User | Post |
5:13 pm March 9, 2013
| moolamind
| | Meridian, ID | |
| Member | posts 50 | 
I just learned about the social metrics plugin from another topic in the forum, and I thought I (and possibly others) might be missing out on more helpful plugins.
What other plugins are helpful for you guys?
Here's one we use. It's called "Mailchimp Comment Plugin" and it adds a little subscribe check box under the comment box so people can subscribe to your list as they comment.
Looking forward to your suggestions…
6:22 pm March 9, 2013
| Edward Antrobus
| | Fort Collins, CO | |
| Member
| posts 1008 | 
Well, I guess it all depends on what you want to do. I consider W3 Total Cache, WP-DB Manager, and Wordpress SEO must haves that I have installed on all of my sites. Aside for that, I use Zemanta to add links and images to my posts, Broken Link Checker to find links that have broken so I can fix or remove them, Tweetily to periodically tweet older posts, WP Popular Posts Tool to generate the list of popular posts in my sidebar,
Complete list:
- Adsense Extreme
- Akismet
- Broken Link Checker
- CommentLuv
- Efficient Related Posts
- Growmap Anti-Spambot Plugin (I hate the checkbox, but finally had to break down when my spam filter was starting to fill up with 100+ per day)
- No Self Pings
- Related Posts & Images By Zemanta
- Revision Cleaner
- Shareaholic
- Social Media Widget
- Tweetily
- W3 Total Cache
- Web Ninja Google Analytics
- What Would Seth Godin Do
- Wordpress Backup to Dropbox
- Wordpress Editorial Calendar
- Wordpress SEO
- WP-DB Manager
- WP-Popular Posts Tool
- WP Missed Schedule
That list is a bit longer than it should be, but most of them are back-end plugins so they shouldn't affect my page loading time.
I'm looking for editors, beta-readers, and some demographic research for my upcoming novel, Once Upon a Saturn Moon. If you like reading soft sci-fi thrillers, maybe with a touch of romance thrown in, you can find more information at…..aturn-moon
If You Can Read, You Can Cook – | Think you can't cook? If you can read this sentence, then you can.
SEAM Publishing – | eBook formatting and publishing service
10:10 am March 10, 2013
| sooverthis
| | Kentucky | |
| Moderator
| posts 1041 | 
Post edited 10:11 am – March 10, 2013 by sooverthis
Just wanted to mention that Broken Link Checker (while awesome) should be deactivated when you aren't using it – it slows down page load times a LOT. I activate mine once a week or so, then wait 15 minutes and check for broken links. Once I'm done, I deactivate it again.
My other must haves:
- WP Super Cache (W3TC has a lot of compatibility issues in my experience)
- Gravity Forms
- StatCounter
- WP Optimize
- Wordfence Security
- WP
- Widget Logic
- All in One SEO
2:33 pm March 10, 2013
| Edward Antrobus
| | Fort Collins, CO | |
| Member
| posts 1008 | 
Thanks for the tip about BLC, I do struggle with page load times for my food blog.
I'm looking for editors, beta-readers, and some demographic research for my upcoming novel, Once Upon a Saturn Moon. If you like reading soft sci-fi thrillers, maybe with a touch of romance thrown in, you can find more information at…..aturn-moon
If You Can Read, You Can Cook – | Think you can't cook? If you can read this sentence, then you can.
SEAM Publishing – | eBook formatting and publishing service
12:52 am March 11, 2013
| Objective Wealth
| | UK | |
| Member | posts 71 | 
I would never have known that about Broken Link Checker, what a good tip.
Some simple plugins I think are worthy of including are: Wordpress Editorial Calendar, Publish Confirmation and Ad Injection.
4:42 am March 11, 2013
| MoneyBeagle
| | |
| Member
| posts 1466 | 
sooverthis said:
Just wanted to mention that Broken Link Checker (while awesome) should be deactivated when you aren't using it – it slows down page load times a LOT. I activate mine once a week or so, then wait 15 minutes and check for broken links. Once I'm done, I deactivate it again.
I actually keep meaning to do this and just added a task to do this today (the Broken Link Checker deactivation). I've played with the server load settings which does seem to help, but probably just running it once in a while would be good too.
7:18 am March 11, 2013
| Frugal Confessions
| | Houston, TX | |
| Member
| posts 1622 | 
Thank you for that tip Andrea! I use that plugin, but keep it running all of the time.
Also, does it have a search function or something? I had Jesse put in my signature code automatically on all of my new/old posts, then do a code to take out the manual code. Unfortunately, in internet explorer at least I see a boxed "x" where the code used to be and I'd like to clean that up.
9:27 am March 11, 2013
| moolamind
| | Meridian, ID | |
| Member | posts 50 | 
Thanks for the responses. I too use broken link checker and didn't know that, and when you host with godaddy, you can't spare any extra load time ;)
Lot of plugins to go through here. Thanks for the full lists!
9:51 am March 11, 2013
| This That And The MBA
| | |
| Member | posts 240 | 
I had w3tc but it messed up my thesis theme part of the reason i am on genesis now. I use wp supercache and it is easy to configure and so far so good.
2:18 pm March 11, 2013
| debtroundup
| | Raleigh | |
| Member | posts 190 | 
I just want to comment on this regarding plugins. Make sure to be careful with outdated and old plugins. These make it much easier for people to hack your blog. Old plugins are using old wordpress security practices. When they are not updated, they can easily be exploited to gain entrance into your blog or inject bad code into your sql databases. I just figured I would let you know.
2:29 pm March 11, 2013
| Eliza Cross
| | |
| Member | posts 164 | 
Thanks to everyone for sharing your lists, and to Jake for starting a great topic. Two more of my faves I'll add to the list:
Backup Buddy – for weekly backups
WP Biographia – adds your bio and social media buttons at the end of your posts. If configured correctly and connected to your Google+ page, your photo shows up on Google search.
4:13 am March 12, 2013
| MoneyBeagle
| | |
| Member
| posts 1466 | 
debtroundup said:
I just want to comment on this regarding plugins. Make sure to be careful with outdated and old plugins. These make it much easier for people to hack your blog. Old plugins are using old wordpress security practices. When they are not updated, they can easily be exploited to gain entrance into your blog or inject bad code into your sql databases. I just figured I would let you know.
Good point. Wordpress will show you the version of your plugins, they should also show the last updated date so that you can easily see at a glance what plugins have not been updated in a while.