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9:48 pm September 28, 2011
| NetWorthProtect
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| Member | posts 67 | 
Due to my job I am forced to be anonymous, which makes it harder to use social networking, particularly Facebook to build my network. Anyone have any idea on how to tap into my personal network without crossing the line?
10:16 pm September 28, 2011
| Sandy @ yesiamcheap
| | New York, NY | |
| Member | posts 802 | 
I'm anon and so are lots of others. I didn't start a Facebook page until maybe 3 weeks ago? It didn't matter and wasn't needed for growth. You can still be "you" in your blog. My blog is all about me and has 100% of my personality. You don't need a name or a face to have a particular personality and to be able to convey that to your readers. I'd guess that my regular readers read in part to the post and in part to my writing style and personality.
Don't think that anonymity holds you back.
10:30 pm September 28, 2011
| MaximizingMoney
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| Guest
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You could maybe just create like a persona for your facebook account and other social network accounts, and even your blog.
That would allow you to remain anonymous, but yet still be a person on the social networks.
Like you could just create a nickname or just use your first name, and then create an avatar for your image or character.
You can remain anonymous, but still sort of have an online persona to be social with.
There are some pretty popular bloggers that do this I believe.
Now, if you're trying to tap into your personal connections that already know, then yes, you won't be able to just switch your facebook image and fool anybody, but if you start a new account for your persona, that would probably work.
5:06 am September 29, 2011
| Glen Craig
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| posts 1087 | |
7:06 am September 29, 2011
| My Personal Finance Journey
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| Member
| posts 3159 | 
Agreed. Lots of bloggers are anonymous or go by a nickname (examples FMF, SPF, etc). I think you'll be just fine!
7:06 am September 29, 2011
| My Personal Finance Journey
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| Member
| posts 3159 | 
Agreed. Lots of bloggers are anonymous or go by a nickname (examples FMF, SPF, etc). I think you'll be just fine!
8:02 am September 29, 2011
| MyJourneytoMillions
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| Member
| posts 1012 | 
I am anonymous because of my job…your site isn't stalled because of it.
Its not even stalled you are brand new. For all intents and purposes you have been blogging for 2 months (the 2 posts in July don't count)…it takes TIME to grow. If you read through the forums people talk about a "newbie" period between 6 months and 18 months.
Blog, write and socialize on twitter because it is your hobby – if you are looking for anything else it is likely you will just quit way before you hit that threshold.
8:15 am September 29, 2011
| Buck Inspire
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| Member
| posts 1546 | 
Hi Neo,
What metric are you using to determine you have slow growth? Two months in? Your blog is too new to worry about growth. You have to use this time on building content and seeing if you can be consistent with your posting schedule. If you get too concerned with traffic, rankings, and ad money, you will quit. You being anonymous shouldn't be a concern. In fact, I find it helpful because it helps me cut loose and push my writing to areas I normally wouldn't go. I have Facebook and Twitter profiles setup for my persona, but I don't mix with my personal network. Just choose what is most comfortable for you. Good luck!
8:22 am September 29, 2011
| Sustainable PF
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| Member
| posts 2759 | 
Sandy @ yesiamcheap said:
I'm anon and so are lots of others. I didn't start a Facebook page until maybe 3 weeks ago? It didn't matter and wasn't needed for growth. You can still be "you" in your blog. My blog is all about me and has 100% of my personality. You don't need a name or a face to have a particular personality and to be able to convey that to your readers. I'd guess that my regular readers read in part to the post and in part to my writing style and personality.
Don't think that anonymity holds you back.
As husband and wife bloggers who keep their identities to themselves, 100% agree.
9:14 am September 29, 2011
| krantcents
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| Member | posts 909 | 
I feel I am only semi anonymous and I do not see any benefit either way. Despite that, I think my personal journey articles receive more traffic than others. I am reluctant to reveal too much of myself because I am semi anonymous. So this can be a double edged sword!
10:16 am September 29, 2011
| Shannyn
| | Chicago, IL | |
| Member | posts 261 | 
Blogging anonymous isn't bad at all! You can start a FB fan page for your blog and "post to facebook as page" and your blog name will pop up in lieu of your name. My personal FB is kept separate from my Fan Page for the blog and when I post, nobody sees my real name (though I'm public on the blog itself).
Blogging anon takes some thought and mindfulness but it doesn't hold you back as long as you let your personality shine through w/o the name being included! I know JMoney from BudgetsAreSexy among others has been just fine- he's even doing things with LoveDrop and is in videos, etc. and while I'm sure people in his real life recognize him, he keeps his online audience from connecting the dots I'm sure!
Don't worry too much- be yourself!
10:36 am September 29, 2011
| The College Investor
| | San Diego, CA | |
| Admin
| posts 1935 | 
I'm semi-anonymous as well. Most of my friends and family already know about my sites and they support, which is great. I do feel that to take it to the next level, it does remove a bit of the anonymity.
7:44 pm September 29, 2011
| NetWorthProtect
| | |
| Member | posts 67 | 
All, thanks for the encouragement! I think I am a little too caught up in the metrics and that is messing with my head a bit. I really like the writing, commenting and interacting with others. I am going to try to focus on creativity and meeting people through my "alter-ego" (Neo) and stop worrying about not being able to tap my personal network.
You guys are right, 2 full months of blogging is not enough to judge my success…
Thanks all and if you are interested in winning $75 cash take a shot at winning my logo competition:…..mpetition/
8:27 am October 3, 2011
| MissThrifty
| | UK | |
| Member | posts 46 | 
I started out as an anonymous blogger. It's true that people do like to put a face to a name, but there are ways around it. Hence my pic here on the left!
I "outed" myself gradually (mostly as a result of national media requests, tbh) and, when my blog was redesigned last year, stuck a proper photo of myself up for the first time. But I still use the 'toon as my avatar on here & on Twitter etc., as people recognise and know it.
10:32 am October 3, 2011
| Miss T @ Prairie Eco-Thrifter
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| Member
| posts 2213 | 
Sandy @ yesiamcheap said:
I'm anon and so are lots of others. I didn't start a Facebook page until maybe 3 weeks ago? It didn't matter and wasn't needed for growth. You can still be "you" in your blog. My blog is all about me and has 100% of my personality. You don't need a name or a face to have a particular personality and to be able to convey that to your readers. I'd guess that my regular readers read in part to the post and in part to my writing style and personality.
Don't think that anonymity holds you back.
I agree. Just use an alias and you can take advantage of all of the networking opportunities.