User | Post |
9:06 pm October 28, 2013
| Edward Antrobus
| | Fort Collins, CO | |
| Member
| posts 1008 | 
First off, let me put this out there: has anyone else experienced a huge change in traffic over the past few days? The floor really fell out from under me recently. Over the last three days, I've had fewer pageviews than I did on Friday.
Paired with this is the fact that my domain is up for renewal in a few weeks. Even before the issue with my traffic started, I had been questioning if I should even bother.
I remember commenting once that before I started blogging, I had a life. I had free time. I could read, watch tv, try new recipes, crochet, and play the occasional video game. Now, I can't remember the last time I played a video game. I pretty much seem to do two things these days: work and blog.
And I don't have much to show for it. Affiliate income has been negligible with AdSense not much better. Private advertising has dried up completely. So a lot of work and not much to show for it. In short, I'm feeling burnt out. And now I'm struggling with the decision over whether to just quit and have free time again or try to muddle through it.
I'm looking for editors, beta-readers, and some demographic research for my upcoming novel, Once Upon a Saturn Moon. If you like reading soft sci-fi thrillers, maybe with a touch of romance thrown in, you can find more information at…..aturn-moon
If You Can Read, You Can Cook – | Think you can't cook? If you can read this sentence, then you can.
SEAM Publishing – | eBook formatting and publishing service
12:31 am October 29, 2013
| maria@moneyprinciple
| | Manchester, UK | |
| Member | posts 679 | 
Hi Edward,
sorry to hear this. At the same time, I probably can say that I know how you feel: it is hard.
I have not had negative change in traffic; quite the reverse. The rest, well, income is not as good as it was couple of months ago but we all know this varies greatly.
You are the only one who can decide whether to give up; my feeling is that this will depend on you answering two questions:
1) Why do you blog?
2) Have you been doing this right?
3) What can you do to get more effect for your effort?
Of course, whether you get to ask Q2&3 depends on your answer to the first one.
If I were you, though, I'd just take a break and decide where my future is.
5:35 am October 29, 2013
| Edward Antrobus
| | Fort Collins, CO | |
| Member
| posts 1008 | 
Well, I started blogging to talk about my job search. I eventually changed focus to personal finance to join Yakezie ; it sounded like a neat idea.
The answer to the second question is apparently no, but I can't figure out what it is that I'm doing wrong.
Because I'm not going to want to renew my domain if I'm quitting, I feel like I should answer this question within the next two weeks.
I'm looking for editors, beta-readers, and some demographic research for my upcoming novel, Once Upon a Saturn Moon. If you like reading soft sci-fi thrillers, maybe with a touch of romance thrown in, you can find more information at…..aturn-moon
If You Can Read, You Can Cook – | Think you can't cook? If you can read this sentence, then you can.
SEAM Publishing – | eBook formatting and publishing service
6:47 am October 29, 2013
| Little House
| | |
| Member | posts 652 | 
I'm sorry to hear you're feeling discouraged, Edward. I really enjoy reading your blog and it would be a loss to the PF community if you decided to quit. As for your thoughts, I feel your pain. However, with anything, there are ups and downs. I think the number one question is, do you enjoy writing/blogging? If the answer is yes, then I'd give it more time.
I've been blogging for over 4 years. My traffic has grown steadily, but it hasn't soared like other blogs. I make a little money each month, but it's a pittance compared to what others make as well. But I continue because I really do enjoy writing and the support and comments I receive from my readers. I might never blog full-time, but I'm okay with that. I think in your case, it really boils down to, can you keep doing this if your blog grows slowly, but steadily over time?
Good luck, Edward. Let us know what you decide.
4:43 pm October 29, 2013
| debtroundup
| | Raleigh | |
| Member | posts 190 | 
Hey Edward,
Debt Roundup is my fifth blog since I started years ago. I know what you are going through. There is a time when you understand that you really aren't making strides like you thought you would. When I got to those points, I would think long and hard about why I started blogging. It seems to me that you just switched to personal finance because you thought joining the challenge would be fun.
