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The Power of The Consumerist

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2:42 pm
October 8, 2011

Tony Chou @ Investorz' Blog


posts 643

Sustainable PF said:

Tony Chou @ Investorz' Blog said:

Sustainable PF said:

Tony Chou @ Investorz' Blog said:

Great. But why would people make their own when they can buy it for a few bucks?

If you took the time to read the article you might learn something.

I did.

Then the first sentence gave you an answer.

Not all deodorant sticks have aluminum.

A blog for investors to learn how to invest in the financial markets. Investorz' Blog

Yakezie holiday badge contest. Click

3:17 pm
October 8, 2011

Sustainable PF


posts 2759

Then take it to my site, post a comment and let the author respond to you there.  Otherwise, go away.

If you truly want to come at me or undermine a success our site had, expect it back.  100x fold.


Tony Chou @ Investorz' Blog said:

Sustainable PF said:

Tony Chou @ Investorz' Blog said:

Sustainable PF said:

Tony Chou @ Investorz' Blog said:

Great. But why would people make their own when they can buy it for a few bucks?

If you took the time to read the article you might learn something.

I did.

Then the first sentence gave you an answer.

Not all deodorant sticks have aluminum.

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3:28 pm
October 8, 2011



posts 986

I think that a simple 'way to go SPF' would have been much more appropriate than belittling the post.


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4:07 pm
October 8, 2011

Suba @ Wealth Informatics


posts 1876

Congrats SPF!!


@Tony, We all have comments section and I am sure SPF would be happy to have both for/against arguments in his comments as long as it is civil. This thread is about a success one of our fellow members had, so lets keep it to that point. 



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4:17 pm
October 8, 2011

The Family CEO


posts 391

Congrats! And did I miss it? Has little SPF been born?


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4:19 pm
October 8, 2011

Tony Chou @ Investorz' Blog


posts 643

I never meant to belittle his post. I was just asking a question. Simple. He was the one who made it big.

A blog for investors to learn how to invest in the financial markets. Investorz' Blog

Yakezie holiday badge contest. Click

4:20 pm
October 8, 2011

Tony Chou @ Investorz' Blog


posts 643

Of course I'm happy with his success. I want all of us here at Yakezie to succeed. But he just loves shooting at everything I say (and write about).

A blog for investors to learn how to invest in the financial markets. Investorz' Blog

Yakezie holiday badge contest. Click

4:21 pm
October 8, 2011

Tony Chou @ Investorz' Blog


posts 643

Take my post over at Prairie Eco-Thrifter for example. Everyone else loved it. But he decided to call it "garbage" and "you need to write better stuff if you want to pass this crap in the pf realm." He also enjoys making derogatory comments towards my threads here at the forums.

A blog for investors to learn how to invest in the financial markets. Investorz' Blog

Yakezie holiday badge contest. Click

6:19 am
October 9, 2011

Sustainable PF


posts 2759

Post edited 6:23 am – October 9, 2011 by Sustainable PF

When I see someone say "buy and hold!  but then sell!" ya, i'll call that a garbage idea.  Buy and Hold is a investing strategy where you KEEP your stocks.  So you post that a good strategy is to "buy and hold, but also sell" – it ISN'T BUY AND HOLD.

Then, when you reply with a single phrase flippant response (like you do on these forums – thanks for ALL the value added thus far Tony) to the fact that buy and hold means HOLD – yes, i'll tell you to get a thicker skin if you want to write nonsense/garbage 100% contrary to the definition of a strategy.

Can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen Tony.  If you write stupid crap (also in these forums) why should I sit here and say "great point Tony!".  I won't.  Don't have to.  Instead, i'll tell you I think your spewing nonsense.  Unfortunately you often give me cause to do so.  If you don't like it, too bad – I could care less about your brilliant ideas be them buy and hold, but sell, or sell when it makes sense – or transformer movie release dates.  Or your incessant need to post new threads instead of doing a search on a topic many have found on these forums before.  Laziness and inaccuracy don't roll with me and you seem chalk full of both.  As I said, you want to play this way, you got it. 

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6:49 am
October 9, 2011

Sustainable PF


posts 2759

Back to making your own deodorant post, by the gracious Miss T

Oct 7 – Article Views: 1634, Consumerist Direct Referrals: 1077 (others must have come from readers, and this

Oct 8 – Article Views: 1425, Consumerist Direct Referrals: 973

Oct 9 (10am or so) Article Views: 161, Consumerist Direct Referrals: 118

Adsense got a bit of action., not so much.

Also interesting, not to many comments on our site – most went back to the Consumerist to discuss/complain.

