User | Post |
9:13 am April 23, 2013
| Dr. Jason Cabler
| | Hendersonville/Nashville, TN | |
| Member | posts 68 | 
Hi all,
I'm considering submitting a speaking proposal for FinCon13 on Faith and Finance. Any suggestions as to specifics of what I should cover?
What would you like to hear about when it comes to the subjects of faith, finance, and blogging?
8:24 pm May 3, 2013
| Dr. Jason Cabler
| | Hendersonville/Nashville, TN | |
| Member | posts 68 | 
Anyone? (crickets chirping).
Is there anyone going to FinCon that's interested in any faith related financial topics?
There is a group of us that would like to present a session but we'd like to get feedback to see if there is any interest in the topic, and if so, what would you like to hear about?
2:00 pm May 4, 2013
| Budgeting in the Fun Stuff
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| Member
| posts 3048 | 
Sorry, I was raised Catholic but drifted away from religion for the last 15 years.
5:36 am May 6, 2013
| Greg @ ThriftGenuity
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| Member | posts 61 | 
I think that the topic of giving both in donations and volunteering while building your wealth and/or paying off debt could be an interesting discussion.
10:55 am May 6, 2013
| Dr. Jason Cabler
| | Hendersonville/Nashville, TN | |
| Member | posts 68 | 
Thanks Greg,
Sounds like that might interest a few people.
5:03 pm May 7, 2013
| saverocity
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| Member | posts 88 | 
How about if you are trying to time the market you better be on good terms with the man upstairs or you'll likely fail?
9:14 am May 8, 2013
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| Member | posts 407 | 
I think you should approach the concept of stewardship with your blog AND your money. The idea of being God's account manager in your personal life, and how that relates to managing your money as well as your time and efforts in the blogging world.