User | Post |
10:19 pm May 24, 2012
| FI Fighter
| | |
| Member | posts 53 |
I started the Yakezie challenge in early May, and my Alexa rating was originally over 6 million. I am happy to report that it has dropped to under 1,000,000 today! The global ranking is now: 976,619. I know, I know, the rating system doesn't mean much, or tell all, but it's a great feeling, nonetheless
Thanks everyone for all the support!!
3:58 am May 25, 2012
| Hank Coleman
| | North Carolina | |
| Member | posts 363 |
Great job! Keep at it. It will start to get harder as you get lower and lower.
4:29 am May 25, 2012
| Lance at Money Life and More
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| Member | posts 160 |
Congrats! I recently passed this barrier too and unfortunately it has slowed down since. Now to 200,000!
7:21 am May 25, 2012
| AverageJoe
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| Member | posts 259 |
Great job. It's fun to watch that baby drop every day.
I miss the days when my Alexa would drop 25k in a day.
12:40 pm May 28, 2012
| Shilpan
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| Member | posts 126 |
Congrats! You are on your way to the 200K milestone.
4:25 am May 29, 2012
| Call Me What You Want Even Cheap
| | Toronto, Canada | |
| Member | posts 121 |
Congratulations, I just dipped below one million today!
6:24 am May 29, 2012
| jaicatalano
| | New York | |
| Member | posts 846 |
200k here you come.
10:00 am May 29, 2012
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| Member | posts 407 |
Woohoo! Seems like you're really gaining some traction. Keep up the good work!
12:02 pm June 11, 2012
| Brilliant Finances
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| Member | posts 23 |
I just dropped below 1,000,000 today on Alexa. Whoohoo! 994,017 I started in the challenge on May 18 with 4,914,165.
12:04 pm June 11, 2012
| Brilliant Finances
| | |
| Member | posts 23 |
Oh sorry, I got so excited I forgot to say congrats to all the others who have achieved this milestone. Keep up the good work y'all.