Visit us at Sustainable Personal Finance

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7:19 am
October 9, 2011

20s Finances


posts 1147

Wow, that's great traffic SPF. It is interesting that they went back to the consumerist to comment. Regardless, it is still a huge success and indicator of the great work you are doing (and Miss T as well). Another success story for Yakezie.



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8:15 am
October 9, 2011

My Personal Finance Journey


posts 3159

Thanks for sharing those number SPF! Some of these "bigger" sites have more traffic than I can even comprehend. 

Yesterday, one of my guest posts got linked to on ( and I got over 900 hits in a matter of hours. Ridiculous! 

Jacob @ My Personal Finance Journey

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8:24 am
October 9, 2011

Tony Chou @ Investorz' Blog


posts 643

Sustainable PF said:

When I see someone say "buy and hold!  but then sell!" ya, i'll call that a garbage idea.  Buy and Hold is a investing strategy where you KEEP your stocks.  So you post that a good strategy is to "buy and hold, but also sell" – it ISN'T BUY AND HOLD.

Then, when you reply with a single phrase flippant response (like you do on these forums – thanks for ALL the value added thus far Tony) to the fact that buy and hold means HOLD – yes, i'll tell you to get a thicker skin if you want to write nonsense/garbage 100% contrary to the definition of a strategy.

Can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen Tony.  If you write stupid crap (also in these forums) why should I sit here and say "great point Tony!".  I won't.  Don't have to.  Instead, i'll tell you I think your spewing nonsense.  Unfortunately you often give me cause to do so.  If you don't like it, too bad – I could care less about your brilliant ideas be them buy and hold, but sell, or sell when it makes sense – or transformer movie release dates.  Or your incessant need to post new threads instead of doing a search on a topic many have found on these forums before.  Laziness and inaccuracy don't roll with me and you seem chalk full of both.  As I said, you want to play this way, you got it. 

You know what? Fine. You keep doing what you're doing, and I'll keep doing what I'm doing. One day, when your portfolio is down in the dumps, life sucks for you bud.

A blog for investors to learn how to invest in the financial markets. Investorz' Blog

Yakezie holiday badge contest. Click

8:26 am
October 9, 2011

Tony Chou @ Investorz' Blog


posts 643

Tony Chou @ Investorz' Blog said:

Sustainable PF said:

When I see someone say "buy and hold!  but then sell!" ya, i'll call that a garbage idea.  Buy and Hold is a investing strategy where you KEEP your stocks.  So you post that a good strategy is to "buy and hold, but also sell" – it ISN'T BUY AND HOLD.

Then, when you reply with a single phrase flippant response (like you do on these forums – thanks for ALL the value added thus far Tony) to the fact that buy and hold means HOLD – yes, i'll tell you to get a thicker skin if you want to write nonsense/garbage 100% contrary to the definition of a strategy.

Can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen Tony.  If you write stupid crap (also in these forums) why should I sit here and say "great point Tony!".  I won't.  Don't have to.  Instead, i'll tell you I think your spewing nonsense.  Unfortunately you often give me cause to do so.  If you don't like it, too bad – I could care less about your brilliant ideas be them buy and hold, but sell, or sell when it makes sense – or transformer movie release dates.  Or your incessant need to post new threads instead of doing a search on a topic many have found on these forums before.  Laziness and inaccuracy don't roll with me and you seem chalk full of both.  As I said, you want to play this way, you got it. 

You know what? Fine. You keep doing what you're doing, and I'll keep doing what I'm doing. One day, when your portfolio is down in the dumps, life sucks for you bud.

So you don't plan on selling? Then your profits (imaging that you have any) will just be paper profits. Not that you have a strategy yourself, of course. Don't sell! That's your strategy.

A blog for investors to learn how to invest in the financial markets. Investorz' Blog

Yakezie holiday badge contest. Click

8:27 am
October 9, 2011

The College Investor

San Diego, CA


posts 1935

Sustainable PF said:

Back to making your own deodorant post, by the gracious Miss T

Oct 7 – Article Views: 1634, Consumerist Direct Referrals: 1077 (others must have come from readers, and this

Oct 8 – Article Views: 1425, Consumerist Direct Referrals: 973

Oct 9 (10am or so) Article Views: 161, Consumerist Direct Referrals: 118

Adsense got a bit of action., not so much.

Also interesting, not to many comments on our site – most went back to the Consumerist to discuss/complain.

That is some awesome traffic!  Congrats!

Please check out The College Investor at!  This is the home of my Investing 101 Class.

Ready to Take Your Blog To The Next Level:

You can also follow on Twitter @CollegeInvestin or Facebook at…..geinvestor!

