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12:12 am September 24, 2012
| retireby40
| | USA | |
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| posts 1381 |
At FinCon, we found out that most bloggers are not doing a good job with Facebook and we all need to do better.
I'm trying to do more on Facebook, but I haven't seen much impact yet.
- post more pictures
- post more personal status updates
- ?
Any of you guys getting good traffic from Facebook? Any tips?
JD Roth is doing a great job on Facebook. I really like his status updates.
Twitter on the other hand is more useful for keeping up with blogger friends.
I get about the same amount of referral from Facebook and Twitter. Facebook visitors spend a bit more time on the site.
5:26 am September 24, 2012
| Sustainable PF
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I am awful with Facebook. Even my personal account – not a big fan of FB. Our site traffic from Twitter is far greater than it is FB.
5:41 am September 24, 2012
| MoneyBeagle
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| posts 1466 |
I have 58 likes on Facebook and over 1250 followers on Twitter. Even when I do update Facebook or promote it somehow, I can still get 10 Twitter followers for every new Facebook like. With limited time to dedicate to building my social media, I would rather not slow down the Twitter growth for the sake of maybe getting a few more likes. Meaning that by and large my Facebook presence is non-existant.
If there's a better way other than trying to dedicate more time (which I really don't have) or paying someone to manage (which isn't ideal), I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.
8:25 am September 24, 2012
| Jennifer Lynn
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| Member | posts 100 | |
Social media promotion can be overwhelming! I'd rather sacrifice Facebook for Twitter and promoting others at this point. If my blog swells, I'll be outsourcing a Facebook fan page most likely. Props to bloggers who can successfully handle all this.
Broke-Ass Mommy
…first-time Mommy with a passion for saving, personal finance and investing
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9:04 am September 24, 2012
| retireby40
| | USA | |
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| posts 1381 |
I think if you don't have time to do it, then it's probably not worth it.
Keep in mind that successful bloggers like Rami Sethi and JD Roth poopoo the whole social media promotion.
I have about 2x twitter followers than facebook fans and I get about the same traffic from both.
Facebook seems like such a missed opportunity though…
5:40 pm September 24, 2012
| LaTisha @YoungFinances
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Photos work really well on Facebook. They show up more on the news feed and often get more clicks.
6:04 pm September 24, 2012
| Aloysa
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| Member | posts 910 | |
Twitter is all the way for me. I get traffic, I made some great friends, people from Twitter who spent quite a bit on my site, I talk and interact. I just love Twitter. FB never did it for me. It is okay but I'd rather be tweeting. :)
Creator of:
6:20 pm September 24, 2012
| AverageJoe
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| Member | posts 259 |
I was at the same Wisebread discussion at FinCon that Joe referenced above. Looking at the data that was presented, I believe Facebook can be far better than Twitter, but it's frustrating. I've begged people to like me on Facebook and they don't come (well, I take that back…we've gone from 7 to 57 in the last three months….heck yeah!!!!! /sarcasm). Now, when I post something on Facebook, only about 15 people actually see the message/pic/whatever. Because nobody gets it, hardly anyone "likes" it or "shares" it, so Facebook sends LESS people my next post…..
I've been trying to post pictures, funny financial stories, and ask questions…but I'm starting to believe I just don't have a big enough audience for anything to work yet.
7:39 pm September 24, 2012
| Sandy @ yesiamcheap
| | New York, NY | |
| Member | posts 802 |
Perhaps I am in the minority. I have 9x more Twitter users than Facebook users. I've had a Twitter account for almost a year longer than a Facebook account.
Facebook has sent 100 more visitors to my blog than Twitter for all time. Twitter takes more time and effort than Facebook. I literally post a link when I publish and then maybe a random fact or two between posts and that's it.
I do like interacting on Twitter, but my Facebook community gets a much bigger bang for the buck, er effort. Make your Facebook page visually appealing and it will work for you. I've been approached for reality shows through my Facebook account. Don't neglect it!