As I mentioned on my site about closing down my profitable business, when you realize that the blog has taken over your life and is affecting it, then it might be time to move on. There are more important things in life than burning your fingers to the bone on a blog.
Since domain renewals are cheap, why don't you take some time to think about it and let the blog stay around. Step away, do things that you enjoy and think about why you continue to blog, not why you started. Visions change and it might not matter why you started, but why you are still doing it. Good luck!
5:09 pm October 29, 2013
| RootofGood
| | North Carolina | |
| Member | posts 47 | 
Could you simply renew and let it go mostly inactive? My hosting is no more than $60-80/yr, and I get way more adsense revenue than that in a year.
Maybe consider cutting back the time commitment? Post 1x a week, and limit yourself to a couple hours networking each week (swear it off besides Tuesday and Saturday evenings for example).
If the money isn't there and you don't like doing it anymore, then why are you doing it?
8:35 pm October 29, 2013
| Money Counselor
| | |
| Member | posts 233 | 
Edward, I feel your pain. I don't have any words of wisdom other than few have said on their death bed that they wish they'd spent more time blogging. 
I think you need to parse your feelings. Are you discouraged because your blog's visits and economic success aren't what you want, or are you discouraged because you're tired of blogging?
If the latter, time to move on to something more fun and rewarding for you!
If the former, perhaps a makeover is in order, preceded by doing your best to answer the sort of questions Maria proposed.
Regardless of your choice, I wish you the best!
7:55 am October 30, 2013
| Squirrelers
| | |
| Member | posts 986 | 
I vote for renewing, and then if you need to take a break you can do so. Why throw a way a good blog that people like, because you're burned out at the moment?
6:15 am November 1, 2013
| Jackie
| | |
| Member | posts 664 | 
I would at least renew your domain name, and back up your entire blog (contents + database) in case you want to restart in the future or use your domain for something else.
2:26 pm November 2, 2013
| Barbara Friedberg
| | |
| Member
| posts 1302 | 
My thoughts, take a break and do nothing. No pressure. Give yourself a break.
Then reevaluate later.
Best of luck.
Oh, and a question for the masses???? Who hasn't thought of throwing in the towel?
7:04 pm November 2, 2013
| RootofGood
| | North Carolina | |
| Member | posts 47 | 
Barbara Friedberg said:
My thoughts, take a break and do nothing. No pressure. Give yourself a break.
Then reevaluate later.
Best of luck.
Oh, and a question for the masses???? Who hasn't thought of throwing in the towel?
I haven't. Not yet anyway. Of course I'm on day 53 of blogging.
9:36 pm November 2, 2013
| ConsumerFu
| | |
| Member | posts 48 | 
I don't know any blogger who hasn't gone through this. It really can take a good while to build a profitable site and if you're like me, there has to be more to it than the money. Maybe ask yourself if earning a solid income on the site would make a difference. If not, then you may have your answer.
I'd definitely hang onto the domain name and keep a copy of your database and site files.
4:47 pm November 9, 2013
| Edward Antrobus
| | Fort Collins, CO | |
| Member
| posts 1008 | 
After giving it careful consideration, I decided to sell my personal finance blog. I'm one of the authors for Penny Thots, so I won't be gone from PF writing entirely, but I think this is the best path for me to take.
Thank you for everyone's support.
I'm looking for editors, beta-readers, and some demographic research for my upcoming novel, Once Upon a Saturn Moon. If you like reading soft sci-fi thrillers, maybe with a touch of romance thrown in, you can find more information at…..aturn-moon
If You Can Read, You Can Cook – | Think you can't cook? If you can read this sentence, then you can.
SEAM Publishing – | eBook formatting and publishing service
5:00 pm November 9, 2013
| Eliza Cross
| | |
| Member | posts 164 | 
Edward, I'm glad you'll be continuing to post on Penny Thots. You have been a real contributor here, and congratulations on making the decision about your blog that feels right to you.