8:28 am
October 9, 2011

The College Investor

San Diego, CA


posts 1935

My Personal Finance Journey said:

Thanks for sharing those number SPF! Some of these "bigger" sites have more traffic than I can even comprehend. 

Yesterday, one of my guest posts got linked to on ( and I got over 900 hits in a matter of hours. Ridiculous! 

That is awesome traffic too!  I can't believe how much traffic these sites get as well.  Just think, if that is just who clicked to your site, imagine how many thousands more just read the article without coming over.

Please check out The College Investor at!  This is the home of my Investing 101 Class.

Ready to Take Your Blog To The Next Level:

You can also follow on Twitter @CollegeInvestin or Facebook at…..geinvestor!

9:09 am
October 9, 2011

Sustainable PF


posts 2759

Tony Chou @ Investorz' Blog said:

Sustainable PF said:

When I see someone say "buy and hold!  but then sell!" ya, i'll call that a garbage idea.  Buy and Hold is a investing strategy where you KEEP your stocks.  So you post that a good strategy is to "buy and hold, but also sell" – it ISN'T BUY AND HOLD.

Then, when you reply with a single phrase flippant response (like you do on these forums – thanks for ALL the value added thus far Tony) to the fact that buy and hold means HOLD – yes, i'll tell you to get a thicker skin if you want to write nonsense/garbage 100% contrary to the definition of a strategy.

Can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen Tony.  If you write stupid crap (also in these forums) why should I sit here and say "great point Tony!".  I won't.  Don't have to.  Instead, i'll tell you I think your spewing nonsense.  Unfortunately you often give me cause to do so.  If you don't like it, too bad – I could care less about your brilliant ideas be them buy and hold, but sell, or sell when it makes sense – or transformer movie release dates.  Or your incessant need to post new threads instead of doing a search on a topic many have found on these forums before.  Laziness and inaccuracy don't roll with me and you seem chalk full of both.  As I said, you want to play this way, you got it. 

You know what? Fine. You keep doing what you're doing, and I'll keep doing what I'm doing. One day, when your portfolio is down in the dumps, life sucks for you bud.

The simple fact you can't even work within a well defined strategy makes me wonder why people would take your "advice" at all.  If you want to buy and sell, call it that.  But to say "buy and hold, then sell!" and you still can't see why your logic is flawed, and inane, shows just what level of knowledge you have about the "buy and hold" strategy.  It is a simple strategy which you apparently can't grasp.

Am I saying buy and hold is the way to go – NO.  How about READING Tony.  Your "take" on buy/hold is what is flawed and obviously so.  As I said on PET's site, you were discussing something much closer to a value based strategy but you're still too blind to see it.  The LAST thing you were explaining is buy and hold b/c that strategy type sees the stock owner keep their stock over long periods of time, not selling it, and certainly not selling it based on the cockamamie advice that buy and hold ALSO MEANS SELL.  So yes, if I see something that I think is BAD ADVICE i'll comment as such.  At least I had the balls to comment on the site where the article was posted.  Yourself, you come to this thread to try to gain a larger audience for your *ahem* wisdom and to try to make yourself look like some sort of hot shot.  I'm over it and simply don't feel a need to put up with your "look at me everyone" nonsense any longer. 

Visit us at Sustainable Personal Finance

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9:10 am
October 9, 2011

Sustainable PF


posts 2759

My Personal Finance Journey said:

Thanks for sharing those number SPF! Some of these "bigger" sites have more traffic than I can even comprehend. 

Yesterday, one of my guest posts got linked to on ( and I got over 900 hits in a matter of hours. Ridiculous! 


We've been so busy w/ lil' SPF I didn't even know we'd been linked to for about 2 hours and we had hundreds of visits by then!

Visit us at Sustainable Personal Finance

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7:38 pm
October 9, 2011

Hunter @financiallyc

Virginia Beach


posts 707

Post edited 6:21 am – October 10, 2011 by Hunter @financiallyc

The Consumerist is a powerhouse platform, kudos on those great numbers. It's really exciting to get a bump like that.

8:10 pm
October 9, 2011

The Single Saver


posts 689

@Tony, I love good debate as much as anyone, but perhaps in this case it should be taken to a separate thread or to your respective sites (or via email) so as to not hijack this thread.  It is easy to get sucked into the heat of battle in public forums (trust me, I know!  Smile) but in the end sometimes it is better to take the conversation private and work out any disagreements there.  I've been in a similar situation and trust me, the strategy works.  Good luck!


And again, congrats to Miss T and SPF!

The Single (and Small Family) Saver

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