I sometimes forget just how many folks look at regular printed media, TV and such as compared to Blog Readers, but I was reminded of this power this week.
Rob Carrick who writes for the Globe and Mail (national paper in Canada), mentioned 1 post of mine on his on-line list of interesting blog posts (I don't think he mentioned it in print), and my readership numbers quardupled for 2 or 3 days (they have settled back down to my regular level). This astounds me that there is that many folks out there reading.
Sunday Banking post was the article I wrote, that I thought wasn't that interesting, but holy cow it got read a lot (and I got some astounding comments from folks accusing me of being some kind of neo-fascist who was trying to tell them when they could bank). The article simply points out that you can do most of your banking on line, why do you need to go to a branch?
Oh well, it was nice while it lasted.