9:11 am September 25, 2012
| TightFistedMiser
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| Member | posts 361 |
I have a lot of room for improvement on both, but I get a lot more traffic from Twitter than Facebook. Since I also put more effort into Twitter that isn't too surprising. Improving my Facebook page isn't a priority for me.
9:21 am September 25, 2012
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Facebook is my biggest referrer after search. Mostly because when my wife writes, she'll post about it and she has an amazing network of friends online.
I haven't been able to put a ton of time into social media, but I think the most important thing is the interactions. I feel that Facebook has a MUCH better opportunity for this than twitter.
12:25 pm September 25, 2012
| Financial Samurai
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| posts 1803 |
I'm pretty bad w/ FB in general. Like Twitter much better b/c it is faster.
I would actually rather spend all the time used over Social Media writing and having a discussion on my own site.
Financial Samurai - Helping you achieve financial freedom sooner, rather than later.
Yakezie Network Founder
12:25 pm September 25, 2012
| Financial Samurai
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| posts 1803 |
I'm pretty bad w/ FB in general. Like Twitter much better b/c it is faster.
I would actually rather spend all the time used over Social Media writing and having a discussion on my own site.
Financial Samurai - Helping you achieve financial freedom sooner, rather than later.
Yakezie Network Founder
12:55 pm September 25, 2012
| Money Counselor
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I find Twitter more useful, fun, and engaging. Like you Joe, I don't seem to get much traction from Facebook, and I have to say I don't particularly enjoy "facebooking" (which probably means I haven't put enough energy into it to really judge its potential for Money Counselor). Twitter just feels to me more creative and dynamic.
2:26 pm September 25, 2012
| ontargetcoach
| | Los Angeles, CA | |
| Member | posts 107 |
I'm shutting down both and only using G+…
Twitter is my hub, but get a bit of traffic from FB too with the little promotion I do. I Use Buffer or Hootsuite and post the same content to FB, but don't spend more than 5 minutes on FB.
5:53 pm September 25, 2012
| Sandy @ yesiamcheap
| | New York, NY | |
| Member | posts 802 |
Post edited 5:57 pm – September 25, 2012 by Sandy @ yesiamcheap
How well are your Facebook pages designed? Do you have a "like" box on your site? I don't Facebook much but bout 1/3 of my followers see my posts. That's pretty decent. Since Twitter is so fleeting, what are the odds that your followers see that? Don't get me wrong, I'm a Twitteraholic. ;)
Anyway, I think you need to put as much thought into the initial design/feel of your Facebook page and then just leave it alone. I post on there once, maybe twice per week and like I said, it gets decent traffic.
Now on to Pinterest!
9:04 am September 26, 2012
| Gen Y Finance Journey
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| Member | posts 69 | |
In real life I like FB much better than Twitter, but for blogging purposes I like Twitter better. Since I blog anonymously (for now at least), I find it really hard to promote my FB page because it's linked to my personal account. Networking on Twitter is just easier because I have an entirely separate account for my blog.
What I do is link Twitter to FB, so all my Twitter posts get posted on my FB page as well. So if someone other than my mom does happen to look at my FB page, at least there's something there.
7:56 pm September 26, 2012
| 20s Finances
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I am going to make a better effort to utilize facebook. It is a great thing for building community and I have undoubtedly SUCKED when it comes to getting traffic from there. I literally get more traffic from technorati than facebook.
I tried Latisha's idea of using photos today and it actually worked. I think I had 8-10 people come visit just so far. Not bad at all!
3:40 pm September 27, 2012
| First Million is the Hardest
| | Buffalo, NY | |
| Member | posts 119 |
I like Twitter better than Facebook. Mainly because Twitter is much more interactive & easier to spread links around. I find getting Facebook likes is too hard (for me at least) and now with some of FB's changes its not even guaranteed that all your FB posts are being seen by those who like your page.
RB40, you mention JD Roth and Ramit poopoo'ing promotion thru social media, but I'd wager a guess that each of them had already built a very large audience before FB and Twitter really "exploded"
6:26 pm September 27, 2012
| jaicatalano
| | New York | |
| Member | posts 846 |
I make pretty good money off of FB. My fan base has grown faster and faster so I would say FB hands down.