Sorry to keep posting things specific to my site this week, I've just been been trying to expand and improve my site more aggressively. I've added the Sociable plugin to my site since I noticed that one of my articles was submitted to Reddit recently, and I received 33 visits in one day from it. They spent a significant amount of time on the site as well.
But I really wanted to get your opinions on if you like the layout of my site after I switched to excerpts? Or if you think I should go back to the full posting. Please let me know! This is something I was cautious about changing, but you can see so many more posts on the homepage now. I figured I'll go with whatever the majority thinks.
I really appreciate everyones help this week, it has made things easier on me…I just want to get back to worrying about new content only and leave the technical stuff alone, but I've lagged on needed improvements for awhile now.