Post edited 6:51 am – July 12, 2012 by Financial Conflict Coach
I recently decided to put my broadcasting background to better use on my site by creating the Financial Conflict Coach Show- a video show where I talk about Personal Finance and Dispute Resolution topics.

The first few episodes of the show are just me talking about different subjects. However, now that I'm used to the tech, I want to transition the show into an interview format.
So, I want to give you- my Yakezie friends- an opportunity to be a guest on the show. Many of you are true experts (whether you feel comfortable admitting it or not) on personal finance subjects and your stories and experiences would definitely resonate with my audience.
This is the best way I can promote members/challengers of the Yakezie network.
I use either GoToMeeting or Spreecast to record the interviews- so all you need is a webcam & mic (or at the very least a mic). And it only takes about an hour. You'll have the chance to share your website, the products/services you offer and any other projects you'd like to promote or discuss.
For those of you who blog anonymously…you can still do an interview!!!! We can do an audio only interview- where I use a screenshot of your logo or website instead of the recorded video to protect your identity. And if you're concerned about someone you know somehow recognizing your voice- we can always discuss options for altering the way your voice sounds.
I plan to debut the new interview format in August and am recording several episodes over the next couple of weeks to get it off to a good start with one or two new interviews posted each week.
If you'd like to be considered- please email me (my email address is in my signature below) or use the contact form on my website.
Let me know if you have any questions about the show or my request!