Hi everyone,
It may seem like it, but the aim of this post isn't to boast. Instead, it is to give a HUGE thank you to all the Yakezie community.
In the past week, I have hit the following targets:
* I have been accepted as a Yakezie member – check out my Yakezie member post (sorry, its a bit long…)
* I've passed 1000 followers on twitter
* I've passed 200 likes on facebook
* I made my 150th post on moneystepper
* I passed below the 100k alexa ranking, thereby completing my Yakezie Challenge (in fact, I did this last week, but was too scared to announce it until I'd fallen below 100k for an entire week!!).
All of this is due to the support of you guys. 
So, thanks again.
On the 17th August last year (8 months ago), my Alexa ranking was 6,370,389. Today, it is currently at 86,653.
I hope this can act as motivation to any other new members to the forums, especially if you are struggling with your Alexa rank. Its a great community we have here. If we work hard, make the most of the experience of others and continue helping each other – we'll all go far!!