probably bring your more clients ;-).
keep it up!
5:48 am November 14, 2011
| Doughroller
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| New Member | posts 2 |
Crystal, it was your monthly updates that brought me to your site (and then here). I've always found what other successful bloggers make to be very motivational. To be honest, I'm not sure if I could ever bring myself to disclose that information about my sites, but then again I don't have a blog about making money online.
Disclosing your online income has got to be a great marketing technique, even if you do it for other reasons. It's probably worth considering whether you are giving away a competitive advantage, but that should be easy to manage while still sharing your success with the rest of us.
8:27 am November 14, 2011
| The Single Saver
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| Member | posts 689 |
Crystal, I'd keep up with the status quo for two reasons:
#1 – It is no one's business what you do but your own. If the haters don't like it, they can either not read or engage you in a productive, mature discussion about it.
#2 – Your income is going to rise and fall. That is the nature of self employment. By being transparent, you will show others who may wish to get into self employment that life isn't always rosey, that there are good months and bad months, and that the overall goal is to keep working hard and not to give up.
Oh, and for what's worth, I am very happy with your services and hope you keep making a boatload of money for you and all of us! :)
11:17 am November 14, 2011
| Budgeting in the Fun Stuff
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| Member
| posts 3048 |
@Barb, I will.
@Jacob, yes, very fulfilling! Worth the time!
@Kay Lynn, you are a fantastic person just in case I hadn't mentioned that lately. Thank you for getting me on this track to start with and for all of your continuous support!
@TFB, The longer I do this, the more I realize competition is going to happen. I can sulk a little and then suck it up and move on, lol. But no, I didn't know that you were in this business as well.
@Doughroller, I am glad to have helped you find Yakezie! And yes, I guess the updates are pretty good marketing on my good months, lol.
@The Single Saver, it's been awesome to work for you. And yes, my income will not be as high this month as last month, so people can use me to see the fluctuations of self employment. Good point!
11:36 pm November 14, 2011
| MaximizingMoney
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Keep doing them if that's what you want to do and enjoy doing them.
I think it's awesome and love reading about those details. I wish I had the courage to post that type of information myself.
Haters are always going to hate, but believe me, it's just because they want to